god, i hope so

@eddiestommy / eddiestommy.tumblr.com

«we're the revolution that's been singing in the rain» 👻
hayden mae • this is a sideblog my writing • film and tv • tracking #tuserhayden


  • this is a sideblog, i follow from @niallschesthair
  • 27 || they/he/she || bisexual || kink connoisseur and former sex worker || 18+
  • i mostly post supernatural, the mcu, stranger things, it and other stephen king stuff. going through a 911 hyperfixation lately
  • i'm autistic and make posts about relating my autism to several fictional characters. if you don't agree that's okay, but please don't police my headcanons or the way i express my autism.

wait, so all this time i've used bookmarks as a way to save all my favourite fics and fics i reread recently but i've just found out some people use them as a to be read list so now i'm curious...


Do you ever just think about Tommy hearing all the batshit things that happen at the 118 (news travels fast in the LAFD after all [do you think Tommy is the gossip monger of Harbor Station]) either through the grapevine or through Howie, and hearing how the 118 is just this tight knit group who will always go to bat for one another? Do you think about him getting the call from Chim and thinking to himself - Yeah, I'm gonna throw in with All That Stupid bc he's maybe a little bitter he missed the start of it? Do you ever think about how he was like, kicking his feet a little, ecstatic to be the one to swoop in and save Hen from herself ("I'll have words." "Thought you'd be a little more grateful.") meanwhile he's got a gleeful little smile on his face. Do you ever think about how quickly he made a friend after joining the 118 in their craziness, and how he immediately jumped into that friendship headfirst, getting to know his buddies kid and hitting up an acquaintance for ringside seats to a bout.

Do you ever think about how his co-workers and some of the guys from other stations who FULLY GOSSIP ABOUT THE 118 are like:

Tommy. Tommy how did you get three of them to come to this game. WHY are they all here? Tommy. What if the curse is contagious. Tommy Tommy Tommy WHO BROUGHT THE LINEBACKER??? JFC.

Do you ever think about how like, less than a month later Tommy's got a new bestie and he's being dropped off in full gear after fighting on a fire line for HOURS because he promised an adorable man he'd try his hardest to make it?

Do you ever think about a bunch of exhausted firefighters dropping him off giving him So Much Shit but also like, peeking around the corner to see him off bc like Tommy's cool but he's also kind of a dork and they wanna see what type-a man gets him stupid enough to join an impromptu HOSPITAL WEDDING still in his turnouts. Also they're pretty sure he is Inviting The Curse into his life so they're not actually gonna go in and be exposed to it.

Do you ever think about how Tommy's life just became infinitely more complicated and beautiful and full bc Hen had a hunch she wouldn't let go of?


The Ultimate Treasure Hunt


When the opportunity to go on another treasure hunt comes up for the 118, they all join together for the adventure. However, this hunt may be life changing for a certain member of the team.

disclaimer: I have never been to California, so I'm sure a lot of the information here is wrong, although I used google to the best of my ability. Please suspend disbelief (as we do each week while watching 911) and, if you see something wrong... no you didn't. Also, there's a dose of everyone in this fic, but it is mainly bucktommy. You've been warned!

Read below or on ao3 (6.1k words)

“What?!” Buck groaned, exasperated as he cracked open the door.

First, there had been a single knock on the door, which he had gladly ignored in favor of taking Tommy's shirt off.

Then there were three knocks in a row, which caused them to pause, before Tommy continued kissing his way down Buck's chest.

Finally, a rapid and endless succession of knocks had Tommy flopping down beside Buck on the bed, declaring that he gave up.

Buck grumpily grabbed his own shirt off the floor and put it on before heading downstairs.

Which led to now, a sexually frustrated Buck standing at his door with all of his coworkers staring back at him.

Every. Single. One.

Even Ravi.


Buck's favorite words

Just a little idea I couldn't get out of my head so enjoy this little ficlet 🙂


Buck isn't sure why he likes the word so much, but every time he says it, it's like sugar on his tongue. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy and like everything is right with the world.

"Sorry, I'm flattered but I'm seeing someone," Buck says to the pretty girl he's just evacuated from a 3-alarm blaze. His voice is kind but firm, a far cry from the Buck of old who might have preened at the attention.

"Oh come on, handsome hero man. Give me your number," she purrs, reaching out to touch his arm.

Her relentlessness gives Buck a little push, and he finds himself using the word for the first time in public. It rolls off his tongue easily, filling him with a quiet pride.

"Sorry, but like I said, I'm taken," he says, gently stepping back. Then, with a smile that's both apologetic and genuinely happy, he adds, "I have a boyfriend."

The word 'boyfriend' sits in the air between them, and Buck feels a warmth spread through his chest.

From then on, he finds himself saying it as often as he can, each time feeling that same warmth, that same quiet joy.

At the flower shop, where he's picking out a bouquet for his and Tommy's dinner date, the florist asks, "Do you need help picking something out for your girlfriend?"

"Boyfriend, actually," Buck replies with an easy smile. "And I'm good, thanks."

At the coffee shop, he leans on the counter, eyes scanning the pastry case. "Do you have any cranberry orange scones? My boyfriend loves them," Buck asks the barista warmly.

Later, at the bar waiting for Tommy, a pretty girl sends a drink over. Buck catches her eye, raises the glass in thanks, and then gently shakes his head. When she approaches, he's ready with a now-familiar phrase: "I'm flattered, but I have a boyfriend."

Each time he says it, 'boyfriend' feels more natural, more right. It's not just a word anymore—it's a declaration of who he is, who they are together. And Buck finds he loves that feeling almost as much as he loves Tommy.

There's nothing better than the word boyfriend. That is, until a new word takes its place.

At a restaurant, the waiter approaches with menus in hand. "Would you like to order an appetizer while you wait?"

Buck's eyes light up, a grin spreading across his face. "No thanks, my fiancé should be here soon." The word 'fiancé' rolls off his tongue like honey, sweet and perfect.

On a work call to a new gym, Buck finds himself pacing with excitement. "Wow! This place is nice. Do you have a free trial? I bet my fiancé would love to try it out." He can't help but emphasize the word, feeling a thrill every time he says it.

Later, meeting with the wedding caterers, Tommy sits right next to him, their hands intertwined. Buck squeezes Tommy's hand as he says, "No, we definitely don't want German chocolate cake. My fiancé is allergic to coconut." He glances at Tommy, catching his soft smile at the word.

With each use, 'fiancé' becomes more than just a title. It's a promise, a future, a declaration of forever. And Buck realizes that while 'boyfriend' was wonderful, 'fiancé' is magical—a constant reminder of the commitment they've made and the life they're building together.

But the magic of 'fiancé' only lasts for so long before it's also replaced with something even more profound.

At the hospital, Buck's heart races as he approaches the reception desk. "Hi, I'm Evan Kinard. I just got a call that my husband was here." The word 'husband' feels both new and familiar on his lips.

The receptionist nods reassuringly. "Oh sure, it looks like your husband has just been discharged. Just smoke inhalation and a minor concussion."

Later, at Maddie's place, Buck finds himself chuckling as Chimney and Tommy argue about movies. He turns to his sister with a grin. "I don't know whose husband is more stubborn, yours or mine."

At the 118's karaoke night, Buck takes the stage, his eyes locked on Tommy. "I'd like to dedicate this song to my husband," he announces, his voice full of love. As the opening notes of "I Can't Help Falling in Love With You" begin to play, Buck starts to sing, his voice soft and sincere. Tommy's face flushes with a mix of embarrassment and deep affection as Buck serenades him in front of their friends and colleagues.

Each time Buck says 'husband', he feels a surge of pride and love. It's more than just a word—it's a testament to their journey, their commitment, and the life they've chosen to share. And Buck knows, without a doubt, that 'husband' is his favorite word yet.

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