
une poésie indécise

@drops-of-universe / drops-of-universe.tumblr.com

She/her - 20’s

if that guy wins the election, i promise to never smile again. i promise to walk around for the rest of my entire life - long after he loses subsequent elections, grows old, dies and is consumed by the earth - with an expression of such profound sadness it makes other people angry, and if i have to bend science to my will in order to outlast and outsad, i promise to do so. i pledge my life savings to the hiring of a blimp and megaphone in order to drift over marginal electorates and call them all a cunt. i promise to use every waking hour starting fights with strangers. should that guy win the election, i vow to listen only to records released by avril lavigne, to read only twilight fanfic, to drink only drink diet soda. this i solemnly swear.


there are corners of this website where the year is still 2013. and sometimes, on beautiful nights when the veil is thin, you can find them . if you know where to look


i need a quick tutorial with examples on how to be normal and well adjusted

Anonymous asked:

The trees love you and want a hug, the willows' arms crave to hold you, Redwoods want to hold you up, showing you off.

beautiful, dead, ancient trees buried and crushed into coal and burned to pass their power to me which they could never match in beauty and deadness anyway

Anonymous asked:

nobody wants to fucking read about your ovulation and period shit.

no one is making you read about it.

or are they?


i want to be famous for making silly little playlists i want this to be my career


i texted you at 7:55, its 7:55:15. go find someone else to play with cause im not it

Anonymous asked:

If I, as a man, had your lips, I would be unstoppable.

why do you, as a man, want to have my lips? to kiss other men? gay boy

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