


The world of witch cats and other whimsical illustrations

Day 2. Plant Cat - #kattober2020 gouache and pencil

I could have gone with my usual cat behind the plant or in a pot art, but I did those a million times before, but I haven't done this (well now I did) . 😊

So here's a magical gardener cat. Look at this cute kitty, she probably has a green thumb (not like me πŸ˜† - although my new plant it still alive and well after 1 month so fingers crossed).

Also, what a coincidence that this week's #scrawlrsketch prompt is Garden Tools. 😁 I made this sketch yesterday (exept the floating tools) and this morning I saw that the prompt was garden tools so I just added them to the picture. So two prompts done with one artwork. 😁

Also, also I'm new to gouache, so there's a lot of trial and error going on while I paint these pieces.

Hope you like it. 😊


Day 1. Magical Cat - gouache and pencils

So I decided to startΒ #kattober2020Β (again πŸ˜…). I've done 2022 and 2023, but I missed out on 2020. I tryed to do some arts from the 2020 promt list last year, but I've only done two of them. So this time I have a sketchbook that has exactly 31 pages left (I did a few art in it previously and I added 2 more pages (it's spiral bound so I did my magic and I added two pages πŸ˜†)), so this time I have no excuses.

Also, I just don't like when projects, lists, ideas and sketchbooks are unfinished, so I feel I need to do this.

I probably won't be able to do these artworks daily, but you never know haha.

Hope you like this magical cat. 😊

And thank you for the prompt list @kattvalk. 😊


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