@cyle / cyle.tumblr.com


first of all, my name is pronounced like "kyle", just spelled with a C.

second of all, ⚠️ NOTE that if you are thinking of sending me an ask about some issue/bug/glitch with Tumblr you're experiencing, please submit a Support request instead. also, please look at my answers already. i don't respond to repeats.

if you find yourself here, on my blog, reading this pinned post... know that you’re in for the following content if you follow me:

  • hand-wavy meta-commentary about tumblr (because i work at tumblr, though disclaimer that any opinions about tumblr expressed here are my own and not Tumblr Official Opinions)
  • direct commentary about tumblr (i work here! though again, repeat disclaimer that any opinions about tumblr expressed here are my own and not Tumblr Official Opinions)
  • shitposts of my own making or of someone else’s making -- most likely this is what you're gonna see
  • my photography is now over here on my personal site
  • my own bleeps and bloops
  • conversations with bots on tumblr
  • very rarely, my own thoughts
  • very rarely, politics and finance stuff

and probably other things i’m forgetting.


(tried to see if you'd answered a similar question before but tumblr search is unreliable so who knows) a friend of mine has recently had their blog marked as explicit. of course, no info is given for why, and none of their actual posts are flagged. the support form didn't get a response yet. is there any better way to get in touch with staff when a blog is marked as explicit, or (as in much recent controversy) banned? last time their blog got flagged, staff restored it within a day or two. on a larger scale, it would be nice if there were more transparency into why a blog had been flagged, and then a path forward for restoring the blog. i think right now a lot of these conspiracies are able to spread because it's like a black box; why someone gets flagged/banned, why they do or don't get a response, why they do or don't get a resolution. I understand this is probably more work on the part of staff... But do you know if there's any discussion of moving more in that direction? Or any advice in the meantime?


your best bet is indeed the Support form. if you get some kind of automated reply that doesn't help you, you can always respond back and a human will look into it. please always provide details. (regardless, this never guarantees the outcome you may want, of course.)

and yes, there have been lengthy conversations and debates about how transparent we should/could be. there have been shifting positions on this for as long as tumblr has been around. recently we've been working to make our "results of your report" emails clearer about what action we took (or didn't take) based on your report, and why. small steps, but in the right direction, i think.

my personal belief is that it should always be clear and transparent why some moderation action was taken on your post, blog, account, whatever, and you should be able to appeal. luckily, there's finally some actual legislation happening to ensure there are standards for the basic expectations for platforms, such as the Digital Services Act. it's difficult to get right, but we're trying.

Anonymous asked:

Went fishing on quabbin for the first time, and while I've seen a bit of the reservoir from land, in some of the areas in which one can walk, I've never been on it in a boat before today. It's a very surreal experience to be floating above the remnants of 4 towns, especially knowing that there were people living there less than 90 years ago. A man made creation, yet so full of the natural world. Seeing the tops of hills as small islands was honestly freaky as hell. Not to mention the sheer scale of it. No photos or videos or stories could've prepared me for the actual experience. I gotta be honest, it's peak massachusetts gothic.

Official Post of Massachusetts


my grandfather lived in one of the towns under the quabbin, was always weird to hear him be like "yeah we had to move away, now it's all underwater" like he lived through the biblical flood.


sorry, I'm the one who asked about blog pagination and I mistyped some stuff, so to clarify- when I open a blog from search and go to the blog's next page, I get a URL like this: https://www.tumblr.com/(blogname)?page=2. But when I try to go to that exact URL from a new tab, it automatically removes the page= portion of it, and takes me to the blog's first page with the newest posts. So it looks like pagination is supposed to be supported, but isn't being respected? I'm aware site view(cyle.tumblr.com) can have pagination if it's in the theme, but blogview(tumblr.com/cyle) hasn't supported it for a while, to extreme detriment. So I was excited to see it again, but I'm just not sure if it's bugged, or if page= isn't supposed to be there at all.


oh, yeah, i see what you mean. actually i'm not sure if that's meant to work or not, but it feels silly that it wouldn't, since we do update the URL. i think probably the problem is that we don't use a "page" to move forward/backward, we're probably paginating by post ID or timestamp, and that's why we're ignoring it and starting over.

definitely confusing. i'd suggest filing a bug ticket for this, i bet we can make this URL actually work...


Lady Macbeth could've washed her hands properly of the blood with the help of modern solvents but the state of the petrochemical industry was in shambles


what if it was all a dream


Twitter users will not survive the winter

What do they mean it’s impossible to have conversations there’s at least three different ways to do so here

"It's impossible to have conversations there" -person coming from a website where DM'ing is now paywalled behind Twitter Blue.

"Your timeline hasn't moved in 45 minutes" Then follow people?????


skill issue


THIS is a conversation RIGHT HERE


saw the other ask and speaking of API things.... cyleee can we pretty please expose after as well as before (curse the lack of inline code formatting) to the public posts API? https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2#posts--retrieve-published-posts (inline bc the editor hates hashes in URLs apparently?)

right now there's not an easy way to get posts published since a given date, which is really annoying for archival purposes as then i need to do a full query, compare ids, and paginate.

(also much love to you and other hellsite code gremlins 🖤)


🤔 i don't see why not, other than it probably just makes the cursor behavior a little weird, unless you specify both "after" and the reverse "sort order" (ASC instead of DESC), which is another thing we have but don't expose right now. i'll see what i can do.


from my recollection the cursor actually flips by itself if the sort direction isn't specified actually, but the controller may have a default set. i definitely did that for the internal-drink-named-tool i worked on.

done! API docs on that page have been updated with "after" and "sort" options, and some notes beneath about 'em. it'll be a little bit longer before the API docs on our public github docs repo are updated.


'The Conversation' by Laurent Durieux.

Officially licensed 36" x 24" screen print on Fedrigoni Matte 250g paper, in a signed and numbered Regular edition of 350 for €85; and a signed and numbered Variant edition of 125 for €120.

On sale Friday June 14 at 7pm CET (European Time) (1pm ET) through Nautilus Art Prints.


btw every time i say 'oaaough' or some variation of that i am trying to convey this emotion


saw the other ask and speaking of API things.... cyleee can we pretty please expose after as well as before (curse the lack of inline code formatting) to the public posts API? https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2#posts--retrieve-published-posts (inline bc the editor hates hashes in URLs apparently?)

right now there's not an easy way to get posts published since a given date, which is really annoying for archival purposes as then i need to do a full query, compare ids, and paginate.

(also much love to you and other hellsite code gremlins 🖤)


🤔 i don't see why not, other than it probably just makes the cursor behavior a little weird, unless you specify both "after" and the reverse "sort order" (ASC instead of DESC), which is another thing we have but don't expose right now. i'll see what i can do.

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