
I like Dragons


23, he/they/it, cats, crows and dragons,

Ao3 hate bot is going around leaving nasty messages. If you get a comment like this mark it as spam. According to comments it seems to be going to most recent not fandom specific.

Spreading the word about this; know that if anyone sees such a comment under my username, it is 100% not me.

Fully committed to only spreading positivity on Ao3 since 2020! :)


God I am sick and tired of people uwu-washing indigenous American history.

Did the Inca have exquisite building techniques, efficient messengers, and quality waterworks? Yes. They were also an expansionist empire built on violent conquest and the splitting up and relocating of conquered peoples.

Did the Aztecs have a gorgeous capital city built at the heart of a lake, with floating farms and towering temples honoring their fascinating pantheon? Yes. Guess what tho. They were also a violent expansionist empire who practiced ritual sacrifice of prisoners of war.

The Iroquois confederacy had one of the most unique representative political systems I’ve ever heard of, with women taking a forefront in most local government matters too. But their internal peace allowed them to redirect violence to their neighbors, as so often happens with tribal confederations, and they eventually violently conquered the Ohio valley and destroyed or displaced dozens of other indigenous groups.

Even my beloved Cahokia has the graves of sacrifice victims amidst its ruins.

A society should not need to be (and fundamentally cannot be) squeaky clean unproblematically stannable in order to be worth studying and remembering, and pretending that they were is no less disinformative than the European accounts painting them as godless savages.


Just want to say I’m utterly devastated that there are barely any interactions between Lancelot and Gwaine in the show. They’re two major side characters and both are Merlin’s best friends.

It’s a crime actually.


midwest transmasc t4t couple


I love the prose and verbage of this post. The first line is almost iambic, gives it rhythm. Word choices like "really odd women" and "seems to have access to" frames the speaker as an outside observer, and establishes a tone of playful curiosity.

The lack of punctuation says casual, but the overall flow hints at poetry. We get a fun little half-serious observation about family guy, and then the author caps it off with a word like "minxy." What a choice. Delightfully anachronistic, yet nails of the particular air of disheveled blase glamour evoked by these screenshots.


CT, i love you, i defend and support you, you are my friend forever and you made a turkish dish for me while i was high. but i think i understand why people want to kill you. it’s the jock response. everything you’re saying here is authentic and sincere but that makes me uncomfortable and i am going to shove you in a locker overnight. i hope that’s okay with you

I know my role as the comically arrogant twink heel, and wear it with pride befitting an artist of my station. Still friends, darling?

no. i was gonna say yes but then you had to pull out the. italics. you talk like a michelin star restaurant reviewer and a warhammer redditor had a child and left it in the woods to be raised by people who say “Oh my Gods!!”


Arthur: to discuss the legalisation of magic I have invited every powerful sorcerer that I know of to a meeting

Arthur: Merlin, send invitations to Dragoon, the Dolma, Emrys and, if you can track him down, the last dragonlord


I was playing a video of a kitten yelling really loud and Malice came up, mrrping and looking for the kitten. So I guess it's time to get a foster litter to keep her entertained. Vice is gonna hate this.

Yeah...his responses to last summer's fosters, in sequence:

Picking up fosters today! We'll see how he handles it...


[ begin id: a screenshot of three tweets by Ana Mardoll @/AnaMardoll. The first tweet reads “If it weren’t for racism and misogyny, we’d view Marie Kondo the way we view Mister Rogers and Bob Ross.” The second tweet reads “She THANKS THE HOUSE, you look me in the eye and tell me Rogers and Ross wouldn’t love that shit right there. They’d think she was awesome.” The third tweet reads ““Thank you for your service”, said to a t-shirt, is this generations “happy little trees”.”   / end id ]

whoever talks shit about Marie Kondo will meet my fists in a manner that definitely doesn’t spark joy

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