

@crowcorvo / crowcorvo.tumblr.com

Heyo, I'm Corvo ⚔️ He/Him ⚔️ Child of Divorce

(guy whos in a time loop voice) you will never believe this but we have the insurmountable guilt for the next 1000 todays



When you look at the differences between these two posters, you feel an immense sense of dread, especially when you compare the emotions in them, but there's an underlying feeling here - misplaced reassurance.

In the first poster representing their dynamic in the first season with Vi being Powder's protector, she's shielding her sister to save as much of her innocence as possible as a young child, but Powder is witnessing it anyway. Something could be said about how the light hits her startled eye directly, like a spotlight. There's no unseeing this. No undoing. Vi facing away from the focal point means that her focus is on reassuring her sister. We can infer that Powder is staring at a source of horror that Vi doesn't look into. She's thus prioritizing comfort, hoping that her sister will look away too. There's something to be said about the firm yet gentle hold of Vi's arm around her sister. Vi's intent to soften the blow of whatever's worrying her sister falls short when she doesn't melt into the gesture. While Vi's focus is entirely on comforting her sister, Powder's is blinded by something else that grabs her attention in a horrific way. It seems to symbolize how hard Vi was trying to protect her sister with her unconditional love, while failing to see for herself what was truly harming Powder - what's behind the focal point here.

In the second poster, well... there's quite a twist of dynamic. Suddenly, it's Jinx, Powder's new sense of self, doing the reassurance, yet it's eerie. Maybe that's because she's still looking into the focal point with her eye glowing purple, but I'd venture to say that the dread is coming from Vi's expression. The spotlight shines into Vi's eye this time, but she's not staring at it. No. She's troubled. She's facing inward instead. Whereas the previous hug felt soothing towards Powder, this one feels like Vi is suffocating. Jinx is being protective is a possessive way. There are a lot of things that could be said about Vi's expression. She's unsettled - almost like she doesn't expect to be held like this. Almost like it's unwanted. Her eye is wide open, there are tears, and she's staring into space. Jinx's heartbreaking expression is reminiscent of the unspeakable horrors she has witnessed, shaping who she's become as a person.

ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: All Season 2 Teasers ↳ "The hunt is on. Arcane, the final season coming this November to Netflix."
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