사진 속 우리의 웃음이 다야

@coupstatu / coupstatu.tumblr.com


i think carats should also make a post go viral here in tumblr about how mingyu doesnt like, hates, and uncomfy with the calypso scene in lalali mv.

cheol said he has a behind video of filming that scene and hoshi teased by saying to upload it but mingyu said "no"

wonwoo and dokyeom reiterated by saying "mingyu doesnt like that (scene)" "mingyu doesnt want that scene to be included"

mingyu then clearly said "i really, really hate it" (his exact words are "정말 정말 싫긴했어 솔직히" to translate word per word "really, really, [i] hated [it], honestly")

[a clip of it from the anniversary welive]


step 1, taking the first step. make some time.

tldr. (or the summary) showing up seems to mean a lot, but jihoon isn't well aware of this.

word count. 3 pics, 272 wc.

the way they are written do not represent how they actually are, everything is fictional.

note: if the tweet has 0 likes, retweets, comments etc. it is not meant to be taken as a tweet (meaning no one can see the tweet but the readers, so it's an intro to the chapter as usual but jihoon cannot see it) but still an advice.


husband!seungkwan, mentions of food, mini tantrums, petnames (honey, baby).

Seungkwan had endured a rough day at work. His superiors had scrutinised his every move, waiting for a mistake. The moment he clocked out felt like liberation. Despite his fatigue, there was a slight skip in his step as he thought about coming home to you. His job was tolerable because the pay was good, the work wasn’t too demanding, and his apartment was just a short walk away.

He closed the door behind him, locking it before kicking his shoes off haphazardly. You’d definitely nag him later for not placing them neatly on the shoe rack you’d recently bought online. He could almost hear your voice praising the benefits of online shopping.

“I’m home, honey,” he called out, dropping his bag on the countertop near the shoe rack. He paused — eyes shifting rapidly as if it would help — noticing the unusual silence. The background noise of your videos, always playing on either your phone or the TV, was absent. He recalled your explanation for this habit: “I need some background noise. I can’t handle pure silence!”

“Honey?” Seungkwan called out again, checking the kitchen and living room. Both were spotless, a testament to your recent cleaning spree. Finally, he approached the slightly ajar bedroom door and peeked inside. You were curled up under the duvet, your form rising and falling with steady breaths. Relieved, he leaned against the doorframe, smiling at the sight of you napping.

Quietly, Seungkwan made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he spotted a box of donuts hidden behind some juice bottles. There was no note saying “DO NOT TOUCH,” a rule you both established early in your marriage. He pulled out the last mochi donut from the box, justifying his ‘evil’ act that he’d buy more tomorrow. “It’s been a hard day,” he thought.

After enjoying the donut in the peaceful kitchen, he heard you stirring. Turning on one of your favourite gameplay videos on the TV, he watched as you walked out of the bedroom, your cheeks adorably puffy from sleep. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he teased as you headed straight for the fridge.

Opening the donut box, you found it missing the mochi donut. “What did you do?” you demanded, shoving the box in his face.

“It didn’t have any notes,” Seungkwan replied defensively.

“You ate my only mochi donut! I was saving it for after my nap,” you huffed, narrowing your eyes at him.

“I’ll get you new ones tomorrow on the way home, okay?” he offered, pulling you in by the arm and rubbing it soothingly.

Throwing your head back, you whined like a toddler. “I was saving it for today, after. My. Nap,” you emphasized, stomping back to the kitchen to put the remaining donuts in the front of the fridge.

“Honey, you didn’t put a note,” Seungkwan reminded gently.

“I did!”

“It must’ve fallen out.”

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry, baby,” he conceded, guiding you back to the couch. “I’ll cook dinner for us, okay?”

Watching you pout and sulk was endearing to him. While preparing dinner, he discreetly ordered more mochi donuts via a food delivery app. Stirring the soup, he smiled fondly, thinking about your earlier tantrum. “Ah, I’ve spoiled you too much,” he mumbled to himself, happy to indulge your whims.

the way they are written do not represent how they actually are, everything is fictional.


gose, ego!au, AI!mingyu. i used chatgpt to proofread and paraphrased from there, this is my AI declaration because school tells me i have to declare AI usage. using AI when writing about AI...

Waking up in a plain, white room that resembled a rundown hospital ward, Mingyu was isolated by a simple, thin curtain serving as a makeshift door. Sitting up on his stiff bed, he noticed an array of pictures clipped onto a tall grid panel beside his bed. With instructions scrawled in sharpie, he carefully unclipped and gathered them, in hopes they might be of use to him.

Leaving his room, he sees multiple humanoid figures dressed like him in full white attire, akin to medical scrubs. Following the first picture's instructions — 'take the key from his hand, he might act up' — Mingyu proceeded obediently, maintaining vigilance. Some of the instructions were clear as daylight: 'DO NOT open the cabinet,' 'DO NOT release the man tied up,' 'DO NOT go into room 102.' Others were smudged, hastily written as if in a rush.

Standing up from the dingy couch emitting a musty odor, Mingyu pocketed the pictures for safekeeping. With free hands, he approached the slightly open office door, beckoning him to enter. No pictures guided him here, none of them mentioned the office. Trusting this gut feeling to show him the answer, he cautiously opened the door and peeked inside. Confirming the room was empty, he ventured in, exploring its cramped space. Various machines hovered over a central bed, resembling a sinister dentist's office.

Approaching a wall with multiple monitors and a computer, he accessed a file containing CCTV footage from the past. Perhaps this would shed light on the bizarre place — a hospital-sized building with a clinic's intimacy. The footage dated back to 2008, showing an unfamiliar face conversing with a familiar back. The familiar figure held important documents tightly, clad in a lab coat down to his knees. Through more footage, it became evident that this man was once the assistant to the doctor — a key figure in the creation of AI using humans and making them robots.

Switching to a more recent footage, Mingyu finally glimpsed the assistant's face. Stunned, he froze in place, transfixed by the monitor displaying his own face staring back at him. Memories flooded back — those faces on beds, bound, or scattered around the building, they were once people close to him.

A firm hand suddenly landed on Mingyu's shoulder, turning him around to face the doctor responsible for the madness. “Seems like it’s time for a factory reset, Mingyu.”

the way they are written do not represent how they actually are, everything is fictional.


mentions of food, eating, appetites, posture, playful teasing (creep, weirdo). husband!seungkwan, because i saw a clip on him eating and i immediately smiled like a real weirdo. come see more.

you can't do it anymore, you tried your best. but you just hit your limit and can't go any further, you lean back onto the chair in a shrimp-like posture which is not any good for your spine. relaxing from the tense posture you had while stuffing your face with food (that is all going down to your stomach now). rubbing at your tummy in circular motions, in hopes that you feel less stuffed.

pausing your rubbing, you looked up at your husband who was still delightfully scuffing down his food (and your leftovers). blissfully unaware of your gaze, he continued to stuffed his (adorable!) cheeks like how chipmunks do.

sitting up to place your elbows on the table and your chin rests on the palms of your hands. getting a better and closer view of him eating. you didn't have a particularly big appetite, you ate what you could but your husband tends coax you into ordering more, reassuring you that he would eat your leftovers if you couldn't finish. do you want that too? just order it. don't worry, if you can't finish, i'll help you eat the rest. the thought of being able to satiate his tummy and watch him eat brings a smile to your face. unbeknownst to your zoning out self, you face harboured a dopey smile which seungkwan had finally took notice of.

"what?" he stopped chewing, chopsticks still holding onto a piece of fish cake but just drooping slightly due to the transfer of attention to you. snapping you out of your lovey dovey daydream state, you sat up straight. "what are you smiling at?"

"you," you shot at him and went back to observing him, (his face, his adorable cheeks, his hands, everything about him) he continues eating, albeit at a slower, uncertain pace because of your behaviour.

"you're a weirdo." he continues chewing like he is in a mukbang, giving you bursts of dopamine. "a weirdo?"

"yeah, a weirdo. you're watching someone eat like a creep." he playfully tease, his face and tone giving away his actual intentions. "well, watching you eat makes me happy and full." if watching him eat is number 1 on your dopamine dose, number 2 would be seeing him all flustered and bashful because of yourself.

the way they are written do not represent how they actually are, everything is fictional.


husband!seungcheol, mentions of friends not paying attention at first.

imagine husband!seungcheol listening to you, but he doesn't seem to look like it at first. but his ears are peeled open whenever he hears your voice and lets you talk his ears off about anything. it could be the most mundane part of your life, you repeating a story you mentioned hundreds of times, or even talking about the weather forecast for tomorrow.

he will always be listening to you and picking up on whatever details you talk about.

you could be chilling in silence before remembering something you wanted to tell him. "oh! by the way, today..." you trailed off, waiting for him to give you a response or any sign that he was listening before you continued on with your story.

"why did you stop? go on," he peeks up at you for a moment, confused as to why you paused. "i'm listening, baby."

"oh, you just looked like you didn't hear me. usually my friends doesn't hear me so i have to get their attention before continuing."

"you have my utmost attention whenever i hear your voice, and i keep my ears open for your voice."

you happily continued with your story, now with him looking at you with all the attention in the world he could give you.

the way they are written do not represent how they actually are, everything is fictional.


whispers of the heart

husband!woozi x wife!reader.

the newly wedded couple has to navigates the struggles of arranged marriage after being matched together by family friends.


woozi and reader makes the effort to try to love each other, and slowly falls in love.

status. 12.06.24 - ??

taglist. open, feel free to send in an ask!

steps are subject to change as time goes on!



acts of service ˗ˏˋ꒰ casting. seungcheol, joshua, jihoon ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of beverages, acts of service fic


note: everything written is fictional and should not be taken seriously, the seventeen members are only as face claims and not represented as their real selves.


wen junhui, jun

kwon soonyoung, hoshi

hand kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ when you're sick and unable to get your favourite kisses from your favourite person, who says you can't sulk? and who says he won't find a unique way to kiss you just to appease you? ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of being sick, kissing (on hand), brainrot fic.

xu minghao, the8

lee chan, dino

note: everything written is fictional and should not be taken seriously, the seventeen members are only as face claims and not represented as their real selves.


yoon jeonghan

convincing you to go to the doctors ˗ˏˋ꒰ going to the doctors is a scary thing, more often than not, it means it's a bad situation. but who says you're going alone? ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of doctors, comfort fic.

joshua hong jisoo

comforting you after crying ˗ˏˋ꒰ it's upsetting having to restart your assignment you worked hard on, but joshua is there to comfort you and guide you through. ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of crying, comfort fic.

lee jihoon, woozi

whispers of the heart ˗ˏˋ꒰ the newly wedded couple navigates through the struggles of (arranged) married life. OR jihoon and the reader makes the effort to (slowly) fall in love. ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ series ꒱

lee seokmin, dokyeom

boo seungkwan

run away ˗ˏˋ꒰ seungkwan was willing to give into your whims of running away, back to his hometown. ꒱ ˗ˏˋmentions of running away, comfort fic.

"watching you eat makes me happy and full." ˗ˏˋ꒰ number 1 on your dopamine dose is watching your husband eat. ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of food, eating, appetites, posture, playful teasing (creep, weirdo), full of fluff fic.

donut thief ˗ˏˋ꒰ you didn't put 'DO NOT TOUCH' how was he supposed to know you were saving it for later? ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of food. mini tantrums, petnames (honey, baby).

note: everything written is fictional and should not be taken seriously, the seventeen members are only as face claims and not represented as their real selves.


choi seungcheol, scoups

listening to you ˗ˏˋ꒰ even if you're not aware, you have his full attention (most of the time) ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of friends not paying attention, just felt my heart flutter fic

jeon wonwoo

cravings ˗ˏˋ꒰ he would immediately agree to go out with you at any time of the day just to satiate your cravings and see you happy. ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of food, can i get a wonwoo fic

kim mingyu

ego ˗ˏˋ꒰ waking up in an unfamiliar building with no memories, he finds out a darker secret about this facility than he expected ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ inspired by gose ego episode ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of AI, doctors, hospital-ish building, not entirely canon ꒱

vernon chwe hansol

slow eater ˗ˏˋ꒰ as long as you're happy and full, he never minds waiting for you ꒱ ˗ˏˋ꒰ mentions of food, subtle lover(?) fic

note: everything written is fictional and should not be taken seriously, the seventeen members are only as face claims and not represented as their real selves.

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