
Oh god please dont look at me

@cool-jpgs-of-wizards-with-swords / cool-jpgs-of-wizards-with-swords.tumblr.com

27 years of nonsense & counting! picrew credit for sidebar image is https://picrew.me/image_maker/1744829 my name Evelynn (TWO N'S) Header Credit Squadron-of-damned.tumblr.com

Hey I saw your reblogs of that weird car video saying it's edited etc but you can actually find the original video if you look up "driving a Tesla upside down" on yt, the part where it was taken from starts at around 9:30 i think?


shit, man, that's... entirely my bad. don't get wizard high and decide you're captain disillusions shitty little sidekick!!! It. I want to justify myself somehow, but yeah, uh. thats legit. gonna clarify in a reblog & pin this for a while!



My name is Ashraf Alanqar, and I am 30 years old. My wife, Widad Issa, and I have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Bakr. We used to live peacefully in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, in a house we built just a week before the war began. I worked as a farmer and owned a large chicken farm that provided for my family.

Beloved of my heart (Bakr)

Then the war came and destroyed everything. Our home was reduced to ashes, and our chicken farm was obliterated. We lost our home, our livelihood, and even our basic rights. We've been forced to move from place to place in northern Gaza, simply trying to survive.

The terror we feel as we flee from heavy bombardment is unbearable. The sound of explosions around us, the constant fear as we navigate through the rubble of destroyed homes searching for safety and food, haunts us every day. My son Bakr is constantly scared and suffers from severe malnutrition and skin diseases due to the lack of food, water, and sanitation.

Our beautiful memories.. :(

We urgently need your help. I am asking for your support to fund this campaign to move my family to a safe place, provide us with a proper home, and ensure we have enough food, water, and medical care.

Baker used to play with his dog

Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in our lives. We desperately need your support and solidarity during this difficult time. Together, we can restore hope and safety to Ashraf and his family.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my plea. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can turn a story of loss into a journey of hope and resilience.

With deepest gratitude,

Ashraf & the Family


I want to bring another fundraiser to your attention. In the link above, Fadi Ayyad has told the story of his family, who lost their home in Northern Gaza and have been forced to evacuate to the south.

Fadi is a high school student who wishes to graduate and further his studies. And his father, Ayman is a well-respected and known Gazan educator, who has lost his source of livelihood during this war.

Their lives have become a constant struggle for survival, from trying to secure what food and water they can to the constant bombardment and raids by the Israeli military which threaten to take their lives at any time.

Their situation is dire. They require $35,000 to evacuate their 8 family members and after 1 month they have not even gone over $1000 yet.

Help this family reach their goal and evacuate to Egypt, where they can get back a semblance of stability and safety. Donate if you can, and please share!

You can also reach Ayman on tumblr @aymanayyad81


#fairuzfan # Ibtisams #sar_soor


Please reblog to increase sample size, I am trying to find out how much normal people know about this because I am Not Normal and my assumed baseline of knowledge cannot be trusted

You guys gotta reblog come on


This was the origin of a meme amongst my friends for years. This was pre-9/11, and we were sitting around at a party discussing the Challenger Disaster, with the "Where were you when you found out?" I heard that something had happened that morning, but was fuzzy on the details. I remember one of my teachers crying.

Then, just after lunch, I went to journalism class and they had the TVs up showing the news. That's when I got to see it.

My friend said, "You were in GRADE SCHOOl? I was in GRAD school!!!"

Which rapidly became "I was in Grad School/I was in Grade School!"

My other friend had the best story, though. He had been at work. At McDonnell Douglas.

@infamousbrad , would you like to tell your story?


Sure, I can do that, it's also a glimpse into life pre-Internet.

I was working in the McDonnell Aircraft's QA division, doing minicomputer support. I had the 11th IBM PC that Mac ever bought sitting in my cube, and I'd improvised a cable compatible with our spare dial-up modems so I could run a BBS off of it in the evenings.

And one morning my supervisor comes up to me and said, "Can you get the news on that thing?" Which would have been hugely illegal, since we were in a secure environment, but before I could deny it, he said, "This one time you're not in trouble. Something big just happened. Everybody VP and above just disappeared into a conference room at HQ, nobody knows why, nothing's leaking out, and all of our buildings are under lockdown. The managers NEED to know."

Well, I had a personal CompuServe (pre-Internet Reddit) account, and I had written some some mediocre terminal software in MS-BASIC for PC, so I dialed out to CompuServe, which had an Associated Press forum that posted quarter-hour news updates.

So for the whole day, I was the only person locked into McDonnell Douglas who knew how to get news, which I refreshed and printed out so my boss could fax it to all the other bosses every 15 minutes, and within the first hour we knew that the earliest zoomed-in photos showed that the starting point of the explosion was the tip of the nose of one of the side boosters.

We made those nose cones. I spent the whole day smuggling information across the information quarantine to people who desperately wanted to know, "Are we the ones who killed the first Teacher in Space?"

(We weren't. The reason that solid-rocket-booster nose-cone drilled into the side of the main external liquid-fuel tank was because of a thrust-breach way farther down the stack. Which didn't come out until overnight. But that was a weird day to be working at almost any rocket-parts company.)

(Also, journalism historians should really mark the day that the AP broke the print-journalism monopoly on its content as the beginning of the death of journalism as we knew it. A few newspaper publishers were all up in arms about it at the time, but it was hard to explain to us CompuServe users just how important that news-monopoly was to funding investigative journalism. It was Craigslist before there was Craigslist.)

video talks about the space shuttle in general, but goes into the challenger disaster as well, for anyone interested!


they/them punitive degendering of trans women is so wild bc if you point it out everyone who isn't a trans woman thinks you're crazy its flat out invisible to non transfems, bc "well they is neutral how can it be misgendering? stop being hysterical" and they look at you like you're going through a psychotic break if you try to explain the subtleties of how the they/them pronoun switch coincidentally always happens to "bad" trans women, and that you usually don't see cis women or men getting they'd the same way. and if you try to correct the person doing it that you're a she then you're going to be called enbyphobic by your own side. a terf and a republican are sharing popcorn on the couch in the distance and laughing at all our expense while this happens


if i tell yall what i did on the tram today yall would call it a fake tumblr story i think


so it helps to know that my mindset at the time was influenced by having been transphobically sealioned at a temping agency earlier, as well as spontaneously turning up to a different temping agency without an appointment & actually landing with them after THOSE guys turned out to be cool.

I was on the tram (crowded tram) (just after 11 AM) on my way home full of adrenaline still, and saw my dad eating a banana on the platform. I could get out of the tram to say hi, but then i'd miss the tram, or worse, hold it up. What i COULD do, however, is sprint out of the tram as soon as the door opens, take a bite from the banana my dad is holding, and SPRINT back into the tram before the doors close. So That Is What I Did.

unfortunately now roughly half of the passengers of the tram were looking at me like I was suddenly some sort of feral spirit of hunger or perhaps a strange insect of some sort.* Fortunately, the truth was also the ONE sequence of words that could make what they had just witnessed okay. I went "das ist mein papa!!!" which is german for "thats my dad!!!!!"

My dad seemed genuinely delighted by this btw. the look on his face was fucking PRICELESS

i would like to beat the little german boy accusations based on my behavior before they arise. i am in fact a tall german trans girl.

however in everything except body i AM calvin from calvin & hobbes


Why the fuck was this left in the tags of the third reblog. This should be front and center


one of these. I do miss the old trams we used to have here for Aesthetic Reasons though u_u

delightfully angular.


if i tell yall what i did on the tram today yall would call it a fake tumblr story i think


so it helps to know that my mindset at the time was influenced by having been transphobically sealioned at a temping agency earlier, as well as spontaneously turning up to a different temping agency without an appointment & actually landing with them after THOSE guys turned out to be cool.

I was on the tram (crowded tram) (just after 11 AM) on my way home full of adrenaline still, and saw my dad eating a banana on the platform. I could get out of the tram to say hi, but then i'd miss the tram, or worse, hold it up. What i COULD do, however, is sprint out of the tram as soon as the door opens, take a bite from the banana my dad is holding, and SPRINT back into the tram before the doors close. So That Is What I Did.

unfortunately now roughly half of the passengers of the tram were looking at me like I was suddenly some sort of feral spirit of hunger or perhaps a strange insect of some sort.* Fortunately, the truth was also the ONE sequence of words that could make what they had just witnessed okay. I went "das ist mein papa!!!" which is german for "thats my dad!!!!!"

My dad seemed genuinely delighted by this btw. the look on his face was fucking PRICELESS

i would like to beat the little german boy accusations based on my behavior before they arise. i am in fact a tall german trans girl.

however in everything except body i AM calvin from calvin & hobbes


Why the fuck was this left in the tags of the third reblog. This should be front and center

okay SO the reason it was in the tags like that was because i wasn't sure if we just had a awkward Trying To Go The Same Way To Get Out Of The Way Moment but no my dad confirmed afterwards that that dude was fully trying to perform a citizens arrest on me & walked up to him to go "Was ein schwein" which means "what a pig" which yknow, with him not having been part of the Das Ist Mein Papa revelation, fair enough, to which my dad replied "Ganz im Gegenteil. Das ist meine Tochter! :D" which means "Quite the opposite. That's my daughter!"

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