@choysum / choysum.tumblr.com

'til you're seeing stars

guys I'm so sincere but I'm losing so hard all my life how can this be happening


I think i got placed in an overly advanced group this is going to be so embarassing. sorry laoshi shall i kill myself milord

1h done 2h to go. Determined to ask to move down but idk how even to say that i can only say this class is too hard. 我会哭哭哭


I think i got placed in an overly advanced group this is going to be so embarassing. sorry laoshi shall i kill myself milord


I will always be other no matter which corner of the world i travel to LOL

my roommate hasn't arrived which is so fine and i imagine she will today but i have SEVERE fomo hearing other people meet each other in neighbouring rooms... who wants to go to the cat village with me today please

iv;e never actually had a roommate is it weird to have headphones on or to not be talking all the time or not say anything when you leave does she think im so weird because yesterday i said let's be friends?

Anonymous asked:

I miss you <3 my friend I hope you are well! june is clearing out my mind again, I wish I could see inside yours. I imagine it looks like fruit trees in stained glass, shimmering lavender glue and tiny buzzing laughter winding through the space. this is where we met, do you remember? and soon you will be very far from home again and so will I, I hope always to return, to come back one more time over and over.

at the beach we are down to our ankles, the sea demanding a sink to the sand. stark cliffs somewhere above and water splashing up white, are those birds up there us in some other life? they fly together now, I wonder how long they have known each other. our matching rings we fashioned from twine and daisy chain, delicate and destined to fall apart on the car ride home, I have to think twice about eating mine just to keep it a part of me. but the love is ours to hold regardless…

im sorry darling, the end of may leaves me grasping at straws and carousel-dizzy. i'm glad your mind is clearing, i imagine clouds blinking away, unnoticeable in their absence until the sky is revealed clear. lavender glue? I would recognise such meaning by now... fruit trees bearing oranges - the fruit tree in my garden has a hole in the trunk and i remember once being so little i couldn't reach so high. this is where we met! red and blue and longing passing from hand to hand to hand... i miss you too my friend. i cannot write well anymore, i don't want to bore you. will all these places be new to you? i hope to meet you by the sea one day. i find myself reluctant to call it anything else. why do waves foam white, do you know? twine i wouldn't recommend for consumption, tied up enough as is. how i understand the sentiment though.

a failed magic trick and the bare table has silverware all out of place and ceramic shards on the tiles. the red and white check billows and settles. soon yes i will be very far, I'm sure i will hope again to never return. i can't even hope to return to the sure promise of a flat together with a good friend anymore. oh, what should i do?? everything is out of place

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