
ikh vel zayn bafrayt


deliberate procedurally rationally from the standpoint of redemption 🌟

It is literally fucking crazy how much Stefania and Sonia Delaunay have in common both re: interdisciplinary scale & scope of interest, background, aesthetic program, personality, intersecting social circles, etc. They were both sent to live with their mother's sibling at a young age in a capital city and both got married in 1910




There's something gloriously obscene about movies. The idea of spending a hundred million dollars and several lifetimes to create a single work of art that's not very good

--Stefania Zahorska


It's 3 am and I'm reading this author's Polish glossary for erotic DS9 fanfic terms


When someone tells you there's a problem in a manner that conceals the problem's actual, discrete nature and potential for redress, they don't want that problem solved. They want to undermine your ability to take effective action. They want, on some level, for whatever is wrong to continue, to worsen.

For example, when someone frames an issue attributable to specific policies or specific actors, say, local officials in a particular state or congressional Republicans, as an inalterable reality of "America" or "US government" as a whole, that's meant to promote disengagement and despair. The problem's source is an unbeatably massive, unknowably complex entity (and one that exists apart from its people, clearly, because you're American and you're not responsible).

When calling attention to a problem toward the goal of addressing it, obfuscation is worse than useless. While a simple, easy solution may not be available, an accurate, detailed understanding of what's wrong is step one, always. Honesty is a prerequisite for problem solving.

The point, when this malicious framing is used, is never to solve any problem, right any wrong nor do any good whatsoever. The issue itself is relevant only in that it pulls you in. The point is to demoralize you and get you to give up, ultimately to ease a slide into fascism. "Give up" not merely in terms of mindset—it's meant to get you to give up your rights. To convince you they don't exist or that they're useless, that fascism is already here and you are helpless. That's bullshit.

It's a tactic for sabotaging our ability to organize effectively and act collectively, to do the work required to address the exact issues it highlights.

It's a dirty trick. Don't fall for it.


I've been reading Stefania's column from her period as art reviewer for Przegląd Warszawski (1924-25) and she's sooo funny. "The WTA salon has government funding, is all official, legal, above board, that is to say, right-wing. So what would we call Zachęta? Ultra-right-wing? Maybe instead of reaching back to 1860 for its traditions, going all the way to 1800? Then the circle of contradiction would close and the guys from Zachęta would be drinking coffee at Kresy with the Blok collective"


hi, i'm trans/nb netfreak frog k, the writer. you might know me for my shitposts about... idk, the library of alexandria or dogs knowing how steel works or whatever? i don't really know what people know anymore.

i need help. i'm in recovery from a period of at least three years of b12/b9 deficiency, maybe longer. it struck in a big way after a nasty bout of covid in early 2020 and i only knew it was a major problem last month. after a month of 40,000x strength capsules i can just now feel my legs well enough to reliably walk unassisted. in the context of that, i've been wrestling with housing scarcity, one of those fun moving-target disabilities where some days i'm fully capable of feeding myself and some days i can barely stand upright, and a sort of soul-shattering paranoid depression that's made it incredibly hard to reach out to people and ask for help, or really maintain social relationships at all.

i'm due to consult further with a doctor and make sure there's nothing worse wrong with me than any of that this week. in the interim i have about ten dollars to my name and have been subsisting on frozen waffles and corn chips for days; the car i rely on to get frozen food i can cook myself at the store is on its last legs, creaking and groaning at stops and flashing an ABS light intermittently.

i think raising $500 or so would offer some degree of stability while i figure this shit out. i really want to get back to working but it's kind of hard to imagine anything my diseased dropout ass can do right now. reblogs always appreciated, and feel free to link to this or w/e on whatever platform.

cashapp - $asimplefrog ko-fi (for paypal users) - frogk

thank you all again; i promise i'll be around again as soon as i can. <3


Stefania is waxing poetic about the function of texture in film and she starts talking like Bruno Schulz about the dawn of childhood and the disenchantment of Matter


I have never encountered a work that balances masterful satire and serious articulation of one's own artistic practice/program like LOTE, shola von reinhold is actually literally inside my head

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