


The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
♡ She/They
♡ Diabetic
Rationing Insulin.

Blood sugar reading this morning. The average blood sugar reading should be between 60mg/dl - 100mg/dl. I am terrified of not being able to administer my insulin simply because I was too poor to afford it. I am strongly in need of community help.

I am happy to announce I raised $33 🎉 I only need $417 to get my prescription

Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?

TAYLOR SWIFT The Eras Tour in Paris, France (May 09, 2024)

Last Cartridge of Insulin
This is an URGENT REQUEST as I cannot go a day without insulin. Currently I am unemployed through no fault of my own. I do not have insurance so I will have to use GoodRx. My insulin is called Afrezza. It costs around $450-$490 depending on the pharmacy I go to.
Goal: $450
Currently I cannot drive because my only pair of perscription glasses are broken. So I will also need help with ubers. Please.
I’d like to stress that not taking insulin daily is deadly. This is a medical emergency. Begging for this request to be filled.
Informative read:

The Office of Incident Assessment and Response 💾

[ID in alt text]

Cash App Loan + Interest

If you participate in the poll please reblog and fully interact (♥️ + comment) with my posts.

Goal: $110

Hey guys it’s cheekios. I have been really struggling lately. Losing my job + only pair of glasses being destroyed I hate to do this. I have no choice to play catch up to stay afloat. This loan will just keep collecting interest. Would really appreciate help with goals this month.
I used the funds used for my glasses to pay the remaining balance on my rent to stay housed for one month. I will not make it the next month.
This month expenses will be
• Main glasses
• Back up glasses
• Cash App loan + interest
• Insulin (I’m running out)
• Endocrinologist visit
• Rent
Estimating I will need about $3500-$4000 I really need community support. I feel as though I was about to lose my life a few days ago. I am still unable to get my glasses which means I am still unable to work. I really would like to get my glasses and start looking for work as soon as possible. I really appreciate the help from the few that helped. :)
I did not make rent, I’m no where near it. I still have $750 to raise. Out of desperation I charged my card just to attempt to pay. The 3rd is the absolute last day to pay. The office is closed, so on Monday the leasing office will see whether I paid or not. If I don’t raise the remaining $750 the transaction will decline.

Goal: $750

If my payment declines I will be charged an additional $100 for processing fee. Not only that I will pay for the late fee which is $100 + $10 everyday rent is late. This is still in effect even if they are evicting the tenant. Evictions take 1-3 months every month I reside in my apartment they will charge me if I don’t vacate. The $100 + late fee will still resume even in eviction. I processed the payment despite not having enough to pay rent to buy time. I am lucky that rent fell on the weekend and not during the week.
This is my final plea to staying housed. I have exhausted all options. If payment does not reflect by Sunday Midnight. I will be issued a notice to vacate Monday.

when i tell you i started fucking SOBBING over omega hugging crosshair when i full on expected her to hug both of them... I AM NOT OKAY

and then THIS second later??? yeah this is it for me.


watched neil gaiman's new gay pandering show today and it's kind of indescribable. created by destiel king steve yockey and starring the actress who played rowena on spn. episode directed by legendary lesbian filmmaker cheryl dunye. canon fujoshi character who talks about her explicit yaoi. an amnesiac medium named crystal palace. gaiman's typical vaguely autistic hugely gay dandy who's never been kissed but also literally every man he meets wants to fuck him so bad it makes them clinically insane. also he's a ghost and died in an accidental demonic sacrifice in 1916. and he tries to confess his love to his best friend and is interrupted by being sent to hell. he then confesses successfully while his best friend is bringing him out of hell in a named orpheus and eurydice allusion. this show needs 12 seasons.

I will be homeless in less than 1 hours
I have to stress that my apartment wants me gone. Why you might ask? Because I’m one of the few tenants in the entire apartment complex that pays $1300 for rent meanwhile everyone else pays $1800-$1900. They want me out to the extent they don’t accept any late fees from me, but accepts from other residents. I asked the apartment manager why, she couldn’t give me answer. It’s the norm to have until the 5th of the month to pay rent but not for me.

Goal: $775

I have to stress I’m not lazy or useless. I had a job despite having multiple disabilities. I’m not asking for a cookie or a pat on the back but its not easy. One small inconvenience really can set you up to be on the streets. Especially if you’re not privileged to have a good paying job with benefits. Like INSURANCE. Or parents that give a crap about you.
In my case the catalyst for this was simply my glasses breaking that snowballed me to eviction. I am legally blind and I have to thank diabetes for that. I cannot see without my glasses so it would be quite literally deadly for me to be on the roads. Ultimately I lost my job from “job abandonment”
I am asking for community support to stay housed. While I make this unfortunate transition. All I have is this community. There are ways beyond financial support that can help me. $1-$2 makes a significant impact
You can:
• Post on my behalf on all your platforms
• Urge your moots with large followings to reblog/retweet my posts
• You can interact fully with my posts to add traction

With the state of the world as it is right now. We need less apathy and more empathy. Please don’t ignore.

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