
girls will be girls


autistic ace, stimmer, waiting for a revolution *~ every day I get emails ~* jack of only a few trades, master of none

Just paid 5€ for the horrors. 4 for a female hygiene product when I was surprised by my period on a city trip and then I couldn't use any of the toilets because to enter you needed a special card you get when you stay in a hotel in this town. I finally found one where I had to buy a day ticket or a one-time ticket for 1€. I did not need to pee, I simply had my period. Even the disabled toilet for emergencies would have cost me 1€ and I would have needed to find someone to give me a key. To charge disabled people and people who have periods seems especially illegal.


“If I had time travel I’d kill Hitler” “If I had time travel I’d stop my favourite politician getting assassinated” you’re all thinking way too small. If I had time travel I’d stop Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from dying on the moon due to Soviet sabotage, kicking off the Great Nuclear War and devastating half of the planet.

Good Job.

It’s from two days ago fam how many times could there have been

do you think no one else has time travel

Happy one month anniversary to this post that has not allowed me a single day of fucking peace since I made it.




wow if only you had a time machine

Anonymous asked:

[phases through floor vents]


Sidney Poitier is our Arthur Holmwood!

Vincent Price is our Jack Seward!

And Toshiro Mifune is our Quincey P. Morris!

Stacked, sexy cast.


"Oh Mina, why can't a girl marry three men, or as many as want her?"

-- things Lucy Westenra actually wrote.


Had a dream this morning that Archive of our Own had a Random button which would simply take you to a random fanfic, like Wikipedia has. (AO3 does not appear to really have this, I checked and couldn't find one, but I kinda wish they did.) Someone had started a game where whatever fic you got, that was your new fandom, which is very fun! I would love this meme in real life.

The problem came in where so many people used the button that it broke and just started sending everyone to Stealing Harry, and like...I have fond memories of Stealing Harry but it's not my best work and nobody should be assigned to be a Harry Potter fan in this day and age.

So I decide to go off and find Astolat and demand she fix this but when I finally did (there was a whole quest) she turned to me like the baddie in a horror flick and said, "But that's the most random story there is" in a dark voice and I was terrified and woke up.

In the cold light of day I know there are more random stories by me on the archive, let alone by others, but I'm not going to try to get back there to argue my case. Pretty sure whatever I spoke to was actually the demon specifically assigned to plague fandom and not Astolat at all.

I'd say "get thee behind me, demon" but I know just how many porny fics on AO3 begin with that premise. (I've written some.) Begone foul spirit, and take your Satanic Panic with you!

This made me laugh so hard - of all the things a sleeping mind can offer up as entertainment, poor Copperbadge was visited by a demonic Astolat impersonator.

I wanted that Ao3 random button though.

It's a generator that produces a link to a random work page on AO3, using a number generator in the link.

Fair warning, it turns up 404 errors pretty often, because many works have been deleted. Keep clicking, you'll get something eventually.

Also, this is literally any work on AO3, so remember the back button and browse responsibly.

I love this despite the many Error 404 pages. If you suddenly get kudos after years on a fic with 28 hits that's me. I have no idea what's going on in the source material, I don't fully get the context, but I love that you wrote it and I came upon it to read and admire your writing thanks to the randomize button.


tumblr users will be like "truly an evocative piece of modern queer media. the tenderness...the yearning...to have loved and lost. it's about loyalty, it's about the hands. it's about being tortured by your desires !" and it's just a post about the Saw franchise

  • (Unedited Version, Patch 0, May 14th 2024)
  • Approval Ratings — You now get to intimately know when your entourage approves or disapproves of your choices. You get to accurately see how you fair within their approval ratings.
  • Info tips — Every now and then, a little window in your field of vision shares crucial tidbits of information to you. Very situational, but always helpful.
  • Field of View — When crouching, you can you see exactly where people are looking, and you can also tell if people have detected you, whether or not you can see them. (This includes cameras, animals...)
  • Model Equipment — Once per week, you can declare one outfit; this outfit will remain clean, temperate, and comfortable for the rest of the week, but you will not be able to take it off. You will not be getting dirty or sweating, if that's a concern. You will remain clean, and in a stasis appearance-wise, for 1 week at a time.
  • Check / Examine — You can check people and get a detailed description of who they are, their strength, their health, their life's story.
  • Turn-Based Action — Once per day, you can force people and objects to abide by the rules of turn-based encounters. Stuck at an intersection between cars? Turn-Based. Someone keeps cutting you off when you talk? Turn-Based. Not even I know the true ramifications of this.
  • Emote — Observe movements done by someone; you can set them as emotes. Maximum of 60 emotes. Emoting does not tire you, or exhaust you. You can delete and replace emotes. (The exhaustion can be interpreted however you want.)
  • Fishing — Fishing, now turned into a mini-game. You'll always catch something within a few seconds!
  • 3rd person view — You can now toggle your vision between 1st person and 3rd person view, and navigate the world like so whenever you want.
  • Quick Grab — You can quickly grab and acquire anything within arm's reach, in the blink of an eye.
  • Menus, settings — Change the video, sound, and control settings of your brain's sensory inputs.
  • Subtitles — You can toggle subtitles on or off. Can not translate.

Just got informed that my grandmother has died unexpectedly. It's kinda a weird situation because we were not close in the sense that we didn't have a lot in common but I saw her regularly and she loved me. Now I feel kind of numb and am unsure if I will feel sad later, have a set back in my depression, be able to finish my necessary tasks for university...this weekend I was supposed to partake in an important event, in two weeks I have a vacation booked...my mother had a doctors appointment today where she got medication prescribed, I don't know if she'll have a breakdown later. This month has been a mess.

This is just my way to verbalize this shit show because there is literally no one I could tell about this.

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