


Cringe is subjective and embarrassment is internal projection generated by societal influences. Be fucking free…


Wow that’s so cringe you should be embarrassed


guy who makes a spreadsheet to figure out if his crush likes him back


I once wrote an essay for someone detailing why I thought they had a crush on me

I mean that relationship blew up in my face but the essay worked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


verified ways to send aid to gaza directly

Help a Palestinian family directly:

  • gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)

Help provide tents (urgent):

  • The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)

Food, cash & essentials:

  • Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
  • Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)


  • Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)

eSIMs (urgent):

Medical Aid

  • Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.

If this post gets 80085 notes I will finally stop boymoding in public

uhhh 80085 notes

uhhhhh 250 reblogs per blog per day

that’s 320 tumblr blog days


hey anyone want to share the load with me :3

Omg no don't actually do that

then stop boymoding :3

do you doubt my will?


Sweet dear Artemis. You didn’t even think to call me into this task? I’ll get the bot legion ready. Pump those numbers up and we can make it hit 90k in a couple weeks, easy~<3

yes maam o7

you know the drill.

Saga, don’t make her do this. you know she will.

I think Zara is very cool and very good with computers but I don't think she can conjure up 80000 bots out of nowhere

Idk if she can but I have nothing better to do and spend my days playing cookie clicker so...


Age? Less. Sex? With your mom. Location? 100 meters away and rapidly approaching.


no i think she meant american sign language

i dm'd her asking what it meant when she sent this ask

Wow you really 12 huh


Hey not everyone was on AOL, Lan.

AOL shut down like 14 years ago

You made that number up 🙉

Sure I did



I need you to get up again.

I know. I know it sucks. I know it hurts. I know everything in front of us looks terrible and frightening. I know you're tired and just want to stop and rest and not move, but you have to get up again if you can.

I'm here with you. I'll help you if I can, and there’s others too that'll help, and all you need to do is start and we'll help out. But also? We're all proud of you for making it as far as you did this time. And I know we can get through the rest of it.

But you have to get up. To prove you can. To spite the ones who said you can't. Even if it's the slowest most dragged out step forwards it's still moving and still better than anything they ever did. So come on up. We've got you.

If you need, I'll even hold your hand, all right?

this one needed audio, too. So here you all go.


I genuinely hate defending Tumblr because they suck so much, but accounts of trans women aren't being taken down because there's a staff hit-list or something. Transmisogynists (likely gender critical hate groups based out of other websites) are mass-reporting any posts that could count as questionable under any category. Because Tumblr has had a buggy auto-moderation system since like 2018, when those reports hit a certain number, the account is automatically terminated because it's assumed that the number of people reporting means this is a serious thing.

Appeals are very likely not looked at by people anymore. Tumblr is operating with a skeleton crew. I know there are some conditions under which you can get an account back, and these usually include ones under some number of reports where there's a "forgiveness" or more so, a benefit of the doubt. You can remake with the promise not to post whatever got you banned in the first place.

Tumblr explicitly states that all their moderation is user-report based. They don't flag any content using automatic tools (as in, they removed the automatic NSFW scan filter a bit ago, but you can still have posts flagged as mature by other users) and they don't send out any moderators to look for content to ban. They don't want to be caught up in legal issues for people perceiving that they're doing something such as... Well, sending staff out to terminate the accounts of trans women.

More should be done to prevent these mass-reporting campaigns, though. Asking the Tumblr @staff to implement time limits on reporting or making it so that a post can only receive a certain amount of reports... Maybe disallowing more than a certain amount of reports within a span of time, and requiring human intervention for posts that are suddenly spammed with reports? Those are probably the most effective ways to deal with it.

Having correct information and knowing what to request from a company is vital in these situations. Accusations and chaos aren't going to get results, and this only hands victory over to the transmisogynists sending these reports when nebulous Tumblr staff are targeted and nothing is done to thwart their part in it. Tumblr should be held responsible for their lax moderation methods that allow these issues to persist.


I had a coworker a few years ago that thought “transgender” was an offensive term.

One day he heard someone refer to me as trans and he said “woah! Trans is a slur! When you’re at work you need to use a more respectful term, like sissy, or I will report you to HR

I appreciate so much that he was willing to come to my defense, but lol he had that backwards.

He had heard that the T-slur was offensive and just assumed that “Trans” and “Transgender” were different forms of the T-Slur.

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