
Celestial Fang | Archon Of Flesh


Illustrator | he/it
Cult leader of robot soldier boys and flesh gods

Lovecraft was wrong- the oldest and greatest emotion of mankind is actually horniness.

however he was somewhat right in that the oldest and greatest horniness is that for the monstrous and the unknown


I like irredeemably evil white boy villains not because I agree with their ideals, but because I want to see them get force-femmed


So let me get this straight, Fallout New Vegas is about lesbian tomboy NCR vs gay femboy Legion?


Is it normal to stop working (on art in my case) during the holidays?? I feel bad about not being productive given this much time


Some of you are acting too restrained in the comments of my art… please be freakier that’s the intent I won’t judge


Some of my work from this semester at art school

Total amount of drawings is about 200 this year so far. Worldbuilding digital art for my OCs, watercolor, marker, studies from life and pastel drawings- I’m glad to try nearly every medium!


Btw thank you to everyone who mentioned they’d be interested in getting an original painting- I mainly have studies and smaller drawings to sell off, though it would have to wait until September when I’m back in the US 🙏

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