

Anna, she/her, 20s

Stop scrolling for a minute, take a deep breath. Come and sit down with me for a minute, I’ll make us some tea. It’s a quiet morning, apart from the birds of course. We can sit here for a while, we can chat or just pass the time of day. Or we can go for a walk if you want, my dog can come with us. She doesn’t walk very fast but it will give us time to take in the wildflowers as we go. Or we can go into town and wonder around the secondhand bookstores because there are so many stories we haven’t read yet. And there is something magical about secondhand books, knowing they’ve been loved before. Time passes slowly here, there’s no where to be. Remember no matter how bad things seem, everything will be okay. You’re safe here, darling. Stay as long as you like and you can always come back. Chin up, my love. You’re going to be just fine.


ok no więc zauważyłem, że logo pkp intercity i flaga aroace mają podobne palety kolorystyczne, więc postanowiłem stworzyć tą abominację :D

pozdrawiam wszystkie aroace osoby, mam nadzieję, że opóźnienia waszych pociągów nie będą za duże!

(english translation under the cut)


people have said good things about you behind your back, without your knowledge. people have shared their love for you with others.

It's so easy to forget this is true sometimes. The same way people often think good, positive things about us and we'll never know because they don't express it vocally. We get so used to hate speech and judgement in our daily lives, we often forget that the inside of people's heads doesn't have to be a bad place. It can be a place of kindness and thoughtfulness and decency. We just expect the worst because we have been taught that way, and we forget there is another.


i am a big believer in letting music (and other media) come to you when you're ready for it. you may only know vaguely of an acclaimed beloved artist and suspect that you'd be into them but just... not ever get around to it. and then in 15 years one of their songs just hits you the right way and what a gift to suddenly have all of their works to explore! there is no hurry; what is good is always good.


I used to hate it when people said the trick was to just do it until ‘do it scared’ started going around, because that’s truly it. Life didn’t start changing until I applied for jobs with one hand in front of my eyes and a trembling hand navigating my computer mouse. Or until I said everything on my mind (in moderation) with my fists clenched and my legs weak. Or until I refused to accept that I’d ‘just’ be shy forever while also kind of being nauseous at the idea of trying to be the opposite. Two things can coexist and that’s exactly the point of believing that you can do anything.


Bravery isn't the absence of fear, it's being scared as hell and doing something anyway.



Franz Kafka Letters to Felice // リリイ・シュシュのすべて All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001) dir. 岩井 俊二 Shunji Iwai / Phoebe Bridgers Funeral // Emily Palermo // Ocean Vuong Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong // 堕落天使 Fallen Angels (1995) dir. Wong Kar-wai // Margaret Atwood // Bell Hooks All About Love // @mango-season // Mitski Nobody

I just want ONE SPACE where sex doesn't have to be the default.


I’ve been doing this for a while. Here are my spaces.

Solo travel, when you’re busy figuring out how to just get around a new place, you reprioritize everything.

Work-intensive hobbies like woodworking, cosplay (even the sexiest cosplays are just lots of glue and painting and fiddly electronics and industrial design problem-solving while you’re at it). A makerspace is the most unintentionally asexual place you’ll ever find.

Solo sports. Kayaking, paddleboarding, mountain biking, hiking, anything where you get to be alone and in touch with a different dimension of your physicality and senses.

Volunteer animal care. Your local shelter desperately needs volunteers to walk all the dogs, and give all the cats some daily care too. You’ll experience many dimensions of love, while surrounded by stimuli that dampen even the allo-est allo’s thoughts towards allonormativity.

Practice any art, obsessively. Don’t doodle, draw. Don’t take pictures, make photographs. Don’t play an instrument, be a musician. As you move deeper into your art, you’ll mind and body will travel to the spaces in between the words, notes, markings, gestures and and and. Even the most ostensibly “sexy” art becomes about light and shadow and choreography. You get to be at a world filled with sexuality but in a world of execution and expression and abstraction and and and. I’ve been a professional designer for 31 years now, and without even knowing it, art has been my emotional fortress.


i don’t expect this to be very widely known but here in vancouver we’ve had a barge stuck on shore since mid november

we’re going on day 25 of barge simpson not moving a damn inch and i for one hope it never moves


They put up a sign



Ever Given fans reading this post like:


I think it’s really important, for non-Vancouverites, that you know some additional layers of the joke to this, because this shit’s got history:

  • One of our parks has an abstract statue in it of someone reclining.
  • In Nov 2012, an artist made a sign as a joke, “Dude Chilling Park”, which looked exactly like our official Parks Board signs (except for the official park boards seal). 
  • The Vancouver Parks Board removed the sign but, after a whole lot of petitions, they put in an official one a year and a half later, also “Dude Chilling Park”, but now with the proper seal attached.
  •  Fast forward 7 years later. We have horrible floods. A barge washes up on Sunset Beach and gets grounded there. It has yet to be removed.
  • The Vancouver Parks Board, unprompted, adds a “Barge Chilling Beach” sign.
  • …Also, they announced this by tweet:

I really don't get why the Brontës get put in competition with Jane Austen so much. They weren't contemporaries. They didn't even write the same genre. This is the definition of pitting women against each other.

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