
Four things that are 100% true and you should think about if you haven't already:

  • You don't have to be a boy if you don't want to
  • You don't have to be a girl if you don't want to
  • You can be a boy if you want to
  • You can be a girl if you want to

This isn't a joke. This is reality. Have you considered these facts? If not, maybe take a moment to think about it. How's your gender doing? If you don't like it, it can be changed. Hell, even if you do like it, maybe you'd like something else more?

And yeah, as people keep pointing out: these options don't imply each other. You can decide that you're not a boy but that doesn't mean you have to be a girl. You can be neither!

You can also be both. And not even evenly both if you don't want to: if you're 80% girl and 20% boy, that's fine too! You get to decide what your gender is and what that means.

And it hasn't been pointed out as much but the "what that means" is also very important:

For example: even if you're 100% a girl, that doesn't mean you have to do it the "standard way". You can by a girl who is flat chested, wears masculine clothes, doesn't do traditionally feminine things, has short hair, never wears makeup, etc... And you can do that no matter what you were born as! You don't have to dress certain ways or have certain hormones or certain genitals. Gender presentation is a buffet, not picking from a menu.

You can mix and match. And if anyone complains, tell them to fuck off. What are they, the gender police? All cops are bastards, especially self-appointed cops. Your gender is between you and yourself.

You have a lot of choices you can make. You just need to realize you have them, and decide if you like your current answers or want to try something else.

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