

@bunnyloverqueen / bunnyloverqueen.tumblr.com

Hi! You can call me Bunny or Rose either works. I am omnisexual, ambiamorous, and use they/bun pronoun.

Hi, I'm Bunny or Rose!

I do both art and writing, though you'll find all of my writing over on my AO3 account here!

Most of the art I do is for my fics, so if you are ever curious about what the art is based on, go read the fics!

Also, feel free (if you are coming from AO3) to ask about my fics!

You can also just ask me things in general! I'm always happy to talk to people!

I hope you all have a great day! Love you all <3 /p


advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love

You get bigger so you can store even MORE love and appreciation for the world inside of you


mumscarian 💝

i think they were called buttercups ?? idk i havent watched, but i think they’re neat 👍🏼👍🏼 i struggled so hard with scar LMAO i might repaint him😔

okay when i think abt it, mumbo is rose, grian poppy, scar sunflower .. do we fw this or not 🕵️

thanks guys for all the support i love all of you sm <3


Bloody Kiss / Poppies & Lilacs / 3rd Life

Day 1 of the Scarian Summer Smooch Fest! One thing I will never get over is Grian constantly chanting “King!” whenever Scar gets a kill in 3rd Life, here’s my twist on it.


My most recent comic for The Nib! You can read my other Nib stories here

I’ve noticed there are fewer butterflies just in the past few years.

Also bees. There aren’t as many bees.

Also far fewer fireflies.



Used to be even 10-15 years ago there would be patches of sidewalk next to gardens that sometimes you couldn’t walk on once in a while because they were just covered in butterflies sunning themselves between trips to the flowers.

Like there were times I would walk past some spots and it’d be like a movie with this wave of small butterflies that would fly up, disturbed by my passing.

Used to see lots of fireflies, too.

Now it’s a rare treat to see multiple butterflies at once, and lightning bugs are much fewer and far between.

It’s sad.

I never liked the beetles that came out during the spring

They were everywhere and creepy

We found one in our printer

It wasn’t ever anything crazy

But you hardly see one now

Over just a few years


"wahhh b-but I use AI because I’m not creative / talented / skilled enough to make art by myself--" how about you LEARN, then. remember that? learning? that thing we all naturally do? go do it.

"but art supplies are expensiveee--" bitch are you telling me you don’t have a single pencil or pen lying around? not a scrap of paper in your whole vicinity? your phone can’t support a basic free drawing app?

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