
your resident sam lover (pfp by @moronkyne)

there’s a guy at work who’s forcing everyone in the breakroom to gender me right by yelling my name at any given moment 

he also said he was sorry he read my deadname on the worksheet but was “going to get black out drunk and probably forget dw” 

edit : im a trans guy, im out and on T but im very short that’s why my buddy asserts my gender for me i repeat he’s not outing me he’s doing it to keep me from being misgendered

expanding the coworker universe

happy pride month to THIS POST


I was recently reminded that I have an ao3 account and have fanfiction that I've posted on there so I logged in and checked my inbox and uh

Do you think it'd be weird if I replied to their comment now


altair you cant just tell us that you have ao3 and not drop your handle


so i'm relistening to the freelancer series- bc it's my comfort listen lol AND WHY IS XAVIER SO POOKIE ??? I WISH HE WERE AROUND FOR LONGER LIKE HE'S SO SILLY AND GIGGLY :((( I WANNA GIVE HIM A KITH SO BAD, WHY WASN'T HE ONE OF THE ROMANCIBLE OPTIONS :(((( anyway yeah <3

pov me @ xavier ^^

i would've never forgiven erik but also- that would've ate so hard i can't lie HGKDHDK

bro might’ve actually gotten death threats if that happened


Okay this is for the sake of my sanity

When we imagine elementals using their magic, do you imagine it like the benders in ATLA, or a swift movement they can easily control and don’t have to do exaggerated movements to control?

For me I feel like it's more like the Force in Star Wars; They can use hand gestures or nothing at all (usually in cases of keeping covert) but it takes time to learn to show no signs so you will usually see humanborns and young empowereds using more movements


[F4F] Stage Fright Comfort from Your Charming Ringleader

Introducing, Bernadette Popovski! This woman runs the biggest covert risk known to man.

She is the Ringleader of Popovski's Circus of Miracles and Delights (that's the full name because she's extra like that). Her circus hosts many talented empowered folk showing off their powers, all under the guise of mere circus tricks. The fire eater is a fire elemental, the lion tamer is a telepath and a shifter, the trapeze artist is an air elemental, ect.

Thus the circus is able to maintain covert, even though its been heavily investigated by DUMP. Hell, the only person to ever get close to busting Popovski was some rookie stealth investigator, but even they couldn't make anything stick.

The circus even offers discounts and private seating for daemons who want to feed on the audience's emotions.

Her listener is a Sonal Energetic, whom Bernadette always refers to as her Magnum Opus. After hearing the listener's voice even once, she knew she had to have her in the circus. It took a month or so of continuously asking, some would say begging, but eventually the listener agreed.

All the world's a stage, and Bernadette was made to shine, and drag those bright enough into the spotlight with her. Kicking and screaming.


listener icons for anyone whos interested :) credit is not required but would be appreciated!!

(Angel, Babe, Sweetheart, Darlin', Lovely, Treasure; all icons are made by me EXCEPT Darlin's, please tell me who made theirs!!)

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