@bougiebutchbitch /

Transformatron on AO3. They/them. Finally hit my anime phase in my twenties. Not entirely SFW - no minor followers, please. Explicit because Tumblr fears the hole of Izzy Hands.

Babe are you alright, you've barely talked about Dementus's white cloak being stained with Red blood when it's time for war, and slowly turning to black as he grows into an old dictator

Babe, you haven't even brought up the teddy bear being put in a cage, snatched away and chained to Dementus, and when eventually Furiosa screams for her innocence back, cuts the teddy off him. And she holds it and leaves it in the sand, because she knows she can never have her innocence back but she can at least free it from Him


mad max: fury road says that when stripped down to its basic parts, the world is run by rich old men who control the production of weapons, oil, and water and food resources. these old men willingly hold most of the world in artificial poverty and take luxury as their right. they regard women as their property. they use sincere religious sentiment to further their selfish aims. they killed the world.

furiosa wants to fight back: she wants to escape to the green place, the utopia of childhood. but no matter what she and the wives sacrifice or how far they search, the earth is sour. the old men poisoned the soil with their bombs and their chemicals. there is no homeland outside of the systems these old men have dominated and these women have inhabited, the system furiosa has learned and perpetuated and rejected. their only option is to go back, to kill the old men and take their place in the tower where decisions are made.

can they hold the citadel, the ones who plant seeds instead of bombs? can they deradicalize the religious soldiers and create a more equitable society? can something grow in sour soil after all? we will never know. we leave our change-makers moving up into the seat of power. but as long as they rise, we can hold on to an ambiguous moment of hope.


Dementus: I’m a freak 🤪 that’s why my name is Dementus! Look at my teddy bear!

Immortan Joe, his sons who he named Scrotus & Rictus Erectus and their friend that's only ever referred to as The People Eater:


It´s been a while since I drew something MadMax:Fury Road related, and since the movie of Furiosa is premiering this week I decided it would be cool to finish this idea of Max yelling "Confocamus!" when he is attached to the WarBoys chase scene. So there, enjoy some more MadMax:Fury Road goodness.

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