
the stars my solace

@bladesrunner / bladesrunner.tumblr.com

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Tell me you're looking out for someone? – That's right. – What's this fellow's name? – He's got several names... William H. Bonney, Kid Antrim... and Billy the Kid.

BILLY THE KID (2022 ) S01E01: The Immigrants

Source: bladesrunner

I have to go. — Firebird. You'd really leave me to rally the troops at Zvedya all by myself? — Guess you'll have to "focus on the task at hand, saving Ravka." – I love it when you quote me.

SHADOW AND BONE (2021 ) S02E05: Yuyeh Sesh (Despise Your Heart)

Source: bladesrunner

"The people of Nevarro appreciate all you've done, Mando. I want to give you this deed to a cabin just outside of town where you can lay low with your new family if you choose to. Between adventures."

THE MANDALORIAN (2019 ) S03E08: The Return

Source: bladesrunner
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