

@bijoumikhawal / bijoumikhawal.tumblr.com

Support Queers, the Ace community, the nonbinary community, transfemmes, Rroma, and Latines or I'll bite your fucking leg off. | Idris, they/them or fae/faer | trans aroace-spec fag, effeminate, gender is a nightmare | transmisogyny exempt | 💉10/10/19 | biracial Egyptian | in the process of converting to Judaism |

Hi, this shall be my new pinned because I guess we do that now. To reiterate in case you can't see my header, I'm Idris, I'm Egyptian and biracial (w/e), and I use they/fae. Feel free to ask me about things: I love to talk and if a subject is uncomfortable, I'll simply state as such. Please don't follow if you're under 18 (and be prudent and block 'nsft' because I do post smut and reblog man ass).

My talk tag is 'Cipher talk', my kind of bitchy tag for Egyptian culture is 'actually Egyptian tag', my Julian analysis and appreciation tag is 'Bashir fan club'. My Garak tag is 'edosian melancholies'. My Sisko tag is 'No divide between dream and dreamer'. My trek reference tag is celestial road map. Sycamores before the flood is a WIP tag; Jijoy is one of the main characters. The reanimators is also a WIP tag.

my NSFW Twitter (art) is KhawalAfterDark, my ao3 is deathlybijoumme

I do fanfic commissions for short pieces of about 500 words for $15 for properties I am familiar with, though I will not write graphic underage content, bigoted stories (not the same as a story wherein bigotry is expressed by a character), character hitpieces, or excessive gore. For more on that look here. My Kofi is ko-fi.com/rosebijoumme.

Current fan projects: Cardassian and Hebitian world building, which I publish on ao3 and occasionally post snippets of on here in my world building tag. Please ask me about them! It gives me the excuse to talk and odds are you'll ask a question that leads me to clarify my thoughts on something that I hadn't considered.

Check my 4 part discussion of Egyptian cultural dress (19th century to present) here . The blog where I talk about Egyptian fashion is sartorialegypt on WordPress.

If you feel like whinging at me about Egypt or Copts, donate to Coptic Survivor here instead. Also check out NubiYouth, an organization that helps Nubians in the US and Egypt and has periodic fundraisers, here.


Hello friends ! I am a palestinian young man from Gaza. I am 26 yrs old and I am one of an eight member family that are undergoing to the worst genocide on earth. My family and I have been suffering from lack of food water, medical care , and lack safety and peace for over 250 days. Life has become hell on earth. Nothing has been left to ease our pain or to relieve our suffering. Struggling for securing daily basic needs has become the greatest challenge for my family to the extent that we sometimes spend days without food or water, that is why I am asking you to give my family your hand to support us financially and morally. You of course support just and fair causes and our cause is one hundred percent fair . All what we need now to keep my family safe and alive. So please help us through your contributions either by donating whatever you can or by sharing my link to others to help.


western pleasure horses at the canter always look like they’re limping off the battlefield, everything is smoke and craters and they’re injured and half dead from exhaustion but there’s nowhere to stop so they just keep jogging

some people apparently find this gait desirable.

it looks like it's been shot


me when I walk to the kitchen after sitting scrunched up in my computer chair hyperfixating on art for three hours


I am BEGGING younger drivers. drive carefully. give yourself room. for fuck's sake use your turn signals and don't fucking weave thru traffic. this is not a video game, this is real life and if you get into an accident, you could get killed or kill someone else VERY easily

Here's the best advice my instructor told me: "You're going to have an accident. It's not a matter of if it's a matter of when and it may not even be your fault.

Drive so that when that accident happens it'll be as un-serious as possible"

That means use your seatbelt! The turn signals! And be aware of the speed limits and what other people are doing.


My older sister gave me some really good advice when I was first learning how to drive and would feel stressed or anxious when I'm driving slower than someone behind me on a one-lane street, or when there's someone waiting on me to make a right turn:

Nobody can make you do anything when you're in a car. They can get impatient or annoyed or even honk at you, but the chances of them getting out and berating you is slim to none. And even then, they can't make you move until you feel safe and ready to.

So for anyone with social anxiety who feels awful whenever they're "underperforming" on the road and holding other people up: your safety matters more than their convenience. If you don't feel safe or comfortable, you are not obligated to put your car into motion, even when pressured. You are not being selfish, you are being responsible. If you can easily get out of the way of others, do so. If you can't, fuck them for honking at you for driving at a safe speed, or making sure there's no oncoming traffic before merging or turning right.

Also: headlights in the rain or fog aren't just so you can see. They're also so that other people can see YOU. You do not want to have a barely-visible car on the highway.

A Relevant Song:

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