
Digital R O A R

@bigkingbowser / bigkingbowser.tumblr.com

25+|Enby|He/They/It|Canada ||King||
Freelance Artist, Writer, Master Procrastinator. (Hover icon for links) If you feel uncomfortable with me following for any reason, let me know to unfollow and I'll fuck right off no questions asked!

Verified Palestinian gofundme’s Masterlist

Rightfully so, I have gotten messages worrying if everything I post is legit (I try my best to make sure the answer is yes), but here’s a masterlist of ones that one or more people have confirmed are legit Palestinians. Most are from the blogs @el-shab-hussein, @ibtisams, @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc ,@90-ghost, @nabulsi and @palipunk

I will also be making individual posts for most of these

these are vetted, please don't hesitate to share and donate


US states where a popular adult website will be blocked as of July 1, 2024

Fucking horrifying how many people in the notes think this is a good thing. Like yeah, I’m sure that this time conservatives are actually concerned about the children. Absolutely no other reason at play here. Its never a red flag when the government wants your id to police your sexual habits. That’s never been dangerous to the queer comminity, or anyone else. Yall are disturbingly easy to brainwash into going along with fascist bullshit.


To put it short:


Don’t forget: every major right-wing think-tank and lobbying group is trying to outright criminalize all pornography creation and distribution if a conservative is elected president.

P.S. They consider a gay kiss to be “pornography.”

This post is innaccurate. Louisiana has also had this law in place since January 1, 2023. Look up Act 440. Not only does it affect pornhub, but also any website whose content is “at least 33% pornography.” No the legislators did not expand on how you would measure the percentage of pornography on a website. it drives me crazy that nobody was talking about this law when it got passed two years ago

Source: reddit.com

anyways take heat waves seriously. heat strokes and heat exhaustion are real. drink water. wear sunscreen. stay covered or in shaded areas if you can. pay attention to your skin - if it’s super flushed and your face is redder than usual, get under some shade and cool down IMMEDIATELY. pay attention to kids and elders too.


Originally put this in the tags but I think it might be more useful as a reblog. Anyway short tips from someone who regularly deals with 100°F+ weather in the summer. I use these when the AC goes out or it's so hot that the max air setting still outputs warm air:

  • if you dont have blackout curtains, put tinfoil on your windows. you can use a little water on the glass to stick it on there like vinyl to reflect the sun back out. You don't need to measure it perfectly, just sticking kitchen foil over the glass is enough
  • take bowls of ice and set them around the room you're trying to keep the coolest. Ice set in front of a fan can also help.
  • dehumidifier. now.
  • if you have carpets or rugs on the floor that are removable consider rolling them up for a little while. hard floors can be cold and nice on feet.
  • cold wet bandanna around the forehead and if desperate: cold wet socks
  • Electronics Generate Heat. Maybe not a huge amount but if you have a gaming computer or laptop that outputs a lot of hot air, it will heat the room even if you think its too little or too slow to notice
  • drink water like your life depends on it because in some cases. it will.
  • you are more vunerable to heat if you take meds that are SSRIs. you need more water and more caution if you do.

Omg. Just Stop Oil just broke into the private airfield where Taylor Swift’s private jet was parked and spray painted it orange



As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.

I'm also gonna stop listing the reasons why I recognize something is a scam. It's becoming more and more clear there is 1 person behind this STRING of scams and they're leaving less trails behind but it still reeks of them and their MO.


At this point I'm fine receiving a bunch of inbox messages asking me to vet x y z so y'all can avoid this shit. But please have some critical thinking!

People are exploiting our situation.

Reblog this post.

Whether you wanna read the whole thing or not idc.


The person this was about deleted the 4th or 5th scam account they made and are definitely gonna make a new one soon. I don't want anybody falling for this anymore.


every little bit helps.


hey guys if you actually care about mexicos water crisis please consider boycotting brands like coca cola and heineken. they are the ones running mexico's water supplies dry. I am aware of the "mexicans drink too much coke lmao" stereotype but it is because they have made us dependent on their brand, making it so in certain places of mexico, a coca cola bottle is cheaper than water. all thanks to our ex president Vicente Fox <3


Translation: liters of water extracted annually.


AI disturbance overlays for those who don't have Ibis paint premium. found them on tiktok

how do you use these?

Put these on the top layer above everything, set layer to 'overlay' then adjust opacity. You can put it on whatever opacity you want but usually 30%+ is most effective.

The point is to obstruct the picture so AI can't read your image because AI counts every single pixel in your art

By this post alone, in less than 5 hours.

I need you all to calm the fuck down




Art people pls use this


Racism is alive and well in America

This Juneteenth as we celebrate and reflect on the progress we've made and look to what we can do to improve equal rights for black folks I want to bring attention to an issue far too closet to my heart- environmental racism.

I had a friend who died, far too young. It's been many years so newer tumblr users won't know him. His name was james and he was a popular tumblr user when he was alive @kumagawa . I idolized him like an older brother, and still do. He lived in Flint, Michigan. He was around 27 when he died. He was a healthy man, other than the fact he lived with dirty water in Flint, Michigan.

I'll never fucking forgive the US government for killing my friend, my brother. Why did James die? Because Flint, Michigan is 56% Black. Because it would be expensive to fix the lead pipes that gave my friend lead poisoning and killed him.

As of April 24,2024 the city of Flint, Michigan still hasn't replaced all the lead pipes that are poisoning the people living there.

If you can help, give money to Mari Copeny's go fund me.

Mari Copeny, better known as Little miss Flint, is now 16 years old and over the past few years has raised nearly a million dollars for her community.

She has a website to links for other ways to support the community

Please reblog this post if you can't give any money... It would mean the world to me if I could use my friend's memory to help promote environmental racism and the issues still facing his community today.

Thank you for rebloging this it means the world to me. It makes me so happy when i see one of his posts still being reblogged. His memory lives on online and people who didn’t even know him are able to still enjoy the pieces of him that are here.


it’s okay to do things that make your symptoms worse (as long as you’ll stay safe)

every once in a while you need to eat something yummy. or go on a walk. or a trip to the zoo. take a hot shower. cry your eyes out. dance. listen to music. draw for way to long. write. laugh. sit in a cafe with a friend. paint your nails. dye your hair. go on a run. pet a cat

sometimes you need to do things that are cathartic or make yourself feel alive. sometimes you need the reminder of why you’re fighting so hard to stay alive

this is your reminder that just because it makes your symptoms worse, it isn’t always the wrong thing to do. there can be value in these actions

If you think about it too, abled people do it all the time. Deciding to drink to excess at a party knowing they'll have a hangover. Going to a theme park knowing walking all day is going to hurt their feet by the end. We have the right to make those same decisions.

This is called Dignity of Risk, and it's an important concept in disability justice.

Everyone weighs their physical and mental/emotional health against one another in constantly shifting balance; inevitably, there are times when we choose to accept consequences to one for the sake of the other.

Infantilsing us by undermining our agency in the name of "protection" or "care" is yet another way that we are disabled by society.


This is one of those true, declassified government things that always sounds made up but one of the things Henry Kissinger did with his career was use the CIA to help turn small, prosperous socialist nations into fascist dictatorships just to keep those nations powerless and possibly to keep socialist systems *looking* doomed and futile to the American public, like maybe just to scare Americans out of demanding better infrastructure or universal income. Yes it sounds like an insane conspiracy theory a maniac would invent. It also happened multiple times and several generations of people around the world are still living in misery because of it.


Remember folks, the two types of conspiracy theory are "Things the CIA or FBI has admitted to doing" and "Antisemitism"


€330,653 raised of €350,000 goal!!!

this group distributes food, vegetables, and other cooking supplies as well as everyday essentials (clothes, water, medicine) to families in North, Central, and South Gaza!


The goal has been raised to help more people and they're currently on a mission to provide 10 million litres of drinking water to people in need. As of the time of this reblog the fundraiser is at

€884,885 out of €950,000


To add, when we talk about Israel's crimes against Palestinians, we must do that with the understanding that Israel views Palestinians as an existential threat. We cannot rationalise that, obviously, but this idea of Palestinians from all ages and walks of life, present a threat to the existence of Israel is a crucial point to consider in our discussions. To know that, to Israel, a Palestinian refugee poses as much threat to its existence as an armed Palestinian resistance fighter, is to understand why the former is denied the right of return under Israeli law. You can understand this further when you look at Israel’s history too, of how, for example, Israel’s military operation Plan Dalet sought to destroy Palestinian villages in 1948 that were "population centers which are difficult to control", all the way to today, when Israel kidnaps and imprisons over 600 children in the span of 8 months alone.


today's vetted fundraisers. eid just began - instead of a happy time of togetherness and celebration, families like these are having to spend the holy days amidst the cruelest of circumstances, deprived of all components of safe and healthy life. now is a more vital time than ever to support these campaigns. any contribution you can make is valuable.

june 16th:

if the list seems extra long today, take it as a signal that your help, in whatever form you can give, is urgently needed.


The fact that the function of whistleblowers does not work in israeli society is kinda funny if not horrifying. We've had been hearing for months about the torture of palestinian prisoners to the point that western news outlets even documented that doctors are helping IOF torture prisoners by discovering their "weaknesses" and israeli society's response was "that's okay because they're palestinian and we need to finish this war quickly so we can win" or "all countries have bad histories why are you pointing out ours"

Anyways this complicity of doctors and the torture of palestinian prisoners has been documented for many years as in its systemic.

In 2011, Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) documented prison doctors' implicit involvement in ill-treatment by returning victims to perpetrators after perfunctory care, sharing medical information with perpetrators and failing to document and report torture and ill-treatment.
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