
to feel in the moment


23 • criminology/sociology UG • human rights MSc • gif by: studioghibligifs

I am so excited today because I finally bought myself my 13-year-old-girl-obsession-book. When I was 13 years old, I read it multiple times because I was so obsessed with it, but I never got to read the rest of the series because my school library only had the first book (how does that even make sense? why torture me like that?) and back then I did not have money to buy myself books, so I never finished reading the series. I can't even describe how much I loved this book back then and I've never forgotten it but today I finally got it for myself and now I can start reading the series. :)

Update: Reading this book was a whole experience. Not only was I re-living the story (The benefit of not reading a book in exactly a decade is that you forget some bits - in a good way, you get to re-read it!), I also gained a new perspective on it, because I understand different bits in a different way, due to personal experience since then. I also got to see the characters in a different light. I remember having my first book crush on the male main character (lol) and loved the female main character, too. Now they annoy me a little, but I still enjoyed reading it. One major thing: HOW COME I prefer the translated version more than the original?? Back then, I read the book in German and I liked it so much more. It also felt much longer than the English original.




I am a complete marshmallow obsessed person, so you can imagine my excitement when I found out about the interesting invention of Smores (even the name is curious to me). Anyway, I don't know why, but I *never* made any Smores. I don't know why. I guess I just waited for them to magically find their own way into my life. And it's not like you can buy them at any cafes or restaurants or anything... It was also a challenge to find 'Graham crackers' which are mentioned in every recipe but I simply can't find them here in Europe).

Anyway, a couple of months ago, I had a friend over and *happened* to have marshmallows, chocolate *and* some cookies at home simultaneously. They were not Graham Crackers, but I asked my friend if they could be used (Digestives) and she agreed. Imagine me in starry eyes in that instant.

So we made some Smores and put them in the oven... And guess what. They turned out BAD. For some reason, the chocolate did not melt (it was very cheap...) and the smores didn't melt either. Apart from that, the digestive were way too sweet and everything just tasted toooo much. I will try again. I am not giving up on Smores yet.

Source: julieterbang

Tell me if you're

a) a student that does not underlime text in university library textbooks (howwww do you reaaaad without physically interacting with the teeeext??) or

b) one of the students that leaves their pencil notes and highlights in textbooks in the hopes that the next student will find them useful (me 😳)

On the same note, do you like finding other people's study notes in your textbooks or do you prefer a blank canvas for your own studying? 🧐


Studyblr Question!

Actually, now I am curious! Is it just me or do you also get nervous with emptiness in particular in relation to studying? I'm a deeply visual person, I need colours and diagrams and pictures to be able to focus on something (reading black and white books is soooooooooo much more difficult for me than reading even minimally coloured books!). When I see studyblrs with the minimalistic aesthetic, while super being cool, they make me sooooo nervous! I think it's because they remind me of 'unfinished work', because for me doing my readings and assignments always start like that: a blank page or black and white text. But when I finish, it's all a colourful, doodle-filled and notes-filled mess. That's what I associate with muly productivity. And I'm not talking about the organised mess here on studyblr, either! I'm talking about the type pf mess that screams: This person has read this page 46 times and every time she's highlighted something different in a different colour. :')


How did I forget to mention this?

So, yesterfay I decided to finally sit doen after 5 months of uni and decorate my study space. I always hated how it was so boring and empty. I have a tiny, tiny desk, so I can't really do a lot there, because I need the space for books and my laptop. But i have this huge white, boring, despressing wall right in front of me and so I thought it's time to bring some colour in. What did I do? I went on canva and desgined two posters in my ultimate aesthteic (which is vintage pink travel with all things pressed flowers): a 2024 calendar and a project list/reminder for the rest of May and June 2024. This has changed mt mood sooooo much around studying! I just feel more confortable and at ease when I sit on my desk now. I usually procrastinate *a lot* and it takes me days before I start studying and the reason for that is that I get really nervous and anxious about starting tasks, because lately there's been a lot of pressure and anxiety around, like, every single assignment I've had to do. Anyway, I have also realised that I require deeply personalised, customised decoration to feel comfortable somewhere, especially when the space is too minimalistic (new and modern compared to older and classic - compare new modern libraries with Harvard or Oxford libraries, for example). Now I realise that I enjoy being on my desk much more, which is definitely the first step to getting things done. :)


I am so excited today because I finally bought myself my 13-year-old-girl-obsession-book. When I was 13 years old, I read it multiple times because I was so obsessed with it, but I never got to read the rest of the series because my school library only had the first book (how does that even make sense? why torture me like that?) and back then I did not have money to buy myself books, so I never finished reading the series. I can't even describe how much I loved this book back then and I've never forgotten it but today I finally got it for myself and now I can start reading the series. :)


I think that we have genuinely forgotten how to be friends. Shouldn't friends be willing and even enjoy helping you out without expecting to be paid for it? Let's say, help you move apartments, see you off at the airport, help you carry the groceries from the store to your house, or other similar, ordinary, everyday kind of things?

On a similar note, don't people like to start and develop friendships anymore? I mean, why does it like I'm such a burden or waste of time when I ask someone to spend some time together at a cafe and they end up checking their phones all the time, or can't wait to leave and go about their own lives? Why don't we have conversations anymore? And when we do, why do all conversations have to be venting/negative/complaints about the state of the world or about this and that? I am not saying that you shouldn't be able to express yourself and your feelings and more generally what you have been going through, but why can't we just... be? Come to my house, we'll spend some time watching a movie. We don't have to talk, we can just watch and enjoy each other's presence. We can order some pizza, or I can make us some pasta real quick.

Let's play a game of UNO and then watch funny Youtube videos together.

Tell me about that boy you like while I paint my nails or something.

Am I asking for too much? Is basic decency and normal conversation too much? Everyone keeps complaining about how our societies are becoming more and more individualistic and how loneliness keeps increasing everywhere, but once we're outside, once we're together, they can't wait to leave again... This can't be just me.


One more essay to go... I am so behind the deadline that i don't even know if i am going to pass, but i decided to do my best until the end and to try to enjoy the process? I can't wait for this to be over. April was really not great for me.

Did I finish the essay? No. Is hell over? Yes. That's all I am going to say for now.


I remember the very first day I got tumblr. Thinking about which phone I was using, how tumblr looked different back then, how unfamiliar the app was to me. I remember that at first I was so confused by everything, I did not understand what these blogs were about and was so shy to write my own things. 8 years and about 3 new accounts later, I am still too shy to write my own thoughts, but the picture of that screen, of me scrolling on here for the first time, is still very present in my head.


Random writing tips that my history professor just told during class that are actually helpful

  • Download all your sources or print them so you can turn off your wifi
  • Give your phone to someone
  • Just. WRITE. Writing is analysing, you’ll get more ideas as you write. It doesn’t need to be perfect, for now you can just blurt out words and ideas randomly. You can fix it later.
  • Create a skeleton/structure before writing.
  • Stop before you get exhausted. It’s best to stop writing when you still have some energy and inspiration left, this will also motivate you to get started again next time.
  • Make a to do list
  • Work in bite sizes. Even if it’s not much, as long as you put some ideas on paper or do some editing.
  • Simple language =/= boring language, simple language = clear language.
  • Own your words. If they are not your words, state this clearly in the text, not just in the footnotes.
  • STOP BEFORE YOU GET EXHAUSTED. Listing it again because it’s easily one of the best tips a teacher has ever given me.

The point about stopping before you get exhausted is so, so important and eye-opening!

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