
they trapped me in a a jar


they domesticated me :(

justice for kabru. they put my man in the wrong genre. bro was meant to be playing psychological games with light yagami and instead he’s playing yaoi mind tennis with a blonde himbo


People have been talking about how Senshi isnt different in the changeling episode because he got turned into an elf but hes just always been like that. I would like to add my take on this

Dwarfs in dungeon meshi are super masculine. Theyre living in a steampunk society and hold super masculine jobs like smithing or mining or fighting. They're all meat, mead, and metal.

Then you look at Senshi and he's like. Dude's making salads in a fucking Dungeon out of homegrown veggies in his own secret garden He befriended a horse(kelpie) and named it Anne. He made his adamantite shield into a cooking pot. The rejecting toxic masculinity cultural heritage symbolism is super on the nose

Senshi really is just fruity as hell. He is Just Like That


posts that are poems to me

on your belly you shall go and dust you shall eat all the days of your life, you said to me but the man and his wife returned me my feet with the knowledge i did sow

Look at this! Look at my mutual!

This is glorious. Almost all of the same text was preserved, but it was structured in a way that A). Reveals more of genesis. B). Has an ABCDCBA rhyming structure, which is like... the chiasmus of rhymes. And chiasmus is like, one of the only poetic structures that is actually preserved through the funhouse of translation layers that the bible has suffered. C). The syllable counts match in each thing as well, just as a flex. D). The poem is comparing man to God, and the D line is structured so that the comparison happens over that line, and it's... I don't know what the word for it would be. It is just really, really fucking clever to have a mirror point in a poem that's essentially about comparisons.

Just. Holy shit.


Hey. Hey. Watch the video.

That is absolutely not what I expected the video to be like

"and this is a fish abandoned by god"


i just looked at your pfp and i think you get the reward for Most Relatable Tbh Ever


I like it because it looks like if tbh was an autistic who works in retail and has to deal with shitty social interactions and sensory issues all day.


ive seen complaints about laios not showing as much emotion as he should have on faligons reveal and i just know its because everyone was expecting him to be heartbroken

but its because that is not a heartbroken man. he legitimately thinks falin looks cool. that is the voice of an envious sibling looking at his sisters much cooler halloween costume and hes judging her for it being too much which is especially funny considering what happens later

Man i wish we got falin reacting to monster laios. Imagine her looking at him and having the exact same inner monologue


if chilchuck is into blondes and finds dwarves attractive, then him saying "no party romance" isn't a rule, it's a survival mantra


both the half arsed apology and the use of the italian for faggotry on sky news without censorship are sending me


okay but. genuine question. I have NEVER heard a straight person in Italy say "forciaggine". ever. sure, homophobes say "frocio" as a slur. but all the people using derivatives — frociaggine frociata frociarola frocetto frocione — ALL these people are queer. I have ONLY heard froci use the word frociaggine in my entire life living in Italy. (Personally I say it about 12 times a week)

which begs the question. which frocio working at the vatican taught Francis this word.



Are you saying Pope Francis, might have used that slur (albeit mistakenly so) because he thought (also mistakenly so) that it was jus the general way to referee to someone Queer, because SOMEONE QUEER TOLD HIM THAT?

I think it was his openly extremely gay costume guy

You know the one


Marcille: "Uhhh . . . I'm so hungry . . ."

Laios: "We should have waited until we were at the end of this maze to kill and eat the minotaur. Senshi, what do we have left?"

Senshi: "We're good on water due to that aquifer leaking into the maze, but otherwise all we have left is my spices and this unopened bottle of benadryl."

Laios: "Hmm . . ."

Marcille: "Laois, look at me. Benadryl isn't food."

Laios: "I know that, but what if we were to kill and eat the Hat Man?"

Chilchuck: "WHAT?"

Senshi: "What's the Hat Man?"

Marcille: *sighs* "It's a shared hallucination, generally induced by certain kinds of drug intake. Some mages have tried to study if it's real but were unable to prove that it stayed tangible or present after they sobered up."

Senshi: "So that benadryl would lure the Hat Man to us, and give us a chance to fight it? That will be tough. Sounds like we will have to kill, cook and eat it all before the medicine wears off if it will lose tangibility otherwise."

Laois: "That's it! If we need only one or two of us to kill the Hat Man, then the rest can be dosed up only right before the meal is done cooking."

Senshi: "There's one problem with that. Dwarves are basically immune to any tallmen drug that isn't prescription strength. I'll need half the bottle just to have enough time to eat the meal. Chilchuck, you'll be able to use it the most efficiently because of how little you weigh. I can make sure that the fire is ready, but you'll have to fight the Hat Man alone and dose Marcille afterwards to help you with the cooking prep. Laios and I shouldn't risk taking more than needed just to eat."

Chilchuck: "ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THE HAT MAN IS REAL! And I don't do the fighting in this group! There's NO WAY that-"

Narrator: And so with their plan formulated, Chilchuck took a heavy dose of benadryl and prepared to fight the Hat Man in single combat.

This is basically how the living painting episode went


My personal headcanon is that postcanon laios after he got hit with the spoilers curse got actually pretty depressed for a while. Marcille felt bad and decided to teach him how to create familiars, which is what he now does in his freetime. Just a bunch of Laios monster OCs which he meticulously crafts like those super detailed custom warhammer figurines. He has them move around inside a miniature dungeon

He perhaps even creates a type of "role playing" game related to exploring a Dungeon and perhaps encountering Dragons or some other form of monsters


Elves live longer, but they are also slower to learn from accumulated experience and hence mentally mature slower as a result. As an example, we see Marcille repeat a lot of the same mistakes like pouring out boiling water haphazardly even after the undine incident. Its not that she isnt learning from her mistakes, its that as an elf she needs more experiences for the same amount of learning. This also explains why unlike Falin who prefers to learn magic by experimentation and experience, Marcille is a totally by the book, honor student. She and other elves benefit much more from learning through transferred knowledge rather than from experience.

You can see this reflected in Elven culture which tends to be very traditional and conservative. Most of an elf's knowledge is transferred from their predecessors as opposed to distilled from their own experiences, which has an interesting implication: elves are probably reaaally bad at questionning traditions. As an example: Laios and Chilchuck, both of whom are members of a short-lived race instantly figured out that uh, getting a dog to harvest mandrakes isnt a good idea and cant you just use a longer rope? Whereas Marcille didnt even question the absurdity of the method or if there was a potential alternative eventhough she felt bad for the dog. It also explains why Marcille has some...traditional (god awful) takes about gender presentation.

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