
Little Haven of Nonsense


Utena, dunmeshi, cool art, etc.
They/them. I am an adult.
Art account: @aubelisk-arts
Terfs and proana DNI.
I tag: #my fanart, #my (non-fan) art, tws
Spoilers get tags for 1-2 weeks after new content airs

Goodbye, Lynn. Thank you for your constant support and encouragement since the day I started these comics. It has meant the world to me, and I wish I could have told you. We will remember you forever.


Transfeminine readings of Anthy are a good way of weeding out bioessentialists who believe a story about girlhood and patriarchy must strictly be about cis girlhood - when in reality, everything that Anthy represents can just as easily, if not more suitably be applied if she is a trans woman.

She’s able to pass as a man perfectly and no one suspects a thing. She’s held to perform femininity to impossible standards - demure, polite, submissive, never speaking up for herself. Even as she suffers because of it, her womanhood is still very important to her, and she longs to fulfill the ideal of a princess - something she can never have, because The Princess within the context of RGU is a patriarchal construct that excludes her, just as Utena cannot be a prince. She’s constantly bullied, othered and mistreated by the other women and girls in the series, like there’s something distinctly other about her. She’s abused, vilified, sexualized, adultified, and treated like an object. She’s constantly painted as the aggressor, the scapegoat, the witch. Anthy is a trans woman of colour with all that implies.


21.09.2023 🚫 today's anthy!

they hate to see lesbians winning 🙄

[ID: a drawing of anthy and utena from revolutionary girl utena. they are wearing their outfits from adolescence of utena, with anthy in her white rose bride dress and utena in her white duelist outfit. they are posing as if taking a selfie, clothes torn and tattered, covered with blood. both of them are leaning forward as they pose, smiling. anthy is stretching out one hand, presumably holding up the camera, while she holds something up between her and utena with her other hand. it appears to be akio's head, but it is mostly blocked out with pixels. anthy is smiling widely to the camera. utena is standing beside her, looking slightly tired as she smiles, holding up a V sign with her fingers. the background behind them is made up of a series of tumblr error notifications. each one is a red banner with an exclamation mark, reading, "ooops! it looks like there was an error trying to upload that image." above the background are several speech bubbles. the first comes from the left, reading, "hello anthy! 🌼". the second is from the right and reads, "we made it out 💖✨❣️". the third comes from the left and reads, "omg 🙀 pics‼️". end ID.]


A comic about childhood simple mysteries and sleepy longing

Childhood memories always come back and touch me deeply, no matter what they are. Sometimes, things become special for the simple reason that they are gone and can never come back.

Saudade (pt) is an emotional state of melancholic or profoundly nostalgic longing for a beloved yet absent something or someone. It is a recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events, often elusive, that cause a sense of separation from the exciting, pleasant, or joyous sensations they once caused.
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