we'll keep ringing

@applejongho / applejongho.tumblr.com

anne • she/her • 22 • gifs tracking #jonghomies hj sh yh ys s mg wy jh ot8

hello and welcome to ribo nation! 🍎🐻

my name is anne (she/her), im 22, and im a gif maker for ateez! i am the spooky and spine-chilling alt apple lady of tumblr as well as the most normal and well-adjusted guerrilla enjoyer on this site (do NOT mention the cane). I mostly post jongho (my ult, as you’ll very quickly come to realize) and hongjoong (my other ateez bias) but any of those pirate guys are fair game. even if you bias other members, I reblog posts of other creatives quite frequently with some of the most insane tags that’ll make you wonder why you’re following me in the first place! I am also a word maker (read: writer) and you can find my writing account here! most of my works are non-romance, non-nsfw, and darker-themed.

use this link to click once a day to help those in palestine! 🇵🇸

gif requests are currently closed.

ateez pride icon requests are open! see finished icons here.

want to learn how to make a gif? want to hear my voice? I have a step by step youtube tutorial right here!

want to use a gif of mine on your fic? want to download a gif of mine to repost? read this to see if im ok with it!

a note to tags on sets: please do not leave explicit/nsfw tags under my gifs or when you're reblogging from me. i'm ok with a suggestive comment but anything more is uncomfortable and will lead to a block if it happens more than once.

a note to blank blogs: I will give you a day of leeway once you follow me to change your profile picture/reblog or like posts/do human things but after that I will block and report you as a bot. I do go back into my blocked accounts every now and then and unblock accounts that proved to be human after all, but save both of us the trouble by proving to be human in the first place!

see my giffing improvement: 2022 year in review, 2023 year in review

see my crochet stuff: crochet tag

see my music arrnagements: arrangement/music tag

some goofy posts that are annecore (and are a gold mine for funny tumblr text posts): the about anne tag

some more posts that are annecore™:

thanks for looking at my page, I hope you enjoy! and remember,


oh dear god.

this is how you should greet me all the time btw.

hi chip. nice jongho you've got there. I have to look out of the corner of my eye to see him without exploding. thank u for the food


ps legally: have it from a school/work subscription, bought it, using someone else's subscription, etc

ps illegally: got it from a cracked site, cracked it yourself, etc

getting paid: frequently take commissions, make gifs for a company and post them here as well. and unless it's your primary way of getting money to live, kofi/similar sites do not count

not getting paid: making gifs for free, using kofi/similar sites as a tip jar

different software: photopea, gimp, etc.


ps legally: have it from a school/work subscription, bought it, using someone else's subscription, etc

ps illegally: got it from a cracked site, cracked it yourself, etc

getting paid: frequently take commissions, make gifs for a company and post them here as well. and unless it's your primary way of getting money to live, kofi/similar sites do not count

not getting paid: making gifs for free, using kofi/similar sites as a tip jar

different software: photopea, gimp, etc.


Just looked at a blog where the header description said 'sometimes I reblog posts I like so I don't forget them'.

And I feel like that, right there, explains so much about how the site has changed in the last few months.

People now think reblogging is an unusual behaviour, rather than a default.

Tumblr newbies, please, for the love of baby Jesus, reblog the posts you like. That is the whole reason the site exists - for you to collect all your shiny fandom objects in a single space. Which you can organize to your heart's content. Or not organize at all, if that's your jam.

Our blogs are intended to be collections of posts, not collections of likes.


Liking does absolutely nothing. There is no algorithm like on IG that will use likes to throw content at people. If you don’t reblog, then no one who doesn’t follow that person (or happen to find it in the tags) will see that post.

Tumblr is supposed to be your bookcase where you show off all of your pretties: the posts you like and the ones that you want to promote to support the other creators in your fandom/community.


Every time I advocate for voting people are like "no you shouldn't vote! Read this literature, it'll totally change the way you view voting!" And every single time it's the same fucking "you shouldn't vote because both parties are exactly the same so it won't make a difference who wins" bullshit wrapped up in some fancy language

"OP you need to read 'Voting is not Harm Reduction" OP has read Voting is not Harm Reduction. It opens with the acknowledgement that for the most vulnerable people, even a tiny degree of harm reduction can mean life or death and then continues to advocate for not participating in that harm reduction lest you "participate in your own oppression". Pardon me for not finding "vulnerable people should die for my ideology" very convincing.

“Vulnerable people should die for my ideology”

Thank you for summing up my entire issue with anti-vote people in one sentence.

An empty idealogical gesture that doesn’t make anything better, let alone even engage in harm reduction, is not leftism.

Especially if they think there’s nothing that can be done that will make a difference, so they’re just planning to make empty idealogical gestures until circumstances get bad enough that someone else gets forced to start a revolution for them because if they were going to do it instead of ranting about how useless voting is they’d have tried it already.

That’s not leftism and I will never shut up about how that’s not leftism. Because leftism is not about dying an honorable death on a hill that’s stupid.

I don’t even know what to call it. Defeatism maybe.


People who think of themselves as white knights but who are actually empty suits of armor set to crash into the people they claim to protect.


just made my resources tag a little more manageable lmao, so all giffing techniques are filled under #gif stuff, while all definitely totally legal practices for, say, getting ps, are under #buccaneering


HOW TO: Make Animated Neon Text

Hi! No one asked for this tutorial, but this is one of my favorite typography effects as of late — so I thought I'd share how I do it. You can see this effect in the first gif of this *NSYNC Celebrity set and the last gif of this Anthony Bridgerton set. Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop. It's also exclusively in Timeline and uses keyframes for the fading effect seen on the blue text.

Source: cal-kestis


An anon asked us to make a tutorial on how to use gradients to change the background on scenes with lots of movement so under the cut I’ll explain two ways of doing it: keyframes and frame by frame.

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