



This is something I should done when I started this account but for some reason I didn't. But this beats being on Twitter, so here goes nothing.

My name is Jeremy and welcome to my blog. I haven't figure out what I'm going to do with it but I'm mostly reblogging posts that I like.

My favorite series are (to name a few):

  1. Cardcaptor Sakura
  2. Steven Universe
  3. Ojamajo Doremi
  4. RWBY
  5. The Owl House

My favorite characters are:

  1. Sakura Kinomoto (CCS)
  2. Team RWBY (couldn't pick my favorite member)
  3. Pearl (Steven Universe)
  4. Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
  5. Kirby (Kirby series)
  6. Hugh (Pokémon series)
  7. Anya Corazon (Marvel Comics)
  8. the main cast of Ojamajo Doremi (couldn't pick one here either)

That's pretty much I got. This blog is still a work in progress and I might do some random stuff.


I think Yang's sense of protectiveness towards Ruby may also come from a sense of guilt, Yang was always "short fuse" so to speak and as a child possibly and even more so knowing that she surely also knew that it would attract her father's attention and so it did Tai's attention was directed towards supporting the family and yang, Ruby possessing "lesser needs" surely pushed her to be in the background, Yang surely loved her father's attention only for her as he trained her and helped her manage her energy for when she realized Ruby and Tai did not have such a close relationship the remorse attacked her enough for her to fill the role and the more she filled it, the more Tai and Ruby's relationship became neutral and she felt more guilty as she received affection from both of them but Tai and Ruby only from her, creating a sense of protection and fear of abandonment from them, seeing yang getting angry when someone insults them and getting angry when she feels them pulling away.

She put together the pieces of a broken family but she believes she needs both of her family but they only need one, and she gets angry and blames herself for it.


Tucker: So dude. You know how if you got knocked out in ghost form you turn into human. So what happened if you got knocked out in human form would you turn into your ghost form ? Danny: :O hmmm

Jazz: OMFG put the Steel chair down. jesus christ Jazz: mom-dad-uncle vlad you can not believe what kinda of stupid thing Danny and his friend just attemp to do if i don't show up ...

Also about to Punch the daylight out of Vlad to see if he would shift into Ghost if his human form is knocked out


Insane to me how Eda must've said yes to Luz asking to stay with her at the Owl house, because she could relate. Because at her exact same age, Eda also struggled with a mother who meant well, but was ultimately doing something that hurt her out of misguided intentions. And because she felt betrayed and didn't want to go along with that plan, Eda also ended up running into the woods outside her home, only to stumble across the portal in the ruins of a Clawthorne ancestor’s home, and go through it despite what her mother had planned. And in doing so, she found independence and began her journey into discovering herself.


Can i rant about Helluva Boss for second

The more i watch Blitzo and Stolas's relationship, the more makes me think that the writers are trying really hard to do something similar Rose and Pearl had in Steven Universe without understanding how that worked in SU.

Usually i think comparing these series doesn't make much sense because different demographic and humor but one thing i can compare is the difference between how Stolas/Blitzo and Rose/Pearl is executed.

One of the main differences is that there were some good things in Pearl and Rose's relationship. They supported and helped each other out. They inspired each other to be better people and see themselves beyond what they were. There was a certain charm to it in spite of their relationship being really messy.

Another key difference is that Rose doesn't take advantage of her relationship with Pearl. She doesn't see Pearl less than her and treats her as an equal. She doesn't demands things from her and she encourages her to be herself, to be more than a gem who follows orders.

The main occasion we get to see her taking advantage of her position is her ordering Pearl to not tell anyone about how they faked the shattering of Pink Diamond. To an extent is understandable why Rose did that, even if later in the series it is shown to be wrong and something that ended up emotionally hurting Pearl indirectly.

With Blitzo and Stolas... well, you don't get to have that.

Sarcastic Productions did a good breakdown of their relationship, and something that is an important problem with Blitz and Stolas is how Stolas kept taking advantage of his power dynamic with Blitz to make him have these sexual encounters in exchange for Blitz being able to have the book that is crucial to his business. There are occasions that Stolas treats Blitzo as lesser and is pretty inconsiderate towards him, treating Blitz like he was a child. It is something that it can get uncomfortable to watch if you see things from Blitz's perspective. We get to see how Blitz isn't comfortable with Stolas treating him like that but he doesn't say much because he knows that he needs Stolas' book.

That's not to say Blitzo is perfect neither, he is pretty much terrible in a lot of ways that an entire group of people throw an annual party to talk about how much they hate him. In that regard, the episode ¨Apology Tour¨ hints at the idea that he wants to be better as a person- which is a good character development for him, if it sticks.

The problem is that the narrative potrays Blitzo as ¨the bad guy¨ from lashing out to Stolas in the episode ¨Full Moon¨... which yeah, maybe yelling isn't the best reaction but a lot of the things Blitz says to Stolas are understandable from his point of view. Stolas has been taking advantage of him until it came to an stop after Season 1 finale and he is right there is a difference in their dynamic.

The issue comes from how the series doesn't seem to want for Stolas to realize how messed up that was nor the power position he has over imps and other demons. It has to be about how Blitzo made him feel sad that got angry at him for some understandable reasons. It feels like the narrative doesn't want to address Stolas' flaws as character and the episode pretends for us to but that he is in the same position as someone like Verosika.

The writing of Blitzo and Stolas's relationship is pretty messy in some areas but one thing i hope the series explores at some point is how Stolas realizes the power dynamic he had over Blitzo and how he messed up in his own way in their relationship. He has to learn this because it is an aspect that has been pushed under the rug for a while now and it is becoming a real problem in the narrative.


...how?? How are you so appallingly *bad* at understanding the story you're watching? Like is it willful misogyny and lesbophobia, or are you just spectacularly idiotic?

Either way, you need to stop talking like toy have any clue regarding what's going on.

Cishet guy detected.

How can anyone watch V5 at minimum and not get how absolutely heartbroken Yang was?

In the past I had chalked a lot of this up to heteronormativity but at this point I have to assume that it's something more malign.

Like you said, it's misogyny and lesbophobia. They refuse to see their relationship through any other lens.

The fact they blatantly lie about what happens in the story is a clear tell, they know what they are doing and just being an asshole.


It is certainly going to be interesting when the series Primos comes out.

I won't spoil much but i'll say that based from what i have watched that the characters speak a lot more spanish than usual that in other animated series with latino characters and the mother isn't always calling the protagonist ¨Mihija¨ every time she talks to her, which is cool.

Ignoring the controversy, what do you think are the chances that it might get renewed for a second season?


Still can’t comprehend why they chose Joan of Arc as their historical figure to butcher

I never expected accuracy or respect for the figure but they might as well have just made up some random historical soldier with how little she resembles the actual person and it would’ve been the same

I’m not french (consider myself a bit of a francophobe actually) but I find it insulting just how little respect the supposedly patriotic crew has for its own history. And I don’t mean “respect” in the sense that they have to pretend everything was sunshine and rainbows and heroic but rather simply acknowledge things for what they were and the influence they had. They lack understanding of the spirit behind everything they touch with their grubby little historical miraculous and don’t care for what it means to alter them in such a way. Also it’s not even comedic smh.

That episode made me so mad on multiple fronts. Every part of it was straight up insulting to Joan of Arc and it made no sense for the show's established lore. Joan of Arc lived in the 1400's. The monks were an active order until Fu created Feast sometime in the 1800's. So, for Joan and her lover to get their miraculous, the monks would have had to go to Europe and give it to them and why the hell would they do that? Why was a secret order of Tibetan monks messing around in European politics? Nothing about this makes sense. Not even the wacky painting/statue rule that starts the reunion. That setup only works for modern holders. How exactly would an ancient holder even begin to find a reunion point? Who hid reunion points on those items? So many elements of the show's lore are so clearly designed around making the show work and not the world work, leading to utterly nonsense lore that makes the world fall apart if you poke it with a stick.

I don't mind the concept of a reunion, just don't make it an actual historical figure. At the very least, don't use religious figures or give famously celibate people love interests. Seriously, who even was that woman? She sure as hell wasn't Joan of Arc. For a French show they really don't seem to care about honoring their own history.

The writers could have just invented a historical figure and called it a day, but it's like they'd rather pick a real person for... I dunno, the street cred?

This was also my problem with The Pharaoh, where the episode is built around a story about Tutankhamen trying to save "his princess" Nefertiti. This is bizarre as all hell, since Nefertiti was Tut's stepmother; his wife was named Ankhesenamun. The French dub correctly calls the pharaoh Akhenaten, except now we run into the new problem that Akhenaten was that guy who banned the worship of the Egyptian gods, so the akuma form makes zero sense. And to top it all off, we're told that this happened 5000 years ago. 5000 years from 2015 is 2985 BC, which was during the First Dynasty. That story would be as old to Nefertiti, Akhenaten, and King Tut as the rise of Christianity is to us.

I'm kind of out of the loop with Miraculous Ladybug ever since I've dropped the show after season three so I might come across as an ignorant.

So, what's wrong with the show's interpretation of Joan of Arc?

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