


Charlie - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - 17 - she/he/they - commissions open!

guys why the fuck aren't we talking about what's happening in the uk right now

nobody outside the uk is talking about this. why is nobody talking about it


again, i know it's depressing and i'm sorry for putting negative stuff on everyone's dash but it's so fucking frustrating that nobody is talking about this because if nobody listens to us then nothing will happen and nothing will change, please please please start speaking up

it got worse 😁

source: pinknews

spread the word, scream, shout, TALK. we will scream ourselves hoarse before we roll over and let this happen.


First, the pervasiveness of this litter box thing is ridiculous. I think it has been debunked like a thousand times.

And the *actual* reason schools have cat litter has nothing to do with students identifying as cats.

"Columbine High School has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of ‘go buckets’ that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom during a shooting."

But I actually want to talk about the Tootsie Roll Pop gender thing.

They are trying to criticize a child psychologist, Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, who works at a gender clinic.

I'm sure a lot of their audience who see "gender minotaur" or "gender Tootsie Roll Pops" will completely write off this woman and claim she is a nutcase.

But conservatives and Fox News love to omit context and nuance.

Here is the document all of this stemmed from...

The implied Fox narrative is that Dr. Ehrensaft is creating silly genders and then labeling kids as minotaurs or smoothies.

In reality, she is describing all of the creative ways young kids and teens use to explain how they feel about their gender.

These kids probably don't have a lot of information or the vocabulary to express themselves in more traditional terms, so they've come up with analogies to help adults understand what they are feeling.

That doesn't seem ridiculous at all.

And I actually think these kids are quite clever.

So these conservatives are basically making fun of kids who are confused and seeking help to understand themselves.

Real classy.

And if these kids learn adults are making fun of them, they may feel embarrassed to use these communicative tools—making it that much harder for their therapists and doctors to help them.

[Image description

1. A tweet by Lis Power @LisPower1 on 24 August 2023 containing text and an image.

Text: Fox "straight news" anchor Shannon Bream spreads litter boxes in school hoax

Bream: "I have a lot of Northern Virginia moms who have kids in school who have told me that there are schools who are now having to put litter boxes in for kids who identify as cats"

Image: a Fox News screenshot with a picture of a Tootsie Roll Pop and a woman. Fox News. Professor: Kids can identify as Tootsie Roll Pops.

Image 2: a Health headline. Medical Group Publishes Guidance For Kids Who Are 'Gender Tootsie Roll Pops' with what might be a photo from a Pride march.

Image 3: another Health headline. Psychologist At Children's Hospital Gender Center Claims Kids Can Identify As Mythological 'Minotaurs'

Image 4: a tweet by Christopher F. Rufo X✰ @realchrisrufo

The American Psychological Association published this guidebook for diagnosing children as "gender smoothies," "gender hybrids," "gender prius[es]," and "gender minotaur[s]." These psychologists are psychopaths.


Image 5:

■ Gender fluid children. Children who defy the norms of binary gender and either slide along a gender spectrum or weave their own intricate individual patterns along the gender web. The word fluid here refers to the potential for movement through further development of one's understanding of their gender.

■ Gender smoothies. Gender smoothies are a variation on the theme of gender fluid. As one teenager vividly described it, "You see, you take everything about gender, throw it in the blender, press the button, and you've got me—a gender smoothie."

■ Gender hybrids. Children who combine or alternate between genders, often in a binary way. Among gender hybrids are the following:

■ Gender Prius. Half girl/half boy: This gender label was invented by a school-age child who, from the front, looked like any boy in basketball shorts, tank top, and basketball sneakers, and, from the back, had a long blond braid tied at the end with a bright pink bow: "You see-I'm a Prius, a boy in the front, a girl in the back. A hybrid."

■ Gender minotaur. A descriptor for the children who explain that they are one gender on the top and another on the bottom, this usually to account for genitals at odds with the gender they know themselves to be.

■ Gender-by-season children. Children who freely express their authentic gender (identity, expressions, or both) during summer and school vacations but never at school, or alternatively use school as the safe place to be their true gender self but keep it under wraps during home-based summers or vacations.

■ Gender-by-location children. A close cousin to gender-by-season, a child who knows the locations or is told the locations where free gender expression will be accepted and other locations where it is not, and chooses or is told to keep

End description]

I just wanted to say I really appreciate all of the folks who do image transcriptions. Sometimes I barely have the energy to assemble these posts and add my commentary.

Actually, I don't always have the energy. I have about 800 things in my drafts folder because I was unable to finish them.

To those who put forth this effort, I just wanted to thank you. I know it really improves accessibility.


i swear to god i regret reblogging that estrolabs post because absolutely no one is focusing on the actual issue, which is that it's a phishing site very clearly run by malicious people and giving them any information on yourself could fuck you over big time

their ashwaganda "estrogen replacement" would be useless at best and extremely dangerous at worst, if it actually existed. however the products on that site almost certainly do not fucking exist and never have, and they have zero intention of actually producing them. the listings for the "supplements" aren't on the site anymore.

when scams like this pop up suddenly, they're not legitimate to even the slightest degree. there was never a real product, they were trying to get your money or your card and contact information either to doxx you, harass you, or literally steal from you. it's a PHISHING scheme, not a "making a shitty product to Literally Kill People" scheme. one of these things is far cheaper and far easier for a layperson to do.

while the information on the function of ashwaganda was definitely useful generally, it was/is not the most present danger of this estrolabs/queerquirk situation and people need to be aware of the actual threat these kinds of sites and situations pose.

as i was writing this estrolabs has been taken down, but queerquirk is still up and still advertising it's fake products and has a contact us page. do not give them your contact information, even to send hate. it is not worth getting phished to epicly own the dumbass behind this scheme. report the site and move on.


Essential information of previous post:

  • A product called "i can't believe it's not estrogen" by a company called "estrolabs" is being advertized on Twitter.
  • It is not estrogen. It is ashwagandha.
  • The active ingredient increases your lutenizing hormone, which will cause your body to produce more of whichever sex hormone it produces endogenously.
  • If you have testes, this will increase your testosterone levels.

If you are transfem, this shit will increase your testosterone levels.

They are lying to you to take your money. Don't fucking touch it. Tell your friends and family.

If you're desperate, DIY is an option. The subreddit r/TransDIY is an excellent resource, as is the DIY Wiki.

If what you really want is a herbal supplement, there are certain herbs that will have a minor antiandrogenic effect. The DIY resources here will have more information on it.

Edit: the dose of ashwagandha is so high that it will give you serotonin syndrome within four to eight weeks. This shit is evil.


Hey y'all, I'd appreciate anyone from the UK signing this petition to allow trans/nonbinary kids to stay closeted from their parents if they're out at school. It's obviously very important that children be able to keep potentially dangerous information about their identity away from their parents, and explore it safely in a school environment.

If it reaches 10k votes the government must respond, and 100k means they need to debate it, but any votes are good for raising awareness and profile.

If you're not from the UK please share this so others see it

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