
Love in Full Bloom: AerTi & ZakKura Zine 💐


A Zine dedicated to the lovely pairings Aerith / Tifa & Zack / Cloud ❤️ Creation Period💐 Mods followed Pre-Orders: June 19th-July 19th

🌹With only 3 DAYS remaining before Pre-Orders open, we bet you're itching to know what we have in store!

So how about a little glance at the bundles we have to offer~ Take a peek below and stick around for more reveals!

🩷Meadow $60: Full Bundle ❤️Garden $45: Physical+Small Merch Bundle 🧡Bouquet $35: Physical+Flat Bundle 💛Blossom $25: Physical Zine Bundle 💙Petals $10: Digital Bundle


How do you recruit writers and artists? I imagine I've missed the window but I'd love to contribute somehow.


Yes, unfortunately the contributor applications for this project already closed so we are not allowing any new contributors.

So sorry, but we really appreciate your interest!

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