Business and UBO Verification Rapidly Verify Businesses and Their Owners

Automated Verification, Complete Business Transparency

Business verification doesn’t have to be slow, manual or expensive. Trulioo Business Verification can automate manual work, turning weeks into seconds, and combine KYB and KYC checks in one workflow for any market across the globe. Trulioo ensures best-in-class due diligence and complete business transparency with a detailed map of entities, owners and stakeholders.


Verify the Full Tree of Ownership

Assess risk with a detailed business data profile, examine changes in industry codes and uncover events such as bankruptcies. See the business ownership structure, owner types and countries of operation in a comprehensive report or dashboard. Create a complete picture of a business for informed decision-making.


Trace Risk Patterns Across 10,000 Data Points

Identify a business through a global network and assess risk through cross-border data profiles on shareholders, owners and the companies they control. Trulioo maps more than 10,000 connected data points for owners and business entities and flags those that show risk.


Comply With Regulations Worldwide

Global enterprises are subject to oversight by numerous regulatory agencies, including the FCA, CySEC, FinCEN, AUSTRAC, PPATK and FINTRAC. The world’s largest organizations rely on Trulioo to meet global regulatory standards, such as AML/CFT, DAC7 and the INFORM Consumers Act.


Stay Ahead With Proactive Business Monitoring

Achieve regulatory compliance through continuous monitoring that drives business remediation and meets internal risk and fraud mitigation goals with an ongoing view of the business posture. Assess changes in ownership, risk and business profile and analyze their effect on secondary and tertiary businesses.

Product sheet - Business Verification

Solution Sheet

How Business Verification Affects Your Operations

Dig deeper into strategies for making business verification work for you.

Read the solution sheet

Access a Global Network of Business Data

Capture a detailed picture of companies and their owners through combined business and person verification. Easily access and download transparent and audit-ready data through the Trulioo platform.

Map Business and Ownership Connections

Map the complete network of business entities and their owners. View the ownership map based on subsidiaries, connections and shareholder percentages.

Apply Intelligent Routing to Verify All Businesses

Blend business and person verification to rapidly onboard companies, micromerchants and sole proprietorships. Trulioo provides fresh, audit-ready and transparent data across the globe.

Solve Complex Problems With Advanced Capabilities

Trulioo provides precise data collection with automated fields customized by location and regulatory requirement. Waterfall different data sources, capabilities and rule sets for streamlined onboarding.

Solve Data Discrepancies With Artificial Intelligence

Trulioo AI/ML and natural language processing address global data disparities by normalizing, standardizing and translating documents in hundreds of different languages.

White Paper

Verify Businesses and Their Owners Quickly and Securely

Streamline KYB, AML, KYC and customer due diligence during onboarding.

Read the white paper

Accelerate Business Onboarding

Rapidly perform the first layer of business verification with automated KYB checks that verify organizations in seconds. Defend against fraud and meet business onboarding compliance requirements around the world.

Expand Your Global Reach With Trulioo

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