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The State of the Issue

Since 2019, Thorn has undertaken research initiatives focused on better understanding the experiences, challenges, and risks that young people are facing in online spaces today. As the ecosystem evolves, our understanding of young people’s attitudes, experiences, and behaviors must grow with it.

This data offers a snapshot of the current state of the issue through young people’s eyes and elevates areas where further investigation is warranted to develop the most effective prevention strategies and interventions.

Metrics at a glance

Online sexual interactions

Young people are navigating sexual interactions, such as requests for nudes and intimate text messages, in their online experiences. And while some of these experiences are consensual, the risk of harm rises when they are outside of their age group, unsolicited, or non-consensual. 


1 in 3

minors aged 9-17 reported they have had a sexual interaction online, including 1 in 5 9-12-year-olds.
24 %
of minors have had an online sexual interaction with another minor.
29 %
of minors have had an online sexual interaction with another minor.
of minors have had an online sexual interaction with someone they believed to be an adult.

Sharing of “nudes”

The decision to share nudes can be the result of sexual exploration and flirtation with a partner. However, some youth are being coerced into sharing through manipulation and deceit.



1 in 7

9-17-year-olds report they have shared nudes, including 1 in 5 teens.
36 %
of minors who had shared their own nudes did so with someone they believed to be an adult.
52 %
of minors who had shared their own nudes did so with someone they believed to be an adult.
of minors who had shared their own nudes did so with someone they met online.

Perceptions of normalcy

While the majority of 9-17-year-olds surveyed have not shared a nude image of themselves, many believe it is normal behavior among kids their age.


1 in 4

minors agreed that it’s normal for people their age to share nudes with each other.
14 %
of 9-12-year-olds agree it’s normal for kids their age to share nudes.
32 %
of 9-12-year-olds agree it’s normal for kids their age to share nudes.
of 13-17-year-olds agree it’s normal for kids their age to share nudes.

Non-Consensual Resharing

Even in events where a young person believes they are sharing their intimate images with someone they trust, too often that trust is violated and their images are leaked. Unfortunately, the blame often falls on the victims for having shared their images in the first place.


1 in 4

9-17-year-olds report having been shown or sent someone else’s nudes without their consent, including 1 in 7 9-12-year-olds.
15 %
of minors admitted to having nonconsensually reshared someone else’s nudes.
49 %
of minors admitted to having nonconsensually reshared someone else’s nudes.
of minors blame the victim whose nudes were leaked.

Responding to online risks

Minors who experienced an online sexual interaction engaged with both online tools and offline support, but many still choose to handle things alone.


86 %
of minors turned to online tools after an online sexual interaction.
47 %
of minors turned to online tools after an online sexual interaction.
of minors turned to offline support systems after an online sexual interaction.

1 in 5

minors faced with an online sexual interaction did not disclose their experience to anyone.

What we’re monitoring

Boys continue to demonstrate areas of increased risk around SG-CSAM compared to other kids.


In 2022, boys exhibited higher rates of risky behavior related to sharing Self-Generated Child Sexual Abuse Material (SG-CSAM) compared to other children, with 19% admitting to resharing someone else’s SG-CSAM. Encouragingly, the rate of boys sharing their own SG-CSAM has decreased to 16% from 22% in 2021. This dip appears to be part of a larger trend in minor SG-CSAM sharing rates.

The growing influence of technology in relationships emphasizes the importance of integrating online safety discussions into coming-of-age talks to enhance understanding, awareness, and support in managing risks effectively.


percentage of minors who reshared SG-CSAM by gender


percentage of minors who shared SG-CSAM by gendeR


The sharing of SG-CSAM is becoming a normal part of offline romantic relationships for young people.


In 2022, while there was a slight decrease in overall SG-CSAM production, nude sharing within offline romantic relationships notably increased. Over two-thirds (69%) of young people who shared SG-CSAM did so with a romantic partner, up from 54% in 2021. Girls (73%) are more likely to have shared nudes with a partner than boys (65%), but both groups show notable increases from 2021.

Despite improvements, SG-CSAM sharing rates remain high, highlighting the need for tailored conversations about online risks for young people.



Youth attitudes towards nonconsensual resharing of nude imagery may be relaxing, suggesting a possible normalization of such behaviors.


Over time, fewer minors have chosen “prefer not to say” when asked about nonconsensual resharing of SG-CSAM or seeing such content. While this doesn’t directly demonstrate a shift in the number of young people participating in nonconsensual resharing behaviors, it does suggest that they are becoming more comfortable disclosing their experiences. 

In 2022, there was a notable increase (+24%) in minors who nonconsensually reshared photos without repercussions. However, the selection of “nothing happened” doesn’t solely indicate a positive outcome. Decreases in negative reactions from friends and those depicted in the photos may signal a normalization of nonconsensual resharing. While some sharing may start consensually, serious harms arise when imagery is redistributed without consent. 

Interventions should focus on peer support to build resilience and foster healthy attitudes centered on consent, empathy, and respect.

percentage of minors who have seen nonconsensually reshared SG-CSAM by year

This image showcases a table listing the consequences of resharing someone else's nudes among minors who've reportedly done so. It lists the type of consequence (positive or negative) and the percentage of minors who indicated that consequence had happened to them after resharing someone else's nude imagery.

About the survey

This data was collected through an online survey of 1,142 minors from across the United States participated in an online survey from November 4 to December 11, 2022. Specifically, sample makeup included 389 9-12-year-olds and 753 13-17-year-olds.

To ensure a representative sample nationwide, data was weighted to age, gender, race, and geography, based on U.S. Census data.

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