Find an Advisor

Allowing a financial advisor to help you manage your investments can be nerve-wracking, especially if you don’t know how to find a good advisor. We’ll help you know how conduct your search, which qualities and certifications to look for, and what to expect out of your financial advisor.

Find the right person to manage your money

7 Steps for Finding the Best Financial Advisor
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Do you need a financial advisor?

    It depends. To answer this question, you’ll need to do a quick assessment. Are you comfortable with your financial situation and your ability to create an investment plan? If not, a financial advisor can be a helpful resource. Additionally, if you experience big life changes like receiving and inheritance, or if you tend to be an emotional investor, an advisor can help.

  • How much do financial advisors cost?

    The amount you’ll pay for an advisor will vary based on your advisor's fee structure. Some of the common fee structures that advisors charge include a percentage of your assets, commission, a combination of fees and commission, hourly rate, flat fee, and a retainer fee.

  • How can an investment advisor help you plan for retirement?

    A financial advisor specializing in retirement can help you make decisions now that will provide benefits when you retire. For example, they can advise you on when to take Social Security benefits, which pension distributions are best for you, if an annuity is the right choice, and if you’ll need long-term care insurance.

  • Should you DIY your portfolio or hire an advisor?

    There are numerous robo-advisors that can automate investing for you. But, remember that automated investing doesn’t mean you won’t devote time and mental energy to making investment decisions. If you don’t have time or energy for that, a financial advisor could be well worth their fee, especially considering they likely have a wider knowledge base than you do. 

  • How do you research an investment advisor’s background?

    You can use a variety of methods to vet your advisor. Ask them which agency oversees their business. Is it FINRA? Or the SEC? Inquire about their professional designations. Check their FINRA file to see if they’ve had complaints or decisions against them.

  • What’s the difference between a financial advisor and a financial planner?

    Financial advisors are typically registered with the SEC or FINRA and provide investment advice but may not offer financial planning. Financial planners, on the other hand, usually offer planning and have a CFP or CFA certification. There can be crossover between the two, but, in general, not all advisors are planners, and not all planners are advisors. 

Key Terms