Desk with mobile, laptop, notepad, glasses and keys

Deutsche Telekom

Data privacy information

Cookie Settings: You can view your cookie settings at any time to manage your preferences.

The protection of your personal data is of great importance to Deutsche Telekom AG. We will always inform you what personal data we collect, how your data is used, and how you can influence the process.

1. What data is recorded, how is it used, and how long is it stored?

a) Technical characteristics:
When you visit our websites, the web server temporarily records the domain name or IP address of your computer, the file request (file name and URL) from the client, the http response code, and the website from which you are visiting us.
The data logged is used solely for data security purposes, particularly to protect against attempted attacks on our web server (Article 6 (1) f GDPR). We do not use it to create individual user profiles, nor do we share the data with third parties. It is erased after seven days at the latest. We reserve the right to statistically analyze anonymized data records.

b) Dynamic FAQs: 
If you use the FAQs and submit a question that is not covered in the pool of available answers, you will be prompted to enter your email address. We will only use this email address to send you your answer.

c) Web forms:
Other personal details, such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address, will not be collected unless you provide this information voluntarily.

d) ReadSpeaker:
The ReadSpeaker plug-in, provided by the company ReadSpeaker, Am Sommerfeld 7, 86825 Bad Wörishofen, Germany, is intended to improve the site’s accessibility. The text-to-speech plug-in for articles and blogs is activated by clicking the “Read out” button. The text is then transmitted to the ReadSpeaker server via the user’s IP address and an audio file is generated and streamed back to the user’s IP address. As soon as the audio file is delivered, the file and the user’s IP address are erased from the ReadSpeaker server. ReadSpeaker does not store any personal data. All services are provided in Europe.
When using ReadSpeaker, technical cookies are stored on the end device. Depending on their function, these are erased either directly after the session or after around four days. If the function is not activated, no cookies will be stored when visiting the website.

e) Miscellaneous:
Additional personal details such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address will not be collected unless you provide this information voluntarily.
You will find detailed information on the topic of newsletters under point 9.

2. Data control for the social media plug-ins used

Some websites may contain social media links or icons (e.g., Facebook (Meta), Google, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Pinterest, Xing or LinkedIn) that you can use to recommend the services of Deutsche Telekom AG Corporate Communications to your friends and contacts.

To ensure you retain full control of the data, the links or icons used only provide direct contact between the respective social media network and the visitor if you actively click on the link or icon (one-click solution).

When the social media link is activated by clicking on the icon, including when sharing content (Article 6 (1) a GDPR), the following data may be forwarded to the social media provider: IP address, browser information, operating system, screen resolution, installed browser plug-ins (such as Adobe Flash Player), the previous website if you followed a link (referrer), URL of the current website, etc.

Further information on social media links and the scope and purpose of data processing by their providers, as well as additional data protection-relevant information, can be found in the data privacy statements published by the respective controller and in the information on the one-click solution on

3. Will my usage behavior be evaluated, e.g., for advertising purposes or tracking?

Explanations and definitions:
We want you to enjoy accessing our websites and use our products and services. We analyze usage behavior on the basis of anonymized or pseudonymized information so you can find the content that interests you and so we can make our websites user-friendly. We, or companies commissioned by us as part of any order processing, create usage profiles to the extent permitted by law. This information cannot be traced back to you directly. General information on the various purposes of data processing is given below. The cookie message displayed when visiting our websites gives you the opportunity to permit or reject the use of cookies. Cookies that are strictly necessary to provide the web service cannot be rejected (see explanation under point 1 above).

  • Tag management (strictly necessary)
    Tag management allows us to manage the use of tools on the different websites of our web portal. A tag is set for each page to do this. The tag content determines which tools are to be used for this page. Tag management is used to ensure that tools are only used in a targeted way, where their use is appropriate.
  • Market research/Reach measurement (opt-in)
    Reach measurement provides statistics on a website's usage intensity and the number of users, along with comparable figures for all of the connected services. Individual users are not identified at any time. Your identity is always protected. 

a) Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential for you to navigate the website and use key functions. They enable the basic functions of the website to be provided.



Storage period

Processing country

Deutsche Telekom

Opt-in procedure

Cookie (3 months)


Deutsche Telekom

Comment function

Session cookie


Deutsche Telekom


Session cookie


Deutsche Telekom

Multi-step forms

Session cookie


Deutsche Telekom

Zip code check

Session cookie


Deutsche Telekom

Rating function

Session cookie



Tag management

Cookie (12 months)


Mapp (formerly Webtrekk)

Website improvement, fault analysis

Session, no cookies



Session cookie


Deutsche Telekom

Ensuring CMS functionality

Session cookie


b) Cookies when optional tools are used
These cookies are employed if you use additional functions such as share price charts provided by the company Investis. The possible functions are explained in section 1 of this data privacy information. The legal basis for these cookies is Article 6 (1) a GDPR, or Article 49 (1) a GDPR for third countries.



Storage period

Processing country


Stock exchange function

Session cookie



Text-to-speech function

Cookie (4 days)


Mapp (formerly Teradata)


No cookies


c) Analytics cookies
These cookies help us to improve our understanding of usage behavior.
Analytics cookies allow us to collect usage and identification data by first- or third-party providers in pseudonymized user profiles. Some examples of our uses of analytics cookies are to determine the number of individual visitors to a website or a service, to collect statistical data on the performance of our products, and to analyze user behavior and interaction with the website, based on anonymous and pseudonymous information. This information cannot be traced back to an individual. The legal basis for these cookies is Article 6 (1) a GDPR, or Article 49 (1) a GDPR for third countries.
Other than the required cookies, this website does not use any further analytical cookies for anonymized evaluation of user behavior.

Other than the required cookies, this website does not use any further analytical cookies for anonymized evaluation of user behavior.

Cookie Settings: You can view your cookie settings at any time to manage your preferences.



Storage period

Processing country


Tag management

Cookie (12 months)


Mapp (formerly Webtrekk)

Website improvement, fault analysis

Session, no cookies


d) Marketing cookies/retargeting
These cookies and similar technologies are used so that we can show you personalized advertising content that is relevant to you.
Marketing cookies are used to show interesting advertising content and to measure the effectiveness of our campaigns. This takes place not only on Deutsche Telekom AG websites, but also on the websites of other advertising partners (third-party providers). This is also referred to as retargeting. It is used to create a pseudonym profile of interests and to activate relevant advertising on other websites. This information cannot be traced back to an individual. Marketing and retargeting cookies help us show you advertising content that is potentially relevant for you. If you disable marketing cookies, you will continue to see the same number of ads, but they may be less relevant for your interests. The legal basis for these cookies is Article 6 (1) a GDPR, or Article 49 (1) a GDPR for third countries.



Storage period

Country of processing

Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (Facebook)

Event tracking (further information can be found in the next section)
Privacy Policy

Cookie (3 months)

United States

We use the Facebook service Custom Audience and the Facebook Pixel from Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. on our websites to optimize our content offering, to the extent that you have given the relevant consent to Facebook. Further information on these Facebook services and data privacy information from Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”) can be accessed under the link
If you have a Facebook account, the Facebook cookie set in the site makes the Facebook Pixel aware of this on our websites. The same cookie is used to transfer the collected usage data to Facebook for analysis and marketing purposes. You can check and/or disable directly via Facebook the way in which Facebook collects, further processes, and uses this data. 
The Facebook Pixel is a piece of JavaScript code that transfers the following data to Facebook:

  • HTTP header information (including IP address, web browser information, page storage location, document, website URL and web browser user agent, as well as date and time of use)
  • Pixel-specific data: this includes the Pixel ID and Facebook cookie data, including your Facebook ID (this data is used to link events to a certain Facebook advertising account and to assign them to a Facebook user)

The aforementioned data processing only affects users that have a Facebook account or have accessed a Facebook partner page (whereby a cookie was set). The display of advertising on Facebook (partner) pages on the basis of the Custom Audience service does not affect any users who do not have a Facebook account.
If the Facebook ID included in the Facebook cookie can be assigned to a Facebook user, Facebook assigns this user to a target group (“custom audience”) on the basis of the rules stipulated by us, provided the rules are relevant. We use the information obtained in this way to present Deutsche Telekom advertising on Facebook (partner) pages.
If you would like to opt out of using the Facebook Pixel, you can set an opt-out cookie on Facebook or disable JavaScript in your browser. Further information, along with settings options for protecting your personal privacy for advertising purposes, is available from the Facebook privacy guidelines, available at and elsewhere.

Cookie Settings: You can view your cookie settings at any time to manage your preferences.

e) Services from other companies (independent third-party providers)

We have integrated services from third-party providers that provide their services independently. When you use our online service, cookies or similar technologies may collect data and send it to the respective third party. This is in part for Deutsche Telekom’s own purposes. The legal basis for these cookies or similar technologies is Article 6 (1) a or Article 49 (1) a GDPR. The scope, purpose, and legal basis on which further processing is carried out for the third party provider’s own purposes can be found in the third party’s data privacy information. Information about these independent third-party providers can be found below.

Third countryRecipientTypes of dataPotential risk

United States of America (data exporter: Google Ireland)

Google LLC

Usage data

State control measures due to national security, without the possibility of judicial relief

United States of America (data exporter: LinkedIn Ireland)

LinkedIn Inc.

Usage data

State control measures due to national security, without the possibility of judicial relief

United States of America (data exporter: Meta Ireland)

Meta Platforms Inc.

Usage data

State control measures due to national security, without the possibility of judicial relief

United States of America (data exporter: Twitter Ireland)

X Corp.

Usage data

State control measures due to national security, without the possibility of judicial relief

X Corp./formerly Twitter

Content from X (formerly Twitter) is integrated into many Deutsche Telekom websites. This may be in the form, for example, of embedded timelines or X buttons. When you view one of these websites, X may receive log data including data about the websites you have visited. This information is used to improve usage of the services, to protect the security and integrity of the platform, and to show more relevant content, including ads. No link is created between your online activity and your name, your email address, your telephone number or your username, and data will be erased, disguised, or aggregated after a maximum of 30 days. This data is not collected from browsers located within the European Union.


YouTube collects data to provide users with better services – from determining basic information such as your language through to more complex services such as advertising. Which data is collected by YouTube and how this data is used depends on how you use the services and how you manage your data privacy settings.

If you are not logged in using a Google account, the collected data is stored with unique IDs linked to the browser, the app, or the device. This can, for instance, ensure that the language settings are retained during all browser sessions.

If you are logged in using a Google account, data is also collected that is stored in your Google account and considered to be personal data.

Further information on the Privacy Policy is available at: 


On individual websites, e.g., for the worldwide display that you can reach, for example, under the Company navigation item, we use Google Maps to show maps and sites. Google Maps is run by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The embedding of Google Maps means that your IP address is transferred directly to Google and a cookie is stored as soon as you visit this type of website. You can obtain information and opt out of data processing by Google at any time at


Retargeting and conversion tracking by LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ireland, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland) using the LinkedIn Insight tag enables statistical, pseudonymous data (referrer URL, IP address (shortened), device and browser characteristics) to be collected about the website visit and use of our website and, based on this, relevant aggregated statistics to be provided. This information is also used to be able to display interest-based, relevant offers and recommendations after you have expressed an interest on our website in certain products, information, and offers. This anonymous information is stored in a cookie for six months. You can obtain information and object to the processing of data by LinkedIn at any time at Deutsche Telekom AG and LinkedIn are joint controllers in accordance with Article 26 GDPR. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].

Cookie Settings: You can view your cookie settings at any time to manage your preferences.

4. Where can I find the information that applies to me?

This Data Privacy Information provides an overview of the items that apply to Deutsche Telekom AG processing your data in this web portal.
Further information, including information on data protection for specific products, is available at and

5. Who is responsible for data processing? Who should I contact if I have any queries regarding data privacy at Deutsche Telekom?

Deutsche Telekom AG is the party responsible for the data (“controller”). If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Services or our Global Data Privacy Officer, Dr. Claus D. Ulmer, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany, [email protected].

6. What are my rights?

You have the right 

a) to request information on the categories of personal data concerned, the purposes of the processing, any recipients of the data, and period for which the personal data will be stored (Article 15 GDPR);

b) to have inaccurate personal data rectified or to have incomplete personal data completed (Article 16 GDPR);

c) to withdraw consent at any time with effect for the future (Article 7 (3) GDPR);

d) to object to the processing of data on the grounds of legitimate interests, on grounds relating to your particular situation (Article 21 (1) GDPR);

e) to request the erasure of data in certain cases under Article 17 GDPR – especially if the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or is unlawfully processed, or you withdraw your consent according to (c) above or object according to (d) above;

f) to demand, under certain circumstances, the restriction of data where erasure is not possible or the erasure obligation is disputed (Article 18 GDPR);

g) to data portability, i.e., you can receive the data that you provided to us in a commonly used and machine-readable format such as CSV, and can, where necessary, transfer the data to others (Article 20 GDPR);

h) to file a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority regarding data processing (for telecommunications contracts: the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit); for any other matters: State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen)).

7. Who does Deutsche Telekom AG pass my data on to?

It is passed on to processors, i.e., companies we commission to process data within the legally defined scope in accordance with Article 28 GDPR (service providers, agents). In this case, Deutsche Telekom also remains responsible for protecting your data. We commission companies particularly in the following areas: IT, sales, marketing, finance, consulting, customer services, HR, logistics, and printing.

To cooperation partners who independently provide services for you or in conjunction with your Deutsche Telekom contract. This is the case if you order services from these partners through us, if you consent to the involvement of the partner, or if we involve the partner on the basis of legal permission.

Owing to legal obligations: In certain cases, we are legally obliged to transfer certain data to a state authority that requests it.

8. Where is my data processed?

Your data will be processed in Germany and other European countries. If, in exceptional cases, your data is processed in countries outside the European Union (known as third countries), this will take place only

a) to the extent that you have explicitly consented to this (Article 49 (1) a GDPR). In most countries outside the EU, the level of data protection does not meet EU standards. This concerns in particular comprehensive monitoring and control rights of public authorities, e.g., in the United States, which disproportionately interfere with the data protection of European citizens, 

b) or to the extent necessary for the performance of a contract to you (Article 49 (1) b GDPR),

c) or to the extent necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6 (1) c GDPR).

Furthermore, your data is processed in third countries only if certain measures ensure an adequate level of data protection (e.g., an EU Commission adequacy decision or appropriate safeguards in accordance with Article 44 et seq. GDPR).

9. Deutsche Telekom AG data privacy information for newsletters

Deutsche Telekom AG’s General Data Privacy Information applies to the processing of your personal data. 

If you use and/or have subscribed to our newsletter, the following additional information applies.

The data privacy information for sending newsletters provides information on which personal data is collected when sending the newsletter, for what purposes this data is processed, when the data is erased, and the legal basis for this.

1. What data is collected and for what purposes is it processed? 

When you register for our newsletter, we use your email address to send this newsletter, which provides regular information on topics relevant to Deutsche Telekom AG. The legal basis for processing is your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. To ensure that you are registered for the newsletter correctly, i.e., in order to prevent unauthorized registrations in the name of third parties, we will send you a confirmation email after your initial registration as part of our double opt-in process. This email will ask you to confirm your registration.

In the context of your newsletter registration, we also store your registration data (e.g., email address, date and time of registration/confirmation of opting in) so that we can track and provide evidence of your registration at a later date. The legal basis for storing this data is a legitimate interest, Article 6 (1) f and Article 7 (1) GDPR. The legitimate interest is based on the controller’s ability to demonstrate consent.

2. How long do we store your data?

In order to send you the newsletter, we store your email address until you unsubscribe or we cease sending the newsletter to you. If you unsubscribe, your registration data will be stored for up to three and a half years, purely for purposes of demonstrating your consent.

3. How can I cancel my subscription to the newsletter?

You can revoke your consent to receive the Deutsche Telekom AG newsletter at any time with future effect by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of any newsletter you receive.

Data privacy information last revised September 26, 2023.

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