Unify data across clouds, applications, and databases in real time. Deploy AI that continuously learns from your live data streams in your environment with Striim’s intelligent integration.

Easy to start, limitless potential.

Benchmarking Oracle replication to a cloud data warehouse
0 mb/sec
Database change
data capture rate
0 TB
per day
Streaming SQL
0 seconds
end-to-end latency
See it in action


Over 100 high performance connectors and Change Data Capture

Striim makes it easy to connect to popular sources like databases in GCP, AWS, or Azure with a point and click wizard. Select tables, migrate schemas, and start moving data to your warehouse or message queues in seconds.

See How it Works

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Integration for AI and ML

Turn your relational and unstructured data into AI-ready vectors and automated insights in real-time. Leverage Striim’s built in machine learning functions to generate intelligent actions to systems of engagement and build AI-powered customer experiences.

See How it Works

Schema Evolution

Intelligent Schema Evolution

With Striim’s schema evolution capabilities, you can have full control whenever data drifts. Capture schema changes, configure how each consumer propagates the change or simply halt and alert when a manual resolution is needed.

See How it Works

Streaming SQL

Streaming SQL

Striim is built on a distributed, streaming SQL platform. Run transformations on streaming data like queries, joins with historical caches, and scale up to billions of events per minute.

See How it Works

Pipeline Monitoring

Data Pipeline Monitoring

Visualize your pipeline health, end-to-end data latency, and table-level metrics. Monitor from Striim’s dashboard and get alerted where you pay attention most. Plug in with Striim’s REST APIs and automate alerts even further.

See How it Works

Powering Fortune 500s across all industries

Simple interfaces helps you build smart data pipelines in minutes

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Financial Services


Innovate by building modern, AI-driven banking experiences while unifying customer data and assets in real-time.

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Retail & CPG


Deliver personalized customer experience and improve operational efficiency from a single source of truth.
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Healthcare & Pharma


Optimize operations and ensure better patient outcomes with unified data integration and real-time streaming 

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Travel, Transport & logistics

Striim for Travel, Transport, & Logistics

Streamline flight operations and win customer loyalty by powering all decisions with data streaming in real time
AA logo
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Manufacturing & Energy

Striim for Manufacturing

Ensure access and visibility across the global supply chain with unified data integration and real-time streaming
kramp logo
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Striim for Telecommunications

Drive cost savings, automation, and efficiency gains, while also enhancing customer personalization by streaming the right data at the right time
Ciena Logo
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Win more customers with real-time product analytics, enhanced operational efficiency through multi-database syncs, and the latest in data security and compliance
Ciena Logo

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Accelerate your analytics

Striim makes it easy and quick to set up data pipelines to stream real-time data to the most popular targets for modern analytics.

Available on your cloud


Deliver real-time data to AWS, for faster analysis and processing.

Google Cloud

Unify data on Google Cloud and power real-time data analytics in BigQuery.

Microsoft Azure

Quickly move data to Microsoft Azure and accelerate time-to-insight with Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI.