
Leadercamps are interactive webinars presented by subject matter experts. We deliver Leadercamps on a variety of Leadership and Business skill and subject areas throughout the year.


What are Leadercamps?

interactive webinars

Leadercamps are interactive webinars that give participants the opportunity to engage live with subject matter experts as well as hundreds and sometimes thousands of other people.


To keep participants engaged, presenters are expected to facilitate real world connection and reflection by sharing examples and stories as well as utilize chat, polls, and reflection questions throughout the presentation.


Leadercamps are generally 60 minutes in length and start with a 5-minute introduction, followed by 40-45 minute interactive presentation, and close with 10-15 minute Q&A session.


Leadercamp Guides includes an overview of what will be covered in the session, information about the presenter, and suggestions for different ways you and your team can apply what you learn.

live + on-demand

The live deliveries of Leadercamps are recorded and the video is used to publish an on-demand replay course on the Skillsoft learning platform (Percipio) within a couple weeks. The on-demand replay courses include audio descriptions and closed captioning with translation capability. Some on-demand replay courses include assessment questions and job aids. The on-demand replay courses are great for learners who are unable to attend the live delivery of the Leadercamp. They are also great for learners who attended the live delivery of the Leadercamp and want a quick reference or learning reinforcement.

Live Leadercamps

June 5, 2024, The Kind Leader on Commitment, Martin Haworth, PCC, Trainer, Writer, Personal Development, Leadership Coach

How we decide to commit our time is 100% a choice. Yet the changes we need to make can prove challenging at first. How we use kindness to make the difference is where we spend our time as leaders most effectively.

In this second in a series of four Leadercamps, ICF-accredited coach and trainer Martin Haworth guides you on a journey to creating more time to lead. You’ll discover how to be Kinder to yourself, with plenty of time to be the leader even you would follow! And kinder to your people as you have space to support and develop them in a nurturing and enjoyable culture. You’ll learn some simple insights and tweaks to your current skills to give you all the time you need at work—and still get home in time for dinner!

June 11 Leadercamp. Ramp Up Your Resillience, Sharon Wilks, Wellness Workshop Facilitator and Keynote Presenter

What if how you feel is the most reliable gauge of your success at work, and in life? Regardless of your circumstances, there’s much you can do to take charge of how you feel, and how you deal with life’s inevitable challenges. Often overlooked in traditional education, and maybe not be modelled well at home, resilience skills can propel you to flourish, even in difficult times, instead of merely getting by. 

We invite you to join us for the Skillsoft Leadercamp, Ramp Up Your Resilience. Sharon Wilks, the renowned "Employee Whisperer" from Australia will be your guide as she takes you through effective strategies that will boost your capacity and help you achieve positive outcomes.

June 12, 2024. Leadercamp, Unforgettable Storytelling, Dr. Nick Morgan, Acclaimed Author, Keynote Speaker, Communication Theorist, and Coach

We live in an era of information overload. Every day we have to decide what not to pay attention to ― and all too often that means ignoring new ideas, pitches, and proposals from companies like yours trying to grow, expand, and develop new business. 

How can we cut through the clutter and become the one idea or proposal that does get through? In a phrase, through unforgettable storytelling. Most business storytelling is weak and instantly forgettable. 

Join us in Dr. Nick Morgan’s Leadercamp on Unforgettable Storytelling where he will teach you how to tell stories that audiences and prospective clients can't forget. 

June 13, 2024 Leadercamp. Connected Leadership Series: Coach and Grow Your Team, Michelle Tillis Lederman, CSP, PCC, SCC, MBA, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Author and CEO

Leadership is about getting results with and through other people. In order to help your team members continue to stretch, grow and achieve, they need coaching, support and feedback. Coaching enhances your ability to guide and develop individual team members and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement. By understanding your team's unique strengths and development needs you can tailor your leadership approach to maximize their potential. Moreover, coaching fosters increased employee engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher retention, engagement, and morale.

This program focuses on listening and questioning in different ways to enable action oriented, collaborative conversations. A distinctive feedback model is taught that supports intentional listening in everyday coaching conversations so that you can engage your employees to get the best performance possible. 

June 17, 2024 Leadercamp. How Gen AI is Disrupting L&B and Caisy Demo, Potoula Chresomales & Meg Herbert

In this insightful Leadercamp on “AI and Learner Engagement,” Potoula Chresomales and Meg Herbert will delve into the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and learner engagement, and explore its pivotal importance in the learning journey. From understanding its significance to uncovering innovative AI-powered solutions, this webinar offers a comprehensive look at enhancing learner engagement by personalizing experiences to meet the unique needs and preferences of each learner.

As Skillsoft’s Senior Vice President of Product Management, Potoula Chresomales is a learning engagement expert who champions agile, UX-led innovation, and focuses on education’s role in solving skill gaps. Joined by Skillsoft’s Senior Manager of Product Management Meg Herbert, who specializes in driving user engagement by using AI, they will demonstrate best practices for leveraging AI to drive learner engagement.

June 25, 2024, Project Management Fundamentals Series: Launching a Project, Merri Lemmex, MBA-PM, PMP, Technical Training, Program Developer

To ensure project success, great project managers set expectations and get agreement first. There are a number of things that must be put in place to ensure project success, and they form the project charter: a living document used throughout the project. Participants will learn about the basics of project management and requirements gathering to determine project scope, and stakeholder identification and analysis to enable understanding the players and managing their expectations. The resulting project charter will form an agreement between the project team and the sponsor/client to achieve project success.

In this first Leadercamp of a four-part series on Project Management, PMP and Managing Partner at Lemmex Williams Training, Merri Lemmex will highlight some aspects of successfully launching a project.

July 11, 2024, Intentional Communication, Neelam Sharma, Executive Coach, Talent Development Consultant and Keynote Speaker

Many people are not good at being intentional about their communication with others. They come from a very "me-centered" approach (talking at people) rather than an "other-centered" approach (connecting with people). This leads to superficial relationships with less trust - which makes working with others harder than it needs to be. Learning to listen and to communicate to build relationships rather than just get your idea across is the key to creating trust on a team. 

Being intentional with your communication can help you to manage conflict, give and receive constructive feedback, give meaningful recognition for a job well done, and even delegate work more effectively.

Join us for Neelam Sharma’s upcoming Leadercamp on Intentional Communication where she will share her expertise and help participants develop better communication skills to build stronger relationships with their teams.

July 17, 2024, The Kind Leader On Connection, Martin Haworth, PCC, Trainer, Writer, Personal Development, Leadership Coach

Following the first of our two Leadercamps on taking back control and gaining flexible leadership time, we’ll now focus on the way we maximize our relationships with others.

Effective connection with your own team, and influencing peers, bosses and stakeholders is the enabler to success. In the third in a series of four Leadercamps focusing on kind leadership, we use released time to connect effectively, develop productive relationships, be kind to ourselves, and be kind to our people too.

In this Leadercamp, ICF accredited coach and trainer Martin Haworth shares his thoughts and very practical ways to work more effectively—and efficiently—with those around you where everyone is a winner in a culture of kindness throughout.

July 23, 2024, Project Management Fundamentals Series: Planning the Project, Steve Lemmex, MBA, PMP, Management Consultant and Program Developer

Once a project has been agreed to, it is time to do detailed planning to determine time, cost, and scope. It begins by determine the work to be done (the work breakdown). A risk assessment is developed to be aware of what might derail a project, and a plan do deal with the issues. Estimates are then generated using various methods, and a schedule is created to determine overall time. While planning the project, key project plans are updated.

In this third Leadercamp of a four-part series on Project Management Fundamentals, PMP and Managing Partner at Lemmex Williams Training, Steve Lemmex will touch on the highlights of being a great leader.

July 25, 2024. Connected Leadership Series: Project Your Leadership Brand, Michelle Tillis Lederman, CSP, PCC, SCC, MBA, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Author and CEO

What do people say about you when you leave the room?  Is it what you want them to say? How you show up in the room, get listened to and are known amongst your colleagues and employees are critical components of your leadership success. How we speak and how we listen not only directly impacts results but also employee engagement, productivity, morale and loyalty. 

The culminating program in this four-part series will bring together the elements of Connected Leadership. Michelle Tillis Lederman, an executive coach, people expert, and CEO, will bring together the elements of Connected Leadership. You will gain clarity on your brand attributes, uncover potential traps that hold you back, and understand the subtle impact of verbal, vocal, and visual elements on your executive image.

August 14, 2024, Martin Haworth, PCC, Trainer, Writer. Personal Development, Leadership Coach

In the fourth and final Leadercamp on the power of kind leadership, we will build on recovering and redirecting your self-control, and creating more time to devote toward developing those around you through effective and valuable communication skills as you build powerful 1-2-1 relationships.

In this Leadercamp, Martin Haworth, a 20-year ICF accredited coach and trainer, will help participants recognize the potential of how kindness is vital for working together to realize the synergies of the team—not only for today, but also as a legacy for the future.

August 20, 2024 Leadercamp. Project Management Fundamental Series, Part 3 of 4, Running the ProjectSteve Lemmex, MBA, PMP. Management Consultant and Program Developer.

Once time, cost and scope are agreed to, it is time to run the project. Multiple actions will be taken to ensure the plan is running smoothly, and when it isn’t, actions are taken to get it back on track. With any project, there will be changes, so a change control process is used to manage time, cost and scope and avoid scope creep. When the project is complete, there are activities necessary to properly close the project for the customer’s satisfaction, and project knowledge to be used on future projects.

In this third Leadercamp of a four-part series on Project Management Fundamentals, PMP and Managing Partner at Lemmex Williams Training, Steve Lemmex will touch on the highlights of being a project manager.

Want access to all these subjects and more?

  • Agile, Scrum, and Project Management
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking
  • Business Agility and Digital Transformation
  • Change (managing change, adaptability, flexibility)
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Communication and Active Listening
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation
  • Customer Service and Customer Experience
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
  • Delegation, Organization, and Time Management
  • Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, and Self-Awareness
  • ESG (Environment, Social, Governance)
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Human Resource Management
  • Hybrid and Remote Work
  • Leadership Development
  • Presentation and Persuasion (compromise and negotiation)
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Process Improvement (Lean, Six Sigma)
  • Product Management
  • Relationship and Team Building (trust, motivation, recognition)
  • Resilience and Well-being
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Strategic Thinking and Planning

On-Demand Leadercamps

On-demand replays of our Leadercamps are available and some include assessment questions and readable assets such as job aids or worksheets.

March 2024

To be successful in today’s fast-paced world, it is essential to lead decisively, collaborate efficiently and welcome in a little ease where we can.

In this Leadercamp Sarah Ratner, business and mindfulness coach, will share why dual awareness enabled exponential growth during her decade in tech. Based on her unique blend of experience in mindfulness and as an exec of a multi-unicorn valued start-up, she will help you understand how to cultivate joy and clarity in even the toughest challenges — transforming how you live and work.\

The contemporary leadership landscape is a web of interrelated challenges that demand an evolving mindset. In this Leadercamp, serial entrepreneur, inventor, investor, consultant, board member, advisor, speaker, and author David Goldsmith shifts the focus from isolated strategies to interconnected solutions. In a world that's increasingly becoming a labyrinth of interrelated issues, isolated decision-making is obsolete. A singular, siloed approach is ineffectual.

This Leadercamp will amplify your focus by arming you with a holistic toolkit designed to reshape your perception and transform challenges into actionable opportunities.

In today’s organizations, most work gets done by cross-functional teams. Breakdowns are common, leading organizations to clash more passionately with themselves than with competitors. A new set of conflict management skills is required to turn conflict into healthy disagreement and resolution.

In this third and final Leadercamp in a three-part series on The Art and Discipline of Managing Conflict, renowned author and respected management consultant, Howard M. Guttman, will focus on Conflict Management, the third foundational element for effective conflict management.

Why do some things catch on and become popular while others falter?

In this Leadercamp, Wharton School professor and bestselling author Jonah Berger reveals the secret science behind word-of-mouth and social transmission. He will explain how his six STEPPS principles drive all sorts of things to become popular. If you’ve ever wondered why certain brands get more word of mouth, stories get shared, or content goes viral, this Leadercamp will explain why, and illustrate how to leverage these ideas to craft contagious content.

Leadership is a very broad topic, so how do you know how to be the most effective leader?

Great leaders know that you need to empower your people to do their best. Two of the best tools you have at your disposal are feedback and coaching. We’ll talk about how to provide feedback for both positive performance and constructive improvement. We’ll also look at coaching and talk about who you can coach, when you can coach them, and how you will coach people so they can learn how to solve their problems.

In today’s global business and organizational environment, we are overwhelmed with information. The ability to communicate in a clear and compelling way is critical to cut through the noise, helping you be heard, setting you apart from the competition, and moving your organizations forward.

In this leadercamp, Executive Coach and Facilitator Renée Patton provides a simple process by which to develop impactful stories, effectively utilize visuals, deploy active listening skills, and communicate with impact.

April 2024

In this Leadercamp, Professor Jonathan Reichental, a prominent Silicon Valley executive and educator, will offer practical, hands-on guidance on how to fully utilize ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Bing Chat. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn powerful techniques and try them out in real-time during the session. Professor Reichental will also provide a wide range of prompt engineering tips to inspire ideas that can be applied immediately to your work. Don't miss out on this highly practical session that will equip you with valuable new skills.

Everyone has something they want to change. But change is hard. We push and push, but often nothing happens. Could there be a better way?

In this Leadercamp, Wharton School professor and bestselling author Jonah Berger introduces a revolutionary approach to change. Successful change isn’t about pushing harder or exerting more energy. It’s about removing barriers. Overcoming resistance by reducing friction and lowering the hurdles to action. Discover the five hidden factors that impede change, and how by mitigating them, you can change anything.

Your ability to create meaningful and lasting relationships directly impacts your personal success from hiring, to being a trustworthy leader, to shaping the organizational culture.

In this first part of a four-part series on Connected Leadership, Michelle Tillis Lederman executive coach, people expert, and CEO, will touch upon the highlights of how you can become an authentic and trusted leader who enables trust to be created and maintained throughout the team and organization. As a Connected Leader you will grow your role, build loyalty, and expand your influence throughout your organization

There are several key areas that great leaders focus on to ensure they communicate the vision, motivate and manage their people, and get the job done right.

This leadercamp focuses on three related topics. First, we’ll talk about an effective method of delegating tasks that takes into account the ability of the delegatee and their motivation level. Second, we’ll explore how to analyze your tasks and set priorities. Of course things are always changing, so we’ll talk about how do you deal with shifting priorities. Lastly, we’ll explore time management tricks and tips to help you manage your time and reduce your stress level.

As we manage the pace of work and life today we need tools to access the most powerful and productive part of our brains. And, we need help slowing down the negative thinking that gets in our way.

Certified PQ coach and current Skillsoft coach Liz Tracy provides practical tactics you can immediately use to see better results in all aspects of your life.

We know that it’s important to build our physical fitness, our doctors tell us that, our friends and family tell us that. We likely have gym memberships to help us build our physical muscle. In this Leadercamp, you’ll learn about mental fitness, our three core mental muscles and the role they play in helping us thrive.

May 2024

Trust is crucial to working most productively as a team. Without trust, people are reluctant to share ideas, resources, or to collaborate with each other. But how do you build that trust? One way is to have open lines of communication to give people feedback and receive feedback yourself. That feedback can help you and your team develop new skills, communicate better, and achieve more together.

Learning to overcome your discomfort and being able to give and receive feedback effectively is a great way to build trust and grow your own and your team's skills.

For many, the very word “control” feels uncomfortable, carrying the relics of old-school leadership from ages past. Yet the attempts to control others remain even today, so we have to be focused on how we view the term.

The only person we can control 100% is ourselves, and the realization that it is down to us to manage ourselves first is quite a challenge to many. This kind and appreciative awareness can add to your capability to be your best for yourself, and to be the best you can be for your people too. Being kind to yourself is the first priority to be an outstanding leader and for you to feel great at the same time.

The road to leadership can be rocky—changing customer demands, generative AI disruption, and new workplace rules can cause careers to careen.

What are the new road rules to earning a seat in the C-Suite?

In this Leadercamp, CMO Executive Coach and Marketing Growth Leaders.com Founder, Lisa Nirell shows you the essential “on-ramp” to career confidence and growth. Derived from insights she’s gathered from over 1,800 CMOs and CEOs, Nirell will share the daily habits of top market leaders.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your career stage.

Today, business leaders understand the importance of People and Culture. All progressive organizations accept that People and Culture play a big role in organization success. At the core of creating a right culture is the leadership philosophy that the organization embraces. While there are many “People friendly" leadership philosophies out there, there is only one leadership philosophy that balances beautifully between results and relationship by truly being “People centered.” This philosophy is Servant Leadership.

There is a lot of literature on Servant Leadership. Most of the body of knowledge on Servant Leadership talks about what Servant Leadership is. Even when we understand the concept and might even like it, we are at a loss when it comes to actually implementing it at our workplace. This Leadercamp shifts the focus from the “what” of Servant Leadership to the “how.”

We live in a global world with diverse personalities and need to work together to get results. But when we all think and work differently, it can cause frustration. Recognizing our differences can reduce friction and increase interpersonal effectiveness.

It starts with you! Understanding how you prefer to communicate impacts how you lead, solve problems, make decisions, form relationships, collaborate, provide feedback, motivate and of course, influence. Learn the different communication styles and how to flex your style to increase collaboration, influence and strengthen relationships.

By developing your communication skills and becoming a Connected Leader, you will be able to expand your influence, build loyalty, and advance your role within your organization.

Leadership is a very broad topic, so how do you know how to be the most effective leader? There are several key areas that great leaders focus on to ensure they communicate the vision, motivate and manage their people, and get the job done right.

You cannot motivate someone. People choose whether or not they want to be motivated to do something. But you can certainly demotivate people. We’ll talk about what people need to be motivated so you can create a motivating environment for your staff. Also, we’ll talk about how motivation is situational and how you can develop a plan to work with employees on their motivation.

In this fifth and final Leadercamp in the Active Leadership series, PMP and Managing Partner at Lemmex Williams Training, Merri Lemmex will touch on the highlights of being a great leader.

Back in 2018, HRCI unveiled updates to the PHR® and SPHR® exams and since then, so much has changed in the way we manage people and work.

HRCI® created the HR Body of Knowledge™ (BoK™) as a comprehensive framework of benchmark HR practices to help HR professionals align the critical organizational and HR competences to meet the ever-changing demands of the HR profession. This is also the foundation for HRCI®’s certification exams which are developed through a systematic, practice analysis study and communicated through Exam Content Outlines (ECO).

The 2024 PHR® and SPHR® exams will incorporate many of the changes including: the acceleration in systems and software; ChatGPT and generative AI; increased emphasis on DEI; new laws on family and medical leave, pay equity and transparency, and pregnant workers’ rights; non-compete clauses, and much more.

How to Access Leadercamps

Does your organization already have access to licensed Skillsoft content? Please log in to your online learning platform to access all the Leadercamps we offer. View the full calendar here.

For access to live and on demand Leadercamps, register for 14 days of free access to Percipio.

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