Frequently Asked Questions


Who is Scotiabank's independent auditor?
KPMG LLP is the Bank’s independent auditor.

Where can I obtain additional information about Scotiabank?
The Corporate InformationInvestor Relations and Media Centre sections of the web site contain additional information about Scotiabank.

Which exchanges are the shares of Scotiabank listed on?
Scotiabank trades on the Toronto (BNS), and New York (BNS) Stock Exchanges.

What is Scotiabank’s stock symbol?
Scotiabank’s stock symbol for its common shares is “BNS”. It trades under that symbol on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

What are Scotiabank’s priority markets?
Scotiabank’s priority markets are: Canada, the United States, Mexico, and English Caribbean. In addition, the Bank has a strong presence in the Chile, Peru, and Colombia.

When is your fiscal year end?
Our fiscal year ends October 31st.

Can I view or download a copy of the:

How do I access Scotiabank's regulatory filings?

To view the Bank’s filings, select "Search SEDAR+" > "All public disclosure documents" and indicate The Bank of Nova Scotia (Profile 1289).

Who should I contact for questions concerning stock registration, dividends, loss of a stock certificate, an estate transfer, or multiple or duplicate submissions of documents?

Please contact our Transfer Agent, Computershare, whose contact information can be found on the page
Contact Us.