
The top ideas submitted by the users for the website
PrimalShadow PrimalShadow ago

Don't serve ads for "Not interested" fiction

If I've already marked down that I don't want to read a story, why show me ads for it? That just makes the ads less useful, for both the reader and whoever is paying for the ad.
Open General
o0shad0o o0shad0o ago

remove stubs from best rated list

Putting stubbed fictions in the best rated list just winds up as advertising for KU, and if the reader doesn't have it and doesn't notice before they start, the fictionus interruptus is rather unpleasant.
Open General
Eternal Reader Eternal Reader ago

Adding a "Finished Novels" List for Novels Like in the "Follow List"

Right now, we only have "Follow", "Favorite", and "Read Later", lists but no "Finished" lists for novels. Currently, all the novels that I've finished reading are simply sitting at the bottom of my "Follow" list and are just adding to the time it takes to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list.

I don't want to place every single novel I've finished into the "Favorite" list because that should be reserved for only novels that I consider my favorite novels.

So, my suggestion is to add a list where you can move novels to after you're done reading the entire novel. To make sure a reader doesn't miss any updates from a novel in that list, any novels within that "Finished" list will be moved back to the "Follow List" where they can read the update and move it back to the "Finished" list in case it's not an announcement for future chapters. 

This new List can be added to the Statistics if people think it's a good idea to do so.

Open General
Pandaviking Pandaviking ago

splittind the "dungeon" tag into "dungeon crawler" and "dungeon core".

currently the "dungeon" tag lumps both stories where the protgonist/s are adventurers diving into one or several dungeons, and dungeon core / dungeon master novels where the protagonist is responsible for creating and/or improving/managing the dungeon. both genres are good, but when you are looking for one type of story and the list is filled with the combined mass of both genres it gets a bit frustrating.
Open General
Madix-3 Madix-3 ago

Find my position on rising Stars, if I haven't opted out of Ratings

As an author, instead of counting down the list and checking it every day, I'd like to know when/if I have been featured on any particular Rising Stars list. Either by notification, or a quick link that I can use to check where my fiction is at. Could be a nice Premium-only feature, too.
Open Premium
Sapioit Sapioit ago

Let us know if we already clicked on the notification.

Hi! Please make it so we know whether or not we read a notification, and have a "toggle mark as read/unread" checkbox next to each notification and a "mark as read" button for all bookmarks, and automatically mark a notification as read when we click on it to open the link, so we can keep track of which notifications we read and which we didn't, so we can respond to all the comments, if we want to. Thanks!
Open Accounts
Zek Zek ago

Introduce a way for authors to give announcements too their readers without them making a chapter that could mess up bookmark progress if you just want to read the announcement without being up to date with the book.

Basically introduce a type of chapter (or a separate place) where authors can make announcements about their book, many authors do this currently by making a chapter called announcement/important and generally it pertains to the future of the book (something like “don’t worry if I don’t post I’m not dropping but I’ll be out of state for a few days” etc.)  currently unless the placeholder is made to also detect jumps of more than one chapter forward this can screw up where you are in a book if you just want to find out what’s up on a book that you haven’t been keeping up to date on. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked on a announcement chapter from the bookmarks tab on a book I’m not caught up on only to never go back because I can’t find my place.

Open General
KingMaster80 KingMaster80 ago


An LGBT+ tag to allow readers to know if a fiction has or not LGBT+ content.

Open General
Glitched Glitched ago

Notify when +rep has a note

Unless we think to check our reputation page, or even know it's there, we have no idea when someone leaves a note when they give rep. A notification would be nice. I don't think a notification is necessary for +rep without a note though.
Open General
Loki's Child Loki's Child ago

Add Option to Remove Stubbs from Search Results.

As the title says, Add Option to Remove Stubbs from Search Results. If I'm not already reading it, I'm not going to start a new story that is stubbed. I would like the option to make them disappear from my search results so I don't click it on accident. You can add Stubb as a type a story you are looking for, but you can't exclude them from your results.
Open General
Koor Koor ago

Story Reviews: Add sort by "Reviewed at" to show show reviews that are closest to the most current chapter

I was wondering if you guys could add the ability when sorting reviews for a story to sort by "reviewed at" progress. Often, quite a high percentage of top reviews were made when a story was trending, or at its peak. More eyes on the reviews then, so those old reviews stay on top. We can currently sort by new/old and best. I'd love a way to sort reviews by how many chapters into the story they were. This way you can see reviews that highlight the current state of the story. It's quite possible for a story to jump the shark a ways in, but top review being a review from much earlier in the story, or most recent reviews being filled with people who reviewed how great the story is based off of the first several chapters and not representative of the overall current story

Open General
wesurk wesurk ago

Collapsible Comments

Comment chains can get pretty long and finding the next top level comment can get tedious. so maybe a way to hide child comments like RES can do for Reddit.

Open General
Celivalg Celivalg ago

List running ads

Create a tab to list currently running user ads, I saw one I actually wanted to click on, but refreshed the page and couldn't get it again.
Open General
SnowLabrador SnowLabrador ago

Country data to analytics

I would love to see what countries I'm getting a lot of views from. Is this possible to implement? Thanks.
Open General
Sillyfawn Sillyfawn ago

Sorting Reviews by Chapter Number

Each review has "Reviewed at...", so it seems like there should be a function to search for reviews based on at what chapter the review was done. I don't know how hard/easy it would be, but I think it would revamp reviews in a positive way. Other people have posted this in the past, but I thought maybe discussing it again could bring it some more attention.
Open Other
Faerces Faerces ago

Option to let readers know if they've been blocked from reviewing a story before posting a review

In the case that the above happens, the review is deleted and cannot be recovered due to a system error. A notice will give readers the option to know before review submission and prevent loss of text.
Open General
hawlol hawlol ago

Add 'Show Stubs' checkbox to 'Advanced Search'

When using 'Advanced Search' to find new novels, stubs often overpopulate the results. There is no way to filter them except going into each stubbed fiction and setting them as 'Not Interested'. As for if the checkbox starts with true or false, no strong feelings on either. Should be easy to implement since such checkbox already exists in places like the 'Popular this Week' section. Edit: Someone just told me erasing 'All' from 'Status' and adding only 'Ongoing' would get the same effect. There's even a stub status there I didn't see before. Guess my request isn't valid so please delete it Mr. Mod.
Open General
ARedFox ARedFox ago

Adding a blacklist or 'weight' feature to the recommended for you section.

Don't know if anyone else added this. I also use tag as a term to include genres and types. The ability to blacklist or weight a tag, or more, on the 'recommend for you' section so it either doesn't appear or does so less frequently. When looking at the home page, I often give it a glance, but I rarely find anything. Part of that is because some of the recommended novels having tags I find undesirable. For me personally, I almost never read harem or fanfiction, so blacklisting or weighting those tags would allow it to show stories I have higher chance of being interested in.

As for the execution, everything should be accessible from the home page. Besides that, here are the two paths that I think could work.

1. Blacklisting is simply blocking the tag. It would never show up. The issue here is that the search tool can already do this. To make sure the recommended for you section doesn't become useless, I recommend limiting how many tags can be blacklisted. A number somewhere between 2 and 5 might be best. This could be expanded to include tags that must be on the story's, but I don't recommend that as that basically just makes it a dupe of the advanced search. If it is included, this would have to have and even stricter limit than the blacklisting limit for how many tags can be included.

2. Weighting is adding value to tags. Tags with a higher value would appear more while those with a negative value would appear less. It could go from 5 to -5 or something similar. A tag that has a weight of positive 5 will appear more than one with a positive 4. A tag with a -5 will appear less than one with a -4. I think it is important to limit how many can be weighted and what value they can be weighted at. It might be you can have only one positive 5 but two positive 4's. Tags at 1 or -1 would barely be affected. This should allow readers to more directly show their reading preferences without just duplicating the search feature, allowing recommended to have a higher change of recommending something good. I don't know if this is even possible to use, but hey.

Edit: Just realized weighting is practically the same core concept as this post: split tags/genres into primary (limited) and secondary. It's really just the execution that's different.

Open General
Madix-3 Madix-3 ago

Announce new Fictions of Authors whose Fictions you follow

You can currently follow stories and authors, but to be honest, very few people actually follow Authors. I often read a tory and then go "Oh, THAT guy wrote that! Fun!" As a reader, I'd like to get notified once(!) when an Author whose story I followed(or favorited?) releases a new fiction. A simple notification that says "Author X, whose Fiction "Y" you follow, has just released a new Fiction. Click here to check it out." With a small icon of the cover, if possible. This should fire only after the fiction is actually readable. It would allow me to easily discover new stories I might like and support authors I appreciate. As an Author, I want my followers to get notified of a new fiction so that I can carry over a part of my user base from story A to Story B. I can make an announcement chapter, currently, but I feel that is more a lifehack, and having an "official" backing would be nice.
Open Fictions
snapshot112 snapshot112 ago

option to hide the author notes

The author notes are always on top of the page and you start reading them automatically as you scroll trough a chapter. The notes are usually about the novel you're reading and therefore tend to contain at the very least slight spoilers about the novel. I would argue that there is a strong reason why published books (usually) don't have an authors note at the top of every chapter. I just want to immerse myself in the story and I feel like the notes are hindering that immersion a lot. I would like for there to be a setting to collapse the author note by default so that you can choose to see them. The alternative would be using an extension like an adblocker to just never render those notes at all, and I think both readers and authors would prefer if they didn't have to go that far
Open Fictions
noct noct ago

Auto-prevent ratings bombs

There is currently no way to dispute ratings.

Ratings bombs where one person goes through, 'reads' one chapter, and then .5 stars every fiction on an author's account, even the dead ones, are a common way to bully authors, because the authors have no way to fight back. I think there should be a way to report odd/trolling behavior for ratings. Obviously it's not a huge deal for big works, but for smaller authors with fewer reads and ratings, it can really hurt.

I understand getting one .5 star review. It happens. But this specific behavior of "downvoting" every fiction an author has ever done is plain trolling, and currently, authors have no way to combat or dispute it.

Something like a button for authors to manually flag ratings bombs by timestamp (requires more than one .5 star in a certain timeframe to escalate) or an auto-filter that catches this specific behavior (more than one .5 rating of a single author's works within one hour) would be huge. 

Because it's odd behavior, an auto-filter should be easy to implement, and if you want to keep human-in-the-loop, include a subroutine that alerts a staff member on authors/accounts where this is happening frequently.

Alternatively, allow authors to dispute/report ratings as they can reviews.

Open General
kanadaj kanadaj ago

MIGRATED: Follow Authors

Hey I think we should be able to follow authors so when he/she starts a new project we don't have to search for it you get a little message just like when new chapters are released =] a little like how amazon does but not so intrusive. Maybe we can do this already and i just don't know about it.

By: Malcolm

Note: This idea has been migrated from an older 3rd party system; the original poster's name got lost in the migration process

Completed General
BMA100 BMA100 ago

tag for audiobooks

something for us to filter if the books have been made to audiobooks as I know that me and alot of other people like to listen more to the books than to read them
Open General

Traditional Novel Tag

Can we please have a tag to indicate that something is more akin to a traditional novel, with the expectations of the length and pacing being followed. It would allow people to present their fictions in a way that lets potential readers know what they are getting into. I know web novels are sort of the expected default, and I think that some stories don't get a fair shake if there isn't a quick way to alert readers to this attribute.
Open Fictions
PaulTB PaulTB ago

Recovery email for account

As the Internet is a fickle thing I think it would be a good idea for user accounts to have an entry for an optional recovery email. In the event that their primary email is unavailable or lost, they would be able to use the recovery email to recover their account, change passwords, or change primary email. Personally, I am in the process of trying out ProtonMail as I'm somewhat concerned about the direction Google has been taking but I'm worried that I might have trouble accessing RoyalRoad if I switch over and then ProtonMail unexpectedly fails for some reason.
Open Accounts
Silas Kriegsende Silas Kriegsende ago

Quick Play Button for TTS on a chapter in the App

This would be a quality of life improvement that I think benefits both free and premium users. I have recently discovered the TTS, and it works great (especially because it easily ties into device defaults for TTS, which allows me to use my favorite TTS voice). It would be nice if there was a quicker 'play chapter' button, rather than having to go into the separate "audio" menu, and then tap the 'play chapter' button. I have my settings set in the menu, so I'd like to go to the next chapter and then click 'play chapter' right away, rather than having to open the menu each time. This would benefit free users, since they have to start each chapter, as well as premium users who are moving to a different story and want to dive right into the reading.
Open General

Non-intrusive Ads

I get ads, I really don't mind them since they serve a valuable purpose supporting RR. What I do mind is having a bright blue box light up my phone, jarring me from my reading, and generally being a nuisance. Keep popup ads small and non intrusive, not covering a literal 2/3 of the screen in a bright colour. Looking at you Nike.
Open Other
chase128 chase128 ago

For the app: Let me sort my library view

Let me sort my library by useful metrics, such as (not limited to these necessarily) Alphabetical by title Alphabetical by author Most recent update / least recent update Most recent read a chapter / longest since read a chapter Number of read chapters / number of unread chapters
Open General
Nyxvis Nyxvis ago

Sort Follow List

Rather than always being sorted by last updated, give the ability to sort in other ways, such as prioritzing stories with chapters you haven't read yet. After all, when I go to my follow list, it's to look for something to read, and if I'm caught up on a bunch of the stories that were last updated, but am not caught up on older ones, I end up having to scroll a fair bit and/or change pages.

Similarly, having the option to switch the sorting from decending to acending would be nice, as I consistently forget about stories that I have on my follow list and are completed, but I haven't finished reading yet, so they are constantly at the very bottom of the last page of my follow list.

Open General
Scarlust Scarlust ago

Adding a recently completed fictions section.

I had a look at the completed fictions page the other day and noticed that despite the amount of fictions on the site and how long it's been around there have only been 34 pages worth of them. This felt rather low to me so I decided to have a think about ways to incentivize more authors to complete their fiction instead of entering hiatus. With the suggestion to make completing fiction easier has recently been planned I felt like this is probably a good time to make this suggestion too.

My suggestion is rather simple. Create a section which displays the recently completed fictions to incentivise authors to finish their stories for an increase in viewers. I understand that this is possible to find using specific settings on advanced search but a space for the section on the home page or as it's own tab would drastically increase people checking them out.

That said, this feature would definitely be prone to abuse and certain types of fiction will benefit more. Splitting your arcs into seperate books or intentionally writing shorter fictions so you can get that time on the front page would both be issues which aren't strictly wrong but ways to game the system.

There's also the potential community mindset shift which will occur after a while. Whilst there will be more authors aiming to finish, readers may switch to a style of reading where they mostly check out the completed fiction reducing the amount elsewhere. I'm not certain if that trade off is worth it as it might further lower the number of people reading new fictions. Contrary to this though, it is a method that will always reward an author for completing their work which I think is great for authors who never got views through trending and have continued writing all the same.

TL;DR: Section on hompage for new fictions would be good. Could be abused. Might change community mindset. Great reward for authors who didn't get on trending.

Open General
only1joe only1joe ago

Audiobook tag

Introduce a tag to show when a book is available in audiobook format.

I listen to audiobooks much more often than I read, due to listening while working and driving. I love the sound of many of the books on Royal Road but know that if I can't find them in audio, I'll have to find something else - it would be much easier to search via a filtered list of books that are available in this medium.

Open General
AwakenedMuse AwakenedMuse ago

Add country data to story Analytics

Having access to country statistics would be very helpful to have a better understanding of where readers are located and what time zones are optimal for posting to the story's specific RR audience. Other sites do offer this, I'm not sure how easy/difficult it is to implement. Could RR add country data to the available Analytics information? 

Open General
ManicString ManicString ago

Read Later Notifications

Add a way to notify readers when stories they put on read later meet some criteria. For example when a fiction reaches a certain number of pages or chapters or the books status changes to completed or hiatus or dropped. You could let the reader decide what criteria they wanted to be notified on. This lets people who like to binge books find stories early that they might want to read later without forgetting about them in their read later page for ages. Or to let you know if the status on a story has changed.
Open General
banosto banosto ago

Statistics for readers (Not just author accounts)

Hey there, Is there a helpful page somewhere that can Show me how much I read on RR this year / how much I have read over my years of following stories on RR? I'd love to check out, how many pages, how many books and how many chapters have been read on the account. In kind regards banosto Edit: mod John suggested I copy my question to this forum.
Open Accounts
DoomAlsoDoom DoomAlsoDoom ago

User Profile specific or Fiction specific blog feed

Implement some kind of User Profile feed or Fiction specific feed for blog-ish type content. This would give following a fiction more meaning than just notifications, such as story related updates that aren't posted as chapters, and would also give the Follow button on the user profile more utility than only new fiction release notifications. One could make the user specific feeds separately followable so that you can get both new fic release updates and new blog updates, or just one or the other. Same with fiction specific feeds, new chapter release notifications and blog feed notifications, or just one or the other.
Open General
captain tungsten captain tungsten ago

'Unread' filter for V2 follow list

An option to filter the V2 follow list to only show stories with unread chapters. Ideally, this should have a unique URL so you can save it as a bookmark. I imagine most people use their follow list to catch up on stories which have updated, rather than managing/accessing stories they have already fully read.
Open General
Deleted Deleted ago

User based tags

So, instead of having the author check off which tags fit their story, give it to those who write an advanced review. Just take what we currently have and move it over. I think that would take the least amount of manpower.
Rejected Fictions
Identity Identity ago

Be able to delete history

I use the history page to continue what I read but there are some fictions which i don't want to see after reading the first couple of chapters if possible I would like to have an delete option because the Not interested button doesn't help me with that

Open General
Chaser Chaser ago

Show all advertisements page

A page that shows all the advertisements at once. Additional consider If they are links to Royal Road stories then have the associated description listed below it such as it is shown An alternative to this is to add a system tag to all the stories that are advertising so they can be found using the filtered search.
Open General
User000001590 User000001590 ago

A Poetry Genre

Maybe poetry isn't something wanted on this website, which I would totally understand. But if that's not the case, I'd love to have a poetry genre and post my poetry.
Open Fictions

Additional "Surprise Me!" Features.

Allows readers to apply filters to the "Surprise Me!" Function, similar to advanced search. As someone who pretty much exclusively uses "Surprise Me!", it would be nice to sort out some definite do not include tags.
Open Fictions
NorskDaedalus NorskDaedalus ago

App: Auto-download new chapters

For Premium, of course. But it would be nice if there was a setting to flip that would automatically download new chapters of followed stories when they're first released.
Open Premium
Miles O. Sand Miles O. Sand ago

make the next chapter link point to the next non-deleted chapter.

Currently the "next chapter" link points to an "access denied" page when the author deletes that chapter, and leaves no way to get your progress back. This is an issue when the "chapter" was actually an announcement or poll, or if the author re-releases a chapter by deleting and reuploading. The changed behavior would instead point to an appropriate chapter following the deleted chapter(s).
Open Fictions
krebain krebain ago

Join Brave rewards program


I know that mobile app is in the works, however I'm perfectly fine browsing website in Brave for Android mobile. All Brave browser version allow users to opt-in to curated ad program.

Realistically (as Irish user) it gives me 5 bucks every month or two which is automatically assigned between two sites I visited most over last month. So RR and competition ;)

To join as content provider

--- I'm not affiliated with Brave in any form

Open General
solopath solopath ago

Make multi-option polls show numbers instead of percentages

Multi-selection polls are great for getting feedback,  but currently they're stuck showing percentages. Not the percentage of poll-takers who like a specific option, but percent of all votes. 

Open General
FourthRanger FourthRanger ago

Fictions default to opening in the app when shared from the app

When I share a fiction from the app, I want it the person I shared it with to be able to open it in the app if possible instead of just opening it online. Maybe attempt to open in the app if shared from the app and open online if not?
Open General
Deleted Deleted ago

Option to Reorganise Chapters and Rename them All at Once Without Having to Rename Each Chapter One by One

I recently decided to reorganise my chapters to give readers more chapters between each POV before swapping. But I had to go by each chapter and rename them so that they followed the numerical order (Chapter One, Chapter Two, etc.) all the way up to thirty-seven. It might look a bit awkward for people stumbling upon that story in the half hour it took me to rename the chapters. 

I think it would be nice, and quite useful, for people writing multi-POV novels to implement a feature that could rename all chapters and upload them all at once. Not sure how it would work, if it is at all possible, but it would be nice!

Open General
Summit-the -Dragon Summit-the -Dragon ago

Fiction Ranking history

I have been looking at my fiction's ranking and would like to see a chart of how the ranking changed over the past, say, thirty days. best wishes, Summit
Open Other
CorrectedHorse CorrectedHorse ago

App page flipping.

Currently, for scrolling, you need to drag down a precise amount, which depending on device can be slightly cumbersome to get a precise whole new page at a time. The option for tap to flip to next page like fbreader or kindle or ... would be nice.
Open General
Scorpy Scorpy ago

CSS: width, max-width, line-height

Please unlock the parameters of the inline styles so that the author can set the width, as well as max-width. This is especially important for images. As an author I want my story to be at most 85 characters wide (max-width: 85ch), with a line-height of 1.25 em and customisable margins after the paragraph. At least the fonts are choosable, but that’s not enough for a good design. 100% width looks totally ugly on larger screens. I was going to submit the English version of my story (I sent the Russian version first), but now I’m not sure that Royal Road is the right choice. Illustrations and custom formatting are utterly important to me. Right now, the illustration’s size changes to the fixed value, while I want to restrict it to a vertical format (max-width: 85 ch), and a horizontal format should be about 90% of the screen width. Maybe (just maybe) the story would not look that ugly if it were approved, and I could have a look at it on the site and not in the editor. I’m disappointed. For me, the design is crucial. I’m not in the mood to discuss and defend my point. Just tell me whether I should just go away. Thanks. It’s a shame. RR seemed like a paradise at first, but such restrictions are deal-breakers for me. Wait! I have an idea. If I purchase premium, would it be possible to unlock the... Who am I kidding. Of course, you’ll say no. Goodbye. Added later: on second thought, if RR allows links, I might add it for the readers who would like to might want to appreciate my design... No, they won’t. Sorry, guys, right now, I have a feeling that everything is hopeless.
Open General