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I am so devastated right now


So basically I have this small channel I made 2 weeks ago. It garnered some shorts views and as of last night had almost 1k subs. Today I woke up surprised to see that my channel was deleted from youtube completely with no warning or strike for a video, nothing like that

So obviously I went to check what for and it said ”Spam, Scams or other Deceptive practices” so I went straight ahead to check the guidelines to see what had went wrong, as I had already read them before

I noticed absolutely nothing from my part that could’ve gone through that line. Only one was repetitive content, but even that was on the edge, needed with it an extra 1/3 guidelines which I followed all of, and I know many other MONETIZED people doing very similar yet even more repetitive content than me who haven’t gotten a strike

Well, I would write a complaint and want a re-review, but I have no idea what my channel URL is as it is a new channel and I can’t get it anymore as it was terminated. Hence, there is no way to get my account back

I really wanted youtube to be my career, but with that one misread strike, my dreams have been shattered… I am genuinely so sad right now

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u/YoungGazz avatar

I have no idea what my channel URL is as it is a new channel and I can’t get it anymore as it was terminated. Hence, there is no way to get my account back

Your channel won't be gone yet, just inaccessible to you. If you contact them with your Google account info they will be able to see the channel associated with it. Whether you'll get any joy from them is another story. Good Luck 🤞

Hey man i’ll try that thank you🙏🏻

u/TheodorCork avatar

Hope you get your channel back

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u/Entire_Excitement926 avatar

So sorry to hear that. My channel which I had opened on the first year Youtube was established, with more than a million views and 2000 videos and around 2000 subscribers was deleted because of one video of the naked bike ride which is an environmental protest and I could not get it back no matter what I did. Lost 2000 videos forever.

That’s so fucking tragic. YouTube should really fix their guidelines

u/Vengefulrat avatar

And yet there's naked yoga, vagina waxing tutorials nude try in hauls and they're all perfectly fine.

u/WideAnimation avatar

Ayo, what?!?!

u/Vengefulrat avatar

Chdck youtube. You'll find them all there.

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u/Jim-Jones avatar

Also notadildo which makes you stab yourself in the eyes.

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u/Miller-STGT avatar

If it was truly original content that has some value to humanity, I hope you get your channel back.
If it was one of those channels that only has shorts with stupid quotes and stock music, I find it good that Youtube are finally cracking down on that.

Ehh short form football content so ig I had it coming😭 I did put a lot of effort onto them though

The worst factor here was that ”i’m not allowed to make a new account again” so I don’t know if that means specifically no short form football or no youtube never ever cuz I was thinking of making an actual star wars channel

u/Entire_Excitement926 avatar

Unfortunately banned forever from youtube

Where did you get the clips from? If you got them from broadcasters then it may have been a copyright/IP issue. YT is starting to push back on that kind of thing these days.

Nah they told me it was about spam or scam

u/Miller-STGT avatar

With football you are bound to run into a lot of copyright issues down the line. I´m not sure about scam or spam. DailyDoseOfInternet for example, always asks every single source video owner for permission and only then uses it in his compilations.

If you simply take videos from others and create shorts from it, you are using content from someone else without asking.

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u/Downtown_Station5859 avatar

First of all, that definitely sucks. As others have said contact them through your Google account.

A side note though, if your channel was only 2 weeks old losing it really shouldn't shatter your dreams'.

You also shouldn't be starting YouTube 'hoping that its your career'. If you go in with that mindset you are already setting yourself up to failure. Just look at how you respond to potentially losing 2 weeks of work.

If you were doing it as a hobby just for fun it would be more of a 'oh thats weird, lets start over or figure out how to fix it'.

All that to say... two weeks of work lost isn't 'career' ending and is actually a good learning lesson on how to work through obstacles that come up. Being a YouTuber is a ton of work and has a ton of obstacles. It's how you learn and adapt from them that will help decide how successful you are.

Edit: Also I highly recommend working on making your own content instead of using 70% other peoples content. Even if you follow the rules perfectly you'll still setting yourself up to have issues, as you've seen here.

Lastly, I wouldn't ever compare what happened to you against what's happening to other channels. YouTube has hundreds of millions of active YouTube channels and there is no way they can moderate/police them equally. It's literally an impossible task.

That means the only thing you can do is look out for yourself and do things that have a much less chance of getting flagged or having issues down the road.

Is it fair? Nah. But you still have to do everything you can to set yourself up for as much success as possible

Thanks m8 but I know what you mean about the 2 week part. It is not what made me enraged. It was the fact that in their email, they told me I was restricted of ever making new youtube channels, which I find absurd. And I was not planning on making these shorts my career. I was planning on doing it as a side hustle and then later on go all out on normal videos on another topic

u/Downtown_Station5859 avatar

Yeah I wouldn't worry about it to much.

A few massive YouTubers have actually been banned in the past and YouTube doesn't really do anything about it when they make all new accounts.

Worst case you just have to find a way around it. Best case you're able to get the ban lifted, which is what I'd try to do for the next couple of weeks while making content to upload once its resolved.

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Oh and also, you seem to know a lot about this stuff so I was wondering, as I am underage, can I make a youtube account, but when I start earning just link all of it to a parents adsense account

u/Downtown_Station5859 avatar

I cant really advise on that as I've never been in that situation. I would assume it would be OK because it's not against the ToS to have a parent run a YouTube channel for their children. I'm no expert on this though.

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u/SnooChipmunks7288 avatar

How do you get 1k subs in a few weeks on some shorts though that does sound suspicious

Football videos they’re doing amazing rn

u/RunnerBoy921 avatar

So it was not your content

It was. I used unoriginal clips but heavily modified them so they were usable


You modified it by how? Putting your logo on it, and flowers on edges of the video and adding hype music will trigger youtube automatic delete system. If you really want to modified it. the best way is to put your face on it, comment and react then provide value to the sports video u do not own.

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It depends on the amount of exposure the channel gets, you can rack up some serious numbers with good exposure.

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u/TemperatureHot8184 avatar

I am sorry this happened to you. This sounds extremely frustrating! Take care

Thanks man😔

u/TemperatureHot8184 avatar

Your welcome.

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I know I'm not fit to say this as a premium user but this site needs to get its shit fix together man,hope you get your channel back if you are able to contact google support

Thanks m8😔🙏🏻

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What kind of content was it?

Footballer vs footballer esque shorts where I put a certain amount of footballers in a competition to another to see who had the best performance. Similar to a youtuber named ”baller vs baller” but a bit less yk brainrotty

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u/ex0rius avatar

What content did you publish

u/RunnerBoy921 avatar

Football clips so stolen content

Not stolen. That is not what I got a strike for. I heavily edited them so they became original

u/RunnerBoy921 avatar

So stolen content editing dose not change the fact it is stolen

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u/SunnySaigon avatar

I remember the feeling of waking up, loading up Studio, and getting a page that showed my account had been “logged out” — deleted due to 3 copyright strikes. What a crap feeling. 

Luckily I emailed the guy and he actually rescinded it. I was browsing YouTube with my other account and then I saw a Short that looked like mine in the feed. My account had been restored. 

u/pondribertion avatar

Time for some perspective. You made the channel just 2 weeks ago. Just think how much worse it would be if you'd made the channel years ago. Two weeks. And you've given up, your dreams are shattered, you're 'devastated'? Just make a new channel, learn from the experience and make a success of it.

I have said this so many times. They gave me a PERMA BAN from making or possessing any channel ever again

u/pondribertion avatar

Just use a different email address. You're welcome.

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u/RBP_Facts_Matter avatar

A WARNING TO ALL - Google has realized that YT has generated a vast amount of traffic AND they also realized that they have an opportunity to move into the much broader market that is being evicted by the cable companies.

However, they are also aware that much of what has been posted in the past will not pass the sensibility of many eyes of this moment.This is in fact a VERY political year and they already have an antitrust lawsuit being litigated.

So they are trying to remove what THEY BELIEVE may be controversial content. Exactly what that is is as unclear to them as it is to the community of posters. They have chosen the meat axe approach over a scalpil or more collaborative approaches. Evidence of this comes from what appears that the staff needed to actually "help" contributors to understand what's suitable and what is not and decide whether the offending content or behaviors were isolated incidents or ongoing behavior

To be honest, it makes me scared to even say my political ideology or leave comments under YouTube videos because I say something remotely out of line, boom termination.

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u/_eternally_curious_ avatar



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I lost my year old 391 subscribers channel in February. My content was just random gaming stuff which I recorded with a strong fanbase, about 340 videos were on my channel, until just one day, it was all gone.

I do empathize with you if you truly were just doing what you loved, I wish best regards.

well first, you didn't even describe your videos so we are just taking your biased word for it.

two, all browsers have a history where you can see all the URLs that you have been to including your youtube videos.

three, if you only have been doing it for 2 weeks, you aren't that far behind from starting again.

I know, but they won’t let me make another account

Make a brand new Google account. Change your (if you use them) VPN address if you have to.

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u/ex0rius avatar

can you create a new channel or is it going to be terminated too?

Terminated. That is easily the worst part irdc ab the channel itself that much

u/Entire_Excitement926 avatar

Will be terminated. Can't have any activity on youtube anymore. Sucks

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What’s your YouTube?

u/hthardman avatar

It's hard to give good feedback without seeing the channel itself.

Take a deep breath. Try to get it back obvs. If you cant, come back and update and we will get you some subs. Ill do it and im sure everybody else here will as well. Its gonna be alright tho!

u/Select-Team-6863 avatar

I hear that yoy have to contact them through Twitter to get any actual help.

u/WOLVERINERadek avatar

Your dreams are shattered from two weeks of effort going down the tubes?... your a twat.


He even argued about it not being stolen content. Really a lost cause of modern Kleptomania.

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u/MrSyl avatar

If you want this resolved fast, approach them via Twitter and tag @TeamYoutube. Tell them about what happened, provide your channel URL and it will get resolved in 48hrs.

My friend literally had this happen a few days ago, got resolved quick thiugh

Try contacting the support. They may be able to recover your channel. Also, check your emails, there could be a notice or something.

u/MadRadMasterBuilder avatar

You deserve better

u/Nightguard093 avatar

Wow, i made a channel but that never happened to me, i hope u get it back

Wow I am so so sorry that this had happened to you. The "YouTube Guidelines" need to get fixed right away and if they don't fix it they will get sued $17,000 000,000 and plus there needs to be a petition of YouTube fixing the guidelines and that goal of that petition is $,2000,000. If YouTube still does not listen to the community after making it to the goal of the petition then they need to get their shit together and all together we will win this war.

I hope so

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This sounds like a familiar YouTuber that left recently! Hmmm there's a clue.


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YouTube is like a karen, but as a multibillion dollar company.

u/ConstantReporter7482 avatar

What did you do to get your channel deleted

u/External_Jello2774 avatar

Stop with the fake stories and complaints. Seriously, you're talking about disgusting layouts and adblocker blocking when none of that is even in my country!? Cut the bullshit!

I literally said nothing about ad blockers. Read the thing before complaining💀

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Happens just appeal and explain to them why they are wrong will be fixed in hours. Good luck

Any updates?

Yh I messaged them around 24h ago but no response yet…

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u/MrShitfyre avatar

Do an appeal. Youtube keeps deleting my channel for the same reason and I don't even have any videos or content on it. They've done it 3 times. The bots are drunk.

I’ll try🙏🏻

u/allisonthunderland avatar

If you've been banned once, you've been banned permanently, which means you can't just make a new channel to evade the ban.

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