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What is your favourite change as you have aged?

I see too much fear and hate towards aging everywhere, including this subreddit. I get it though, society fears age and women often take the most pressure from it. But! Aging is a privilege and beautiful, so to everyone over 25 let's say, what part of aging have you seen in yourself and really enjoyed?

I can go first, mine is my smile lines. I have gotten these fine lines in my dimples from smiling and for some reason I really enjoy them. I also really like the way maturity is settling in my face. I think I suit myself more because of it.

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What a lovely refreshing question! It made me take a moment, and suddenly feel a little better about myself. Physically I like my smile much more than I did when I was younger. I used to think I was too gummy so would often try and hide this when I smiled, but now I actually love the look of myself when I'm beaming in photographs.

I also just like the person I am much more nowadays, which I'm sure also reflects on the outside. Beauty shines from within they always say.

That being said, I know I still judge myself too harshly. I was reading up on anti-wrinkle treatments when I stumbled across your question here. Time for me to take time away from the screen and keep being kind to myself I think!

My heart breaks for people who are self conscious about their smile. A guy I worked with had really bad teeth and would try to laugh and smile with his mouth closed. I didn't think deeply about it until another guy at the job said something like, "can you imagine every time he's happy or laughing, he feels self conscious." It broke my heart. That was around 15 years ago and I actually met up with that guy a couple years ago to catch up and he had new teeth. He had a beautiful, big smile and looked so happy.

u/RedEyeFlightToOZ avatar

I just spent 10k on getting my "perfect teeth". Just started braces at 37 and so excited

I hate that for him! I was a dental assistant for several years, and I can't tell you how many times I teared up as people came in who were ashamed of their teeth... or even better, when somebody would get the first look at their new smile after work was done. That was the best feeling, knowing I helped somebody regain some confidence and better dental function.

That is awesome!

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u/PoppyPepper98 avatar

This is such a great perspective. I totally agree with your comment “I like the person I am much more nowadays”.

I’ve always respected myself but I am in a healthy mental state now in my mid 30s and take great care of my skin, body, and overall diet/health. It’s such a game changer with my attitude and outlook on life.

u/strbbb avatar

Such an amazing comment. Me and my best friend are both very self conscious and overally harsh, and I remember I was taking a picture of her in a moment when she was genuinely laughing. She criticized the way her chin looked, this, that, and the other, things I don't even remember because all I could think about was how happy we were and how beautiful she looks when she laughs, as she struggles to do that sometimes. We were barely teenagers at the time...13 years old.

I always hate any pics of me at the time but years later I like them

u/strbbb avatar

I'll be honest. I'm pretty much the opposite. I had huge over -dark drawn on eyebrows with orange foundation all over my face and lips, 4 different colors in my hair, heavy eyeliner, all the good stuff. I thought I was the I was indeed NOT, looking back at these pictures 🤣🤣

I'm so glad you learned that you are a beautiful human being!! I feel we are taught to hate ourselves... A lot of my insecurities that I have now I even liked before someone told me how "ugly" it is. Such a shame. I shouldn't never gotten on the internet.

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u/fulanita_de_tal avatar

I’m with you. I’m still extremely hard on myself and quick to point out my own imperfections in the mirror.

And yet, the most magical thing I’ve developed with age (I’m 37) is that I believe in my heart… I’M FUCKING HOT. This contradictory wisdom is weird as hell but I love it!

I second all of this 100%.

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My skin is a lot clearer now at 32, so I no longer feel the need to use a whole face of makeup every day. I’m not sure if that’s due to aging or because I’ve found a skincare routine that works for me. Maybe a little of both.

Yep ^

I still have room to improve but no longer having a face full of acne is insane. I can barely remember what being 16 and covered in spots was like any more... I remember how awful it felt mentally! Just not the physical sensations. I love having clearer skin and the luxury of complaining about "breaking out" when I get one pimple every so often.

The luxury of complaining is great 😊I used to get terrible anxiety every time I would see a pimple now I’m like hey old friend haven’t seen you in awhile, let’s get through this

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u/Jessmac130 avatar

Yup my acne finally cleared up after 15 years and a round of Accutane at 18 😂 it came back a little in my 20s but that was probably the booze.

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Love this question! I'm getting gray hairs aka free highlights 😁💕

Me too!

Especially as a brunette, I've always wanted to play around with funky colours but didn't want to have to ruin my hair with bleach to do it. Now I can have fun coloured streaks without the bleach!!!

u/Strivingformoretoday avatar

That’s such a great idea to shift the mindset! I’ve been a little hung up on my grey hairs. Can I ask what your favorite fun color combinations are?

u/PeggyAnne08 avatar

my mom, a natural brunette, started out with lavender and blues on her greys.

My wedding was themed using navy blue as the primary color and I still remember the absolute joy in her eyes when she asked me if it was okay if she had a little blue in her hair on my wedding day and I enthusiastically said yes.

u/Strivingformoretoday avatar

Oh that is so cute!! It’s mainly around my face so I could try some face framing highlights in blue :)

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Ohhhh what brands do you use? I want to try this but I heard greys are hard to cover!

u/angeliKITTYx avatar

Overtone color conditioner works on my grays! I have brown hair so the gray make the purple I use have a lot of texture (:

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I tried all through my youth to bleach my hair to platinum and failed miserably. I always wanted white blonde hair and could never quite have it.

Twelve years ago, I noticed gray coming in at my roots and thought, "I'm going to let that go until I see how gray it is." A few months on, I found it was coming in silvery white! I let it grow in, cutting away the old as I went, and for years now, for free, I've had the color I always wanted! 🤍

Yes this is my favorite part, I’m getting a streak of grey on my front/right and I’m here for it. Quit dying my hair just to enjoy this.

u/Ok-Amphibian avatar

Mine grow tucked under the outer layers, especially behind my ears. I was at BK once and the lady ringing me up was studying me and said “how old are you?” She told me she was trying to figure it out if they were greys or highlights because she said she was looking at me thinking “that’s a baby”. She said I got lucky because people pay big money to have my “highlights” like mine. It made my day cause I was thinking about dying my hair cause it was making me feel older

Tinsel! I’m 33 and have visible gray streaks at my temples, and I honestly love it.

I love mine too! They’re also thicker than the brunette strands, which is a bonus for this fine haired gal.

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Great question! I’ll give you two 😀

  1. my dark circles. This does not make me prettier, they age me, but my father passed away a few years ago and I look at my face and my dark circles are his. It’s a reminder of him that becomes more visible with age.

  2. my drop in estrogen as a 43 year old means IDGAF and losing body fat is easy, putting on muscle is a breeze. And my baby face was a lovely phase of my past.

the first one is so wholesome omg. i have the same dark circles as my dad too and even though im only turning 25 in 3 weeks, this makes me appreciate them a little more. and im so sorry about your loss <3

You are so sweet, thank you! Enjoy every minute you have and hold no love back. Happy early birthday!!

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u/PlasticSnakeVeryFake avatar

My gosh, i think we are the same. Lost my father 2012. I carry my dark circles and heavy heart in my eyes. Also 43F and killing it with muscle gains at the gym :-)

I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️

I understand about the sadness in the eyes.

And here’s to some awesome workouts!!

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u/2020_really_sucks_ avatar

This so resonates with me. There are times, I’m walking by a mirror when I’ll catch a glimpse of my face & see my mother for a brief moment.

u/Chateau_de_Gateau avatar

Yes. My mom passed away a few years ago. We never really looked that much alike (I more resemble my dad's side) But I'm 33 and sometimes I'll see a picture where my smile lines are more noticeable and when I see it I kind of think "hey, I kind of look like my mom." Not sure if I actually do or if I just associate the smile lines with her but I find it warms my heart a little.

That’s a really beautiful thing to see her and I’m so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing this ❤️

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u/cafe-aulait avatar

Ok your #2 has given me reason to look forward to some perimenopause in a few years 😆 although the women in my family all menstruate well into their 50s so maybe I shouldn't get too excited

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Number 1 is so precious. I'm starting to get those horizontal forehead lines like my dad. He had DEEP ones & even though I love him & miss him so much to this day, I don't want to inherit those😂

u/MidNightMare5998 avatar

This is really nice to hear because I had always heard that it gets harder to lose weight with age!

My understanding is the natural drop in muscle mass and HGH that occurs from an absence of weight training and activity causes the metabolic slowdown but the drop in estrogen creates a more favorable hormonal environment for fat loss. It’s one trade off for another

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I’m 23 so I can’t answer this question but thank you for spreading positivity about aging. All this anti aging propaganda made me not look forward to it because I believed people would see me as uglier or less valuable just because I’m old/have older features. I hope that one day society can outgrow the ageism so we can all age in peace and not feel self conscious about it.

So I’m ten years older and in contrast to being 23 yeah I don’t look 23. But um I get hit on way way more. It’s like weird cause it never happened (maybe I just looked like jail bait) when I was younger. Also there comes a point where you truly truly don’t give a fuck and ppl find confidence attractive. Or my lack of ability to do laundry so I’m wearing stuff that is maybe erm well I don’t think when I was 23 I would’ve thought someone in their 30s would wear that. Also assumed I’d be an adult and well I am but biggest difference is I’m much friendlier. Which I never thought I would be

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My cheekbones. I always had a round face as a kid and teen. At some point in my late 20s (like 28+) my facial fat finally started disappearing and now in my 30s I have visible cheekbones to the point where I’ve had a couple friends ask what I’m using to contour (nothing!!). My eyes are suffering from the loss of fat but the rest of my face looks amazing so it’s a fair trade lol.

same! free buccal fat removal started around 30.

Samee!! Baby fat was such an insecurity of mine as a teen but I feel like I'm at a sweet spot now at 25. Enough baby fat to make me look more youthful, but now I have a jawline lol

Same exact thing here. And I got a jawline. People compliment my bone structure all the time and they’re shocked when I show them my moon face from high school.


This is mine too. I always used to have a super round face despite always being very thin. Now in my late 20s it’s not so round anymore, but also still full enough not to age me. The chipmunk years were worth it lol

Yes this exactly! I don’t look gaunt I just look like a hot 20-something (except with eye bags lol)

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Yessss. I’m 33 and finally have cheekbones and more defined facial structure.

u/thewildrosesgrow avatar

Same here. I always had a round face even when I was a little too thin. In my thirties suddenly I had cheekbones!

u/angeliKITTYx avatar

I just turned 30, I'm waiting for my turn! My face is so fat you can't even see my eyes in photos. It always bothers me.

Same! I’ve noticed that I can even see the shadows under my cheekbones in certain types of lighting in a way that makes me feel like Marlene Dietrich lol

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I'm enjoying watching my smile crinkles come in around the sides of my eyes. I've always found these attractive on other people and am pumped to get mine!

u/Kiramadera avatar

Yes! I remember when Jennifer Aniston started to get hers, and I thought there was a really lovely softness about it.

Oh, does she have them? Last pic I saw of her recently stunned me with how little she seems to have changed in all these years.

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That's my answer too. 😊

Not necessarily beauty. But in my 30’s I take zero shit. From anyone. It’s the most beautiful part of my aging journey so far.

u/anonymouse550 avatar

I don’t know how vain this sounds, but every year I think “this is literally as good as it’s ever going to get” and the next year I look even MORE grown into my body and more like I belong in it. Every picture from a previous year shows me that, no actually, this is not as good as it is going to get. I am 36 so…. But I try very hard to take care of myself!!

u/ssetpretzel avatar

love this one so much! i'm 32 and totally get what you're saying. i hope we both keep feeling this way!!

I think it’s all about confidence, your body could be the same but you have grown with it and appreciate what it can do therefore appreciate how it looks

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u/External-League-8951 avatar

My HIPS! After having a child they are even more refined 👌🏾

Same. Despite some dramatic DR my shape is awesome after a kid. I feel so womanly with my curves. Shame my side body profile is lumpy from ab separation and people treat me badly due to that.

wdym ab separation? was that caused by pregnancy? i’ve never heard of that before.

Yeah happens to many women. A lot of women that might seem like they’re not losing weight “fast” after birth might have DR which is when abs separate during pregnancy and have a hard time going back. Physio can help but it’s not always affordable without insurance.

u/Peppermint_Cow avatar

DR = diastasis recti

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I'm much much more happier in my own skin.

My skin looks so much better in my 50's than it did in my youth. Clearer. More refined.

I don't have any wrinkles but I do have sagging around my jowls. I don't care, I'm happy inside and it shows on the outside!

I would be lying if I said I hadn't considered surgery for the sagging but I'm fed up of operations so I'll stick with it for now.

It's a pity I didn't feel this confident in my youth. Nowadays I'm happy but make groaning noises getting out of a chair 😂

I Love your answer, Sis’

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u/Nice_Translator_3851 avatar

I think I’m 10x more stylish at 31 than 21! I love putting an outfit together, I’m really confident wearing what I love and knowing what looks good. I’m also so much more mentally stable and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

u/fkntiredbtch avatar

My mom almost died when she was 39 and when she turned 40 and bought some champagne to celebrate the lady at the counter told her, "you can be 39 as long as you like dear." And my mom was so excited to tell her, "But now I get to finish seeing my grays come in!"

I don't talk to my mom anymore unfortunately but I am very excited to see how my hair changes as it gets older.

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u/Awkward_Science_3275 avatar

I just wanted to put this out here to tell and remind you all that aging is BEAUTIFUL. Like, not in a way where I am just saying “everyone is beautiful” (which that is also still true). As a woman who is attracted to women my eyes will always land on your face that shows life before the women with “smooth skin” that you may envy. Those fine lines around your eyes? I love the way they crinkle when you laugh. The wrinkles on your neck that you may stress about the deeper they get? They are like a delicate decoration that shows what a vibrant life you have lived. Your hands that you maybe obsessively moisturize to try to hide your age? Those are the hands that have held loved ones when they needed them the most. I always feel like I should’t compliment women on how beautiful I think their crows feet, smile lines, etc. are because I don’t want them to feel like I am pointing out their insecurities. But I am here to remind you that you that you are not beautiful despite your insecurities; you are beautiful BECAUSE of them 🩷 It is easier said than done but I wish every woman could truly embrace the appearance of life and wisdom in their face and body and I love this thread of women doing exactly that.

u/mrsweaverk avatar

The wisdom and maturity that can come with it. Being able to see clearer on what is important and what is not. Getting to a point of complete peace and realizing chaos never had to be a part of things, and how much my outlook/mindset affects this, and those around me. Learning that I can effectively communicate with respect, towards others and myself. And learning that I do not need to always prove my worth to others, it’s okay to walk away having proven absolutely nothing. From a physical stand point……lol that’s a little harder but I suppose the closest would be, enjoying fashion so much more when it isn’t so tied up into trends or what others are wearing. I dress for me now and what makes me happy to wear/look at. :)

u/balsasailormoon avatar

My skin is actually softer 💜💜💜

You dress to please yourself, not others. You're more self confident & more forgiving of yourself, so you don't get hung up on what other people think of you. You may choose to take care of yourself, & to look your best, but it's OK that you're not perfect, & really, who cares. It's actually very liberating.

Sorry to make this a bit sad, but I’m 38, and in the last few years, there’s been several people around my age from high school/university/my early professional life who are no longer with us. I look at my crows feet and my forehead lines and I am so thankful for them, my gift of nearly reaching 4 decades. Life goes fast, it’s precious, and whilst it’s absolutely fine to care about your appearance (I certainly do), no one is going to give a shit about the wrinkles on your face or the pounds on your hips when you’re gone.

u/MinnieSkinny avatar

This right here. I've lost 8 family members and 4 pets in the last 5 years. Growing old is a privilege not everyone gets to experience.

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I smile a lot easier now, the little things that I used to fret over (did I say something stupid, why doesn’t he like me, is she avoiding me) are now laughable gnats.

Aging has given me perspective and allowed me to calm the self absorption, I think this shows in my face. It sounds trite, but there is nothing more beautiful than serenity shining through.

u/DramaticOstrich11 avatar

My eyes look bigger now for some reason. I prefer my smile now as my face has lost some puppy fat. My eyes used to almost disappear when I smiled and the lower half of my face looked disproportionately big.

I have the grey streak at the front of my hair that I always loved on other women.

I love crows feet. It’s so bloody cute.

……you’re dad is so witty that’s why! The answer to my youngest when she asked. Laugh lines! We had a blast and it shows!

This is so sweet! One day I’ll tell our kids this, my husband is always making me laugh

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I’ve always had a wise child/babyface so it’s nice to be looking a bit more like a grown up now to match my cranky old soul.

I’m getting there with loving the new grey hairs because they are very pretty and glittery, even if I do feel a bit snuck-up-on by them at times!

same. I felt like there was a transition period around 30 where I suddenly went from perpetual baby face into too old and puffy until I.. grew into my own face.

It’s jarring to stop being asked for ID seemingly overnight, but I feel feminine (even a little) for the first time in my life in my mid 30’s.

Yes! This was me, too. I felt officially old quickly.

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u/throwwawayy20223 avatar

I’m enjoying looking like my mother more and more every year :-)

u/callie73 avatar

I love this answer ❤️

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Not having a period! Not having a uterus! Menopause is worse than puberty but once it’s over, not having to have a period every month is delightful.

I love how you worded that as if your uterus will just cease to exist once you hit a certain age

Mine did. I had that sucker ripped out as soon as I could.

I should’ve instead of the trying the ablation but it’s gone now but was able to keep ovaries so I’m my murderous thoughts are limited 😂

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Sounds like youre battling the aging part rather than loving what its doing to your face

But with that said, youre doing what makes you happy and isnt that really what life is all about


I love my natural, platinum hair!

I love it that I am/look healthier at 56 ( clear skin, sparkling, clear eyes, etc.) than I did 3.5 years ago.

I’m coming back after the estrogen dip and feel better than my 40’s. If only I knew then what I know now! I’m glad you found your sparkle again.


Congratulations 👏 and thank you!! 💕

I actually really never had a "sparkle" quite like I have today. It truly is from staying away from all things bad for your body.

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u/TaTa0830 avatar

At 34, I used to have really hooded eyelid to where it was hard to see eyeshadow or mascara on me. I also had a really round chubby face. I have more of a jawline than I used to and I’ve lost my hooded eyes. I am sure one day it will swing in the opposite direction, but it literally looks like I had one of those eyelid surgeries. I really like my eyes now and my bone structure overall. I used to always wear make up but now I feel like I don’t even really need much at all to look attractive. It’s just such a strange shift but I love it.

u/DramaticOstrich11 avatar

Omg same. Always expected my eyes to get more hooded, not less. They look so much more open now plus I've discovered eyelash serum, which makes them look even bigger.

u/ssetpretzel avatar

i've heard eyelash growth serum can cause fat loss. could this be why your eyes are less hooded now?

u/DramaticOstrich11 avatar

No it happened before I started the serum. I use the Silly George brand which I don't believe has the PGAs that cause that issue.

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u/jicamajam avatar

My face is more chiseled. My hips are fuller and I feel more womanly. The best part about aging has been the non-physical, though - I'm much more confident, and I'm being taken more seriously at work, which is a huge plus. I feel like I have something to offer the world besides my physical appearance, and that feels amazing.

I’m enjoying having a baby face more and more. Occasionally, it feels like I’m enjoying my childhood but have the privilege to grow older without questioning if I’d make it past the next two years. It swells my heart up with gratitude. I also love the fine lines I have in the ‘aegyo-sal’, I’d like to believe they’re because I smile more :) 

I like not hating everything about myself anymore. I take better care of myself and it shows. I’m peaceful and confident, inside and out. 😌


This sounds weird but right now, my curves are in the right place. I think when I was younger, they were higher on my body. And as someone who has pronounced hips, my “love handles” looked weird when they were a bit higher than the top of my butt. It looked like an inner tube of fat around my midsection, and my hips/butt tapered in from there. there was a decisive “down” slope from my hips/love handles to my butt….the. ANOTHER curve created by my hip bones and butt. Think muffin top

Now, time has pulled that section down a little…and perfectly into place. It’s a beautiful, gradual sloped curve that peaks out at my widest hip/buttock area and tapes down into my thighs legs, so my lower body is one smooth out than in instead of 2 awkwards ones. I used to really hate my hips/love section but now they are the key to my pretty well defined hour glass. Before I looked kinda…lumpy?

I also think my breasts look a little nicer and have more of a shape now that they aren’t quite so high on my chest.

I can’t say I aged that much but I mentally aged and realized that I LOVE MY BODY and I don’t have to change it

u/ilovecookiesssssssss avatar

My hips. I’ve gotten substantially curvier the older I’ve gotten, and I love it.

My hair has gotten curlier like my mother's did. She's beautiful. I've always loved her hair.

One of my fav features about myself is the dimples I have had my whole life. I'm glad that feature stays with me.

u/onourwayhome70 avatar

No more acne, and having cheekbones

u/Meg-7 avatar

I feel so much more comfortable in my skin. I'm 41 now and often look in the mirror and feel quite happy with what I see.

Plus, I look a lot better now than in my 20s and early 30s, I had quite an extreme look then, and looking at photos, it did not suit me. I went a bit more natural and it looks so much better

When I stopped coloring my hair during covid-my natural color turned out to be a silvery shiny white and I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I like it and how many compliments I receive. Also my skin has never looked better.

Like many others here I feel privileged for having made it this far.

u/External_Math_2998 avatar

I’m less oily overall. My hair can go longer without needing a wash, I have maybe 1 pimple a year. I have not had a blackhead in years.

Better self acceptance also, and maybe more education on potential side effects on procedures. I used to want a boob job, now I think they(my boobs) are fine. My mom had a several year battle with her implants due to a chest infection, had to have one out with a drain for a long time, and several operations. Another friend had hers removed due to implant illness. I have no interest in implants now.


It's my 32 birthday today!! Taking a minute to read through this; it is invaluable to show our wonderfully aging selves some extra love, today and always.

u/Br0wnEyedGirl03 avatar

Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!!

u/Ikklggjn avatar

Happy birthday ❤️

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u/AutomaticDragonfly60 avatar

I am just so happy to be aging. I have some grey hairs, the corners of my eyes crinkle when I smile, and I am definitely not as thin as I used to be. But as someone who had a sibling pass away in their early 20s, I am so immensely thankful for every year of life I have lived and all the changes that come with it. 

I actually really love the way my face is becoming more structured. I had an extremely round face when I was younger, but now I've got some cheekbone definition that really compliments me I think. So far I've loved aging and think I look more beautiful now than I did at 20.

u/Automatic_Shine_6512 avatar

Appearance wise, I get more beautiful each year. Ugly duckling through highschool, as an adult I get more and more beautiful.

Internally, I do not care about really anything I cared about when I was younger. I am much more confident. Sex also gets better with age as you become more accepting of your body and what you like in bed.

u/Foreign_Owl_8425 avatar

I'm 48 and over the past few years I have been using a lot less powder on my face as it accentuates fine lines. My skincare and makeup has my face looking glowy and healthy. When I was younger I was obsessed with powder and eliminating any bit of shine on my face, and I think that look aged my face.

Yess! Dumping foundation and embracing the glow has been so freeing.

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Finding skincare and a “diet as medicine” approach, no fillers/Botox etc

u/effervescentbanana avatar

I love my crows feet - they make me look happier! I also am stoked to have some greys finally coming through - I truly think they look beautiful and I can’t wait for more. Finally - confidence. It was just something that happened overnight all of a sudden I love my body and my face even though I suppose you might say I have lost beauty in my age

Frown lines make me look more thoughtful/distinguished

Thicker hips and thighs

I didn't enjoy the disrespect that came with looking young so even though some of the effects of ageing aren't so welcome, overall I appreciate being taken more seriously!

I'm aging like milk lol. But, I'm a better person. I'm happier. I love myself more. I love people more. I know how to forgive. I respect my body for what it does for me, not what it looks like. My wrinkles and grays are from a life that I fought hard for. I know that every pain is temporary. I'm more willing to fail. I'm more willing to take risks. I know how incredibly painful and fragile life is, but we can choose when it hurts. I know that I can make myself happy. I can turn happiness on with a deep breath.

u/PopKiss avatar

I am 45 years old and I have never felt as confident and beautiful as I do now. In my earlier years, I wasted time thinking I was unattractive and stressing over the opinions of others. Surprisingly, as I have grown older - a time when things are expected to decline - I have found the opposite to be true. I attribute this newfound confidence and beauty to consistently working out and lifting heavy weights since I was 19, as well as adjusting my diet along the years . So, if you prioritize discipline, your body can improve over time, and you will also become wiser and appreciate yourself even more.

At 39, my confidence!

u/Creepy_Blueberry6523 avatar

Maybe this is cliche and too generic, but my favorite change is probably how much more comfortable I feel in my own skin.

I don't feel as pressured to wear as much makeup as I did when I was younger. My skin and face are maturing, but I still feel beautiful!


No specific physical attribute necessarily but whittling down my makeup products to only a few standard, solid, holy grail items and being able to do my makeup in like 5 minutes is a very welcome change. It used to be an hour and I had like bucketfuls of makeup. Also waxing has been a game changer I wish I knew about earlier. I do like my greys too, I haven't colored my hair in probably 10-15 years.

u/Puzzleheaded-Owl225 avatar

I like having grey hairs. I didn’t think I’d live this long. I had mental health issues when I was young and really didn’t think I would get to 32. I have a baby face too so I like having my grey hairs because I don’t get carded as much anymore or people thinking I just graduated high school lol

My silver-grey head of hair is genuinely awesome and suits me much better than any colour I’ve ever dyed it. It’s a really flattering colour! Also, my skin is much clearer and brighter than it ever was in my 20s (I’m early 40s now).

I have some grey at my temples now and I'm so excited about it. I have a fantasy that I will have two distinct grey streaks there at least for a little while. I don't think that's very likely. Probably the rest will start to grey and I won't get distinct streaks, but a girl can dream. I think grey hair is so beautiful.

That being said, there's a distinct chance that in the future I'll cover up my grey if I'm applying for a new job or something, because ageism is real. But I won't be happy about it.

If you color for this reason, consider using a demi permanent dye (Wella makes a nice one you can buy at Sally’s). It will wash out gradually and won’t damage your hair like permanent color.

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u/cindiepharmd avatar

Confidence, and ability to just not care about other’s opinions.

I have great cheekbones now.

u/RowProfessional3472 avatar

I love my crows feet. I have small ones that really help my eyes pop and my acne has been a lot less. I look more mature and a lot more attractive in my opinion plus I love how I am more calm.

my curvier body! i have never felt sexier

Losing baby fat in my face so my cheekbones are much more pronounced. I stopped drinking/partying several years ago and I care more about my health now, so my body and face look more defined and glowy. I’m also more comfortable with how I naturally look, so I wear less makeup and don’t use heat tools on my hair. My skin and hair look much better these days

As I have gotten older I have developed a better sense of style and can style my make up and hair in different ways allowing me to really look pulled together head to toe. I love it.

u/Alternative-Text4759 avatar

I’m 25 and have forehead wrinkles forming. And I don’t like them. But I’m also an educator who’s worked with young kids for over a decade, so I know those wrinkles were formed over years of shocked facial expressions because of all the silly wonderful things my students did. When I weigh it out, I’d rather have more of those moments than less of these wrinkles.

u/magicalfolk avatar

I didn’t know how to smile for pictures when I was younger, so I looked awkward. As I got older I realised that my pictures became less awkward as I naturally began to smile with more confidence.

I feel the same way. In my mid-30s, my jawline got really defined and it seemed that my body and face finally shed the lingering baby fat from my 20s and my skin was always glowing. Now, i'm older and I still love my skin and i'm blessed to have had a mother that pushed wearing SPF daily and keeping hydrated, so i'm reaping those rewards now it would seem lol

My confidence and giving myself credit when it’s due!

For me, it’s the new additions of beauty marks. The one on the tip of my nose and near my temple are some of my favorites.

I look older. I didn’t like the look of a “young person” like I love being a woman more than being a girl in this world also I just find it more liberating as I age to be myself

My grey hair. I don’t mind the lack of pigment one bit.

At 40, there's not much change in my face except maybe I got matured-looking, or maybe that's just me getting old. lol. But seriously, I don't do a lot of makeup and very limited skincare routine. A lot of the things I love about my face is because of my facial cleanser. They keep my face hydrated always. I also moisturize and use sunscreen. I guess we all do.

My skin used to be SO dry when I was a teen and in my early to mid-twenties. Then in my mid-twenties to very early thirties it was ridiculously oily. At 33, it has finally balanced out. It is so balanced and soft and smooth and I’m just loving it!

I absolutely love this! Aging is a blessing, society is so obsessed with youthfulness and looking as young as possible. It's kind of sad.

I am 24 and will be 25 soon. Ever since I was younger (like 14) I have looked forward to looking like a full grown woman. I had a baby face until 22, and then I suddenly gained some weight in my legs and hips area, my boobs got bigger and my FACE LOOKED DIFFERENT. I suddenly looked more mature, less like a teenager and more like a woman. I can't explain it other than a second puberty. My mom even pointed it out.

Kind of like you said for yourself, I feel as though maturity is setting into my body and face and I feel so beautiful. I also am noticing my smile lines come in and I don't mind them at all. I think they are cute!

Thank you for making this post! <3

I'm getting grey hairs. I have dark hair and was expecting more of a slate grey but they're there strands of shining silver. It's like age is decorating me with finery. I love it.

So many things. Now that I’m not an idiot teen/ early 20s kid, I’m taking much much better care of myself and it shows.

I’ve always loved my body, but from 15-23 I could NOT get above 103lbs. Aging happened, I gained 20lbs more than I wanted, lost it, and now I have a few of these gorgeous white stretch marks on my booty. I’m not saying I love them to be fake body positive or whatever, but I genuinely believe that they are so so hot. I was always afraid of my “adult body” coming in cause people always told me how lucky I was for my tiny frame, but I’ve never been more pleased. Scared for nothin. This isn’t even my final form

I'm crying reading this. I'm 38 and terrified of aging. This has made me feel less afraid, and I will try to think about some of these comments whenever I find myself starting to panic. Thank you all, especially OP, for asking the question!

I’d have to say my skin finally cleared up. My diet is the same for the most part as when I was you get and breaking out all the time from simply the wind blowing on me lol. Now I may get a small breakout here and there but usually it’s when I forget to do an chemical exfoliate for a week or two. Once I do, it’s mostly gone.

Another thing that’s gotten better that’s not a physical one is my confidence and not really caring about what people think is okay for me or not. No harm to others or myself… good. Let’s rock on.

u/callie73 avatar

I’m only 26, but feeling confident enough to not feel the need to always wear makeup when I go out! I’ve embraced my very fair skin, dark circles, and rosacea! Don’t get me wrong I love doing my makeup still, but it’s nice to be able to feel like I can just get up and go when I want to!


I think as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to appreciate the body I’ve grown into. I used to be so embarrassed and ashamed of my body’s appearance but I’ve grown to love how strong my body is. I used to hate my “fat” legs but have come to love the strength that they carry, used to hate my “fat” arms but have started lifting weights and appreciate all they do for me. My “chubby” belly protects my organs and is soft. My general attitude towards my body and my own beauty has definitely shifted as I’ve grown up

u/Famous-Composer3112 avatar

People don't stare at me as much. I was kind of cute in my youth and people would look at me, and I hated it. I'm also past "that time of the month" and I'm also retired. It's GREAT.

u/ephix avatar

Enjoying mornings and being active. I did enjoy it in my 20s but mainly when it wasn’t common. Now it’s common and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Mine is the confidence and wisdom I have gained. I appreciate my body for being the vessel that allows me to live a beautiful existence.

My voice allows me to laugh with friends and express myself. My hands allow me to touch my loved ones and hold them close, to paint art, take pictures, and pet all the doggos. My eyes allow me to see art, the beauty of this world, the skilled movement of dancers and the faces of those I cherish. My ears allow me to listen to music that touches my soul, and to gain wisdom from those around me. I can feel sand between my toes and the cool waves crashing over them. I can feel the wind on my face and in my hair, and I can breathe it in deep and feel renewed and refreshed. I can smell a pretty flower, or the aroma of my favorite food and people.

When I was young, I cared about and judged my body for how it looked. I’m not tall enough, not skinny enough, not pretty enough. My favorite thing about age is acceptance and appreciation. I may not be a super model, but my body is beautiful because it grants me the ability to experience life.

Physically: my body is hotter in my 30s than in my 20s. I now know what works and doesn't for my body.  Mentally: I now tend to look at things more objectively now than I did in my 20s. It's also easier for me to let go of people who do not value me in the way I deserve to be valued 

u/Vokunzul avatar

I’m only 25 so I can’t fully participate yet. But I really love the forming smile lines. I’ve struggled with depression and negative feelings a lot. The fact that I’ve apparently smiled enough for it to stick to my face is a beautiful thought, and reminds me of the many good moments ive had in my life.

Same goes for the lines under my eyes. They’re exactly the same as my mother’s. In general my face is starting to look more and more like hers. I really love her, and someday she’s going to pass and I’m gonna be in this life without her. But knowing i’ll still be able to see her in the mirror everyday makes that thought bareable.

I care less how people perceive me. I'm mentally more stable and calm, learned to live for myself.

I'm 50, and have never looked my age. Vastly younger, yes, and people would be blown away when I said my age. I loved that reaction! That was before spinal surgery and a mini heart attack in Jan. Now I look every bit of 50. People have gasped in shock. But I couldn't give two shits. Because the last thing I was thinking of when I saw that ECG monitor in the ambulance go wild was 'this is going to affect how I look, oh no', but 'I want to stay alive and see my kids'. In that moment, I knew what was important, and it stuck with me. I'm alive and happy 😃

My hair has always been my favorite attribute, beauty wise. It is dark brunette and is still fairly thick even after aging. What I like about it and appreciate mostis that it is going from dark brunette to silver in large thick streaks. If you didn't know better you think I had had it highlighted. The streaks are mostly above my face and show a little when I part my long hair in the center. But if I park my hair with a side part, I have these gorgeous thick silver streaks right over my eyebrows. I think it looks pretty cool! I inherited this from my mom. She died about 10 years ago and I miss her tons; when I look in the mirror and see these gorgeous streaks, I'm always reminded how many of my facial features I shared with her. So she feels closer to me. 😊

I also inherited my mothers vibrant personality. I'm not sure whether that's mellowing with age or actually getting sharper lol. But that's the other thing I really appreciate about myself as I'm aging.

This is gonna sound cliche (and I guess not really fit this sub) but my inner beauty. The person I’m growing to be as a human is so much more than I was I can’t even believe how I was ever like that in the past but it feels great to evolve.

I’m in my late thirties, and I don’t look at all like an old woman yet, so it’s only happened once or twice but as I turn to or away from a mirror, Ive seen my grandma in my own reflection. She died almost 14 years ago. She was an elegant woman, kind, smart, funny, and honest. I miss her and I’m excited to see her more often as I get older.


Over 25? 😭

I'm much older. I like the bigger salary and the memories of the 80s!

I love how smooth my skin is. Also my eyes always look lit up. I’m a baby faced oldie

Gray hair! My mom finally switched to her natural color a few years ago and it looks gorgeous. A few months later my grandma did it too :) I love how it looks on everybody and I'm happy when I find the occasional anxiety gray hair on my own head lol Aging is beautiful, I wish more people appreciated it.

I’m so happy to be divorced from my friend’s opinions- I still respect and want to know their opinions, they just don’t affect how I think or feel about myself. The knowing yourself; this is the best part of aging.

💯%! The field where our g-a-f grew became barren, and we've paved it over for a parking lot.

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My skin is better cared for than it's ever been in my 40s. My style is more sophisticated and I love the way it feels playing the part, selectively of course. I still wear jeans and t-shirts too. But when I was younger and I dressed up I didn't feel like a classy lady. I felt beautiful and sexy but not in an elegant "who is she and what's her story?" way that being a little older conveys. Now, I look like that if I'm dressed up! And I love it! It feels easy and empowering and polished all at once. I get taken more seriously too.

I’m 53 and still try to keep up my looks. However, I have a healthy view on looks and aging. I don’t expect myself to look as if I’m in my 20s or 30s and I’m fine with it. I want to look good for my age. So with age I turn away from the focus on looks and it’s more of an internal focus where I’m trying to be a better person. I am actively looking for ways to improve my outlook on life and to be more of a positive influence on others. I appreciate a good sense of humor much more now than when I was younger. I’m trying to do more things that bring joy to my life such as spending time with people who matter to me, gardening and going to new places. I also enjoy trying new things such as travel and cooking foods from different cultures. Make the most of the time we have while we still have it.

u/raezin avatar

Dopamine rushes from little things. Ill be sick on the couch and my husband cuddles me for two minutes, and it feels like a full body massage of goosebumps. Or a first sip of hot coffee or hot cocoa when youve come in from the cold. Maybe Im appreciating them more but they affect me more all the same

u/amhinnant avatar

Thank you for this question. I am more confident than ever, and I love myself so much more. I am staying fit so I can age well, and I am honestly the happiest I've been in a while

u/FierceFun416 avatar

At 38 my skin has truly taken on a very clear and consistent texture. I actually feel like I look worse the more makeup I put on. So refreshing after wearing a full face of make up for most of my life.

u/SalamanderMinimum942 avatar

My face has slimmed down with age. This hasn’t been all good, as I now have deep nasolabial folds that age me, but! I also now have cheekbones where I didn’t before, and I like them

u/OmriKoresh avatar


I am 43 years old and as I get older I feel much better in my body, in my head, I will never go back to my 20s! But I use Taz so I don't age too quickly ;)

u/Acceptable_Log_8677 avatar

lol over 25? The real aging doesn’t start till after 35. Haven’t personally found anything beauty wise better past 35

u/Severe_Sprinkles_930 avatar

tbh i gasped with excitement when i found my first gray hair

u/Donnaholic81 avatar

I have 2 white hairs in my left eyebrow and I love them.

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My grey hairs and wrinkles tell the story of my life, many don’t get the opportunity so I embrace aging as gracefully as I can.

Perspective. As I have aged, my experiences and lessons have given me an ever-evolving perspective and for me, that gave me acceptance of myself, the things I can control (skin care, diet) and the things that I can't (looking at you wrinkley-crinkley elbow skin that just showed up one day and now won't leave!). Anyway, with this came a calm confidence that the people who are closest to me have even noticed.

u/LolaMontezTTV avatar

I don’t have them yet! But I think crows feet and smile lines are honestly amazing!!

Like imagine laughing and smiling so much and living such a happy life that anyone can tell just by looking at you! Kind of a flex tbh

Gray hair i can’t wait to be a silver fox

u/Happy_Blackbird avatar

Women are absolutely at their most beautiful and embodied in their late 40’s and early 50’s. I know myself well, love the person I am, literally could not give a shit what anyone thinks of me, know I can survive just about anything, and absolutely love my supportive tribe of friends and my community. All the bullshit insecurity chaos of your twenties is gone, the marriage/career striving is behind you. Your marriage either worked or it didn’t, but either way, you’re going to be ok. I love aging and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I feel so comfortable in my self and mind at 32 now. It's so freeing! I also recovered from an ED I had half my life last year and omg I tolerate and smt even love every pound on my current body. I just don't care anymore. Also I stopped the voice in my head that wanted to look good for men. I wear comfy cloths and mostly no make up. Idk I just feel like my truly self without all this insecurities and expectations. Sure bad days happen but it's normal and mostly I just don't give shit about what others may think or what society is expecting from me. Life's to short I just want a peaceful life and eat what I want xD

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed how much more I’m resembling my relatives—parents, aunts, and grandparents, and because I love them, I’m happy to see bits and pieces of them staring back in the mirror, especially those I’ve lost.

Mine is my forehead lines. I get Botox for them 🤣

I've started noticing a few greys in my hair between dyes. I love them, and if I didn't love my vibrant hair colour so much right now, I'd let the grey shine through.

u/forgive_everything_ avatar

White hairs

u/SirWarm6963 avatar

Menopause dried my skin out a lot so any acne or blackhead issues I once had on my face are gone now. Skin very clear so don't wear a lot of makeup just a baked mineral powder.


Personally as I age, I learned not to give a fuck. I feel free, I feel much much better, and a lot prettier!

I've always loved beauty and skincare rituals, but my oily, acne-prone skin didn't. My skin is now dry and thirsty and far less reactive and I can layer on lotions and potions and massage and love on my face to my heart's content ❤

I wear shorts again.

My skin has really calmed down.

That I'm finally starting to not have a baby face anymore

u/ConstanceWright_30 avatar

I’m turning 32 in 2 weeks and I will say since I hit 30s I’m much more happier and my skin has been the best it’s ever been :)

I’m going prematurely grey; I’m in my 20s with visible greying. I absolutely love it! It looks so cool and it suits me