Poem of the Day

The Grand Conversation

She. My people came from Korelitz
where they grew yellow cucumbers
and studied the Talmud.
He. Mine pored over the mud
of mangold- and potato-pits
or flicked through kale plants from Comber
as bibliomancers of old
went a-flicking through deckle-mold.

She. Mine would lie low in the shtetl

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A note from the editor: “Happy birthday, Paul Muldoon! I chose this one by the brilliant Irish wordsmith because I rarely see a contemporary poem in dialogue form and in this day and age, a dialogue between two loving, married writers from different faiths and different lands refreshes the spirit. So, apparently Muldoon is a Gemini: maybe that explains the quick-witted double-voicedness in this poem.” - Guest editor Sarah Ruhl.

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