Persistent helped Soitec harness its exponential growth with Salesforce Sales Cloud

Client Success

Soitec | Client Success

How Persistent helped Soitec harness its exponential growth with Salesforce Sales Cloud

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Based in Grenoble and founded in 1992, Soitec is a world-leading supplier of components to the microelectronics industry.

With the advent of 5G, Artificial Intelligence, and exploding demand for energy-efficient products, Soitec experienced exponential growth that warranted implementing a robust CRM. Soitec chose to entrust Persistent with this project.

Persistent customized the Salesforce platform to provide accessible and centralized commercial data to Soitec’s teams. This ensured that Soitec’s customer information management went from scattered to synchronized with Salesforce CRM Sales Cloud.

Persistent has demonstrated great expertise, notably in rising to the challenge of developing a customized and complex forecast management tool. Their ingenuity and skill in building this tool enabled Soitec to estimate the demand for a growing number of products and customers over eight quarters.

Christophe Cordina, Deputy Sales Director Soitec

For more details on how Soitec enjoys enhanced customer relations and provides streamlined CX post implementing Salesforce with Persistent, click the button below.

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