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The online world is a sketchy place. Here's what you need to know to stay safe.

The online world is a sketchy place. Here's what you need to know to stay safe.

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Don’t Give Away Your Info! Read App Privacy Policies

Before you download another app, take the time to learn how companies are using your data. Our simple tips can help you protect yourself from snoops.

By Kim Key

If You Must Buy NFTs, Do It Safely

Want to get into the NFT world? Don’t get scammed along the way.

By Kim Key

Stop Apps from Collecting Your Private Information

The most popular apps are the worst offenders when it comes to raiding your account for data. In this edition of SecurityWatch, we offer some privacy-focused alternatives.

By Kim Key

What to Do in the Aftermath of a Data Breach

Internet users in the United States rank first for data breaches. In this edition of SecurityWatch, we tell you what to do if your information winds up in someone else's possession.

By Kim Key

Ransomware and Phishing and Malware, Oh My! Combatting 2021’s Scariest Security Threats

We look back at some of the biggest security breaches from 2021 and offer some tips for staying safe in 2022.

By Kim Key

Why You Need Parental Control Software, and How to Get Your Kids Onboard

The internet can be a terrible place for kids online. We have tips for keeping an eye on kids’ online activities in a way that makes sense for both you and them.

By Kim Key

What Is the Log4j Exploit, and What Can You Do to Stay Safe?

Hackers could take control of millions of servers, shutting them down or forcing them to spew malware due to widely-used faulty code. Here's how it happened, and what can you do to protect yourself.

By Neil J. Rubenking

Critical Apache Log4j Exploit Demonstrated in Minecraft

We explore a far-reaching, real-world exploit with damaging implications in this edition of SecurityWatch.

By Kim Key

Why You Should Dump SMS and Use an Authenticator

Multi-factor authentication via text leaves you open to attacks.

By Kim Key

Get Third-Party Antivirus: Windows Defender Isn't Enough

Windows' built-in security software just doesn't keep you as safe as the best antivirus. We examine the need for third-party protection in this week’s edition of SecurityWatch.

By Kim Key

6 Ways to Avoid Crypto Scams

Learn how to invest in cryptocurrency safely in this week's SecurityWatch. 

By Kim Key

9 Ways to Shop Safer This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year...for scammers. In this week’s SecurityWatch, we teach you how to avoid clever phishing scams and fraudulent schemes this Black Friday. 

By Kim Key

Breaking Down Cybersecurity's Hiring Problem

Microsoft believes education is key to creating a larger talent pool for America's vacant cybersecurity positions. In this week's SecurityWatch, we examine the barriers applicants must overcome to get a job in cybersecurity.

By Kim Key

Screw You, Google: 5 Easy Steps to Sidestep Big Data Collectors

Big Tech would like nothing more than to get its hands on your personal information and sell it to the highest bidder. In this week's SecurityWatch, we show you ways to protect your data.

By Kim Key

Start 'Em Early: Talk to Your Kids About Online Security

In this week's SecurityWatch, we ask an expert how to help kids understand and focus on online security while they work and play.

By Kim Key

Windows 11 Is Ultra-Secure, Don't Mess It Up

You can’t run Windows 11 on a PC that lacks essential security hardware. That's a good thing. Less promising is the fact that you can disable these requirements. Don't do that!

By Neil J. Rubenking

Dealing With Data Breaches and Disappearing Online

It's Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so take stock of your personal privacy with PCMag's SecurityWatch.

By Kim Key

Apple Isn’t Protecting Kids Against Sexual Abuse, It’s Protecting Apple

Apple’s efforts to curb the spread of child sexual abuse materials on its platform do more to protect Apple than to stop abuse.

By Max Eddy

COVID-19 Upended How We Test VPN Speeds

Our new methodology allows for more up-to-date numbers to be published year-round, and produces an unexpected result.

By Max Eddy

Apple Still Has a Privacy Problem

The company has taken some laudable steps toward protecting its customers' privacy, but recently revealed DOJ data seizures remind us that Apple needs to work harder.

By Max Eddy