Season of Docs 2019

OpenCue is applying to take part in Season of Docs 2019

The OpenCue project is aiming to grow our docs to support developers who are integrating OpenCue with related Media infrastructure, such as asset management or transcoding systems. This would include both proprietary systems, as well as popular commercial project management tools, such as Shotgun and Ftrack.

We’re very interested in growing our developer docs more generally, so student contributors can use the following ideas as a starting point or propose their own ideas to grow our developer docs!

Writing getting started guides for OpenCue plugin development

OpenCue maintains a set of plugins for various content creation apps that ease the process of launching OpenCue jobs. These plugins make use of the OpenCue Python API and Qt (PySide2).

This set of plugins is currently quite small, and the OpenCue docs don’t yet provide a set of getting started guides for plugin development. When such a doc set exists we can share it with our user base and enable third party users and developers to contribute their own plugins.

Particpating in this project could allow you to develop and demonstrate the following skills:

  • Researching a developer’s user journey
  • Planning a doc set
  • Drafting original developer guides
  • Working collaboratively with a development team through peer reviews
  • Publishing developer docs on an existing site

Writing a developer tutorial for OpenCue integration

The OpenCue docs don’t yet include dedicated guides to help developers learn how to integrate OpenCue into existing Media infrastructure using the PyCue API. A developer guide, such as a codelab or tutorial series could help illustrate working with the OpenCue API using sample code.

Participating in this project could allow you to develop and demonstrate the following skills:

  • Conducting developer requirements research
  • Planning technical training materials, including sample code
  • Drafting original developer content such as codelabs or tutorials
  • Working collaboratively with a development team through peer reviews
  • Publishing developer docs on an existing site

Contact us

To contact the OpenCue development team, email us at [email protected].

The OpenCue team