
The Platform for
Your AI Success

One platform, infinite possibilities. We can jumpstart your AI transformation with optimal infrastructure that delivers control, privacy, and security to maximize your AI success.

Get Started with Your AI Use-Cases

AI is here, but are you ready?
Nutanix helps align the best AI solution and use-cases to help you get started and deploy gen AI right now.

Private GPT

A private and secure conversational experience like ChatGPT. but with your own documents and data.

GenAI for Code & Content

AI-assisted code development and content generation for faster automation of workflow management and value creation.

AI-Assisted Document Understanding

Classify and extract information from business documents by leveraging LLMs for context and greater understanding.

Key Industry Use-Cases for AI

Discover how AI is driving changes across major industries like Finance, Healthcare, and the public sector.

Finance & Insurance are
Early AI Adopters

Key Use-Cases

  • Contextualize compliance and customer information
  • Identify suspicious activity
  • Recommend financial products


  • Increase payer reimbursements
  • Limit revenue loss
  • Improve patient experience

Healthcare Sees AI
as Top of Mind

Key Use-Cases

  • Simplify claims submissions (medical coding)
  • Leverage genomic data to apply precision medicine strategies


  • Increase payer reimbursements
  • Limit revenue loss
  • Improve patient experience

Public Sector Wants AI But
Needs to Improve Legacy Systems

Key Use-Cases

  • Identify suspicious activity
  • Media classification of content for procurement


  • Better constituent experience
  • Improve efficiencies considering the IT skill shortage

GPT-in-a-Box 2.0 for GenAI, Anywhere

A Full-Stack AI Platform

Use your choice of hardware, CPUs or GPUs, VMs or containers, and LLMs and AI frameworks, anywhere you deploy gen AI.

Built-In Data Services for AI

Secure and expansive data services for files, blocks, and objects with unified snapshot and disaster recovery controls.

Scalable AI Workloads

Deliver AI workloads from the edge to the private cloud using a unified set of platform services for identical cloud operations.

GPT-in-a-Box 2.0 Diagram

Create, Deploy, and Manage GenAI APIs and LLMs

Create & Manage APIs for AI

Create, manage, and connect APIs to LLMs for instant GenAI workload access. Platform engineers who are responsible for GenAI workflows don’t have to be LLMOps experts to connect or create APIs for fine-tuned models and apps.


GPT-in-a-Box 2.0 will let you easily deploy NVIDIA NIM, a set of optimized cloud-native microservices designed to shorten time-to-market of generative AI models anywhere, from edge to cloud.

Deploy Hugging Face LLMs

Integrate validated LLMs for GenAI directly from Hugging Face to run on GPT-in-a-Box 2.0.

Nutanix AI Partners Accelerate Your GenAI Deployments

The Nutanix AI partner program provides you with validated Nutanix-Ready AI solutions and professional services options to build and deploy a full-stack AI platform today.

Hardware for AI

AI Compute Infrastructure

AI & Model Operations

Generative AI Industry Applications

AI Service & Consulting Partners

Nutanix is Trusted by

“We are adapting our IT using Nutanix to support AI and ML across the University, including our research centers. It’s also helping deliver the applications that students and teachers need remotely.”

– Matt Carmichael, CIO, University of Canberra

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