Nutanix User Group: For the user, by the user

Join IT professionals and cloud builders to discuss best practices, watch product demos, and more with the Nutanix User Group (NUG)

Nutanix User Groups began in 2016 to bring together passionate IT professionals and cloud builders to engage in meaningful conversations and build friendships in their community. NUG chapters are all over the world and each chapter is led by one of our very own valued customers. 

What happens at a NUG meeting?


Meet and collaborate with fellow IT community members in a relaxed setting

Product Demos

See new IT technology in action with the help of Nutanix product experts

Best Practice Sharing

Share your product experiences and ideas with the community and hear member’s experiences


Discuss IT challenges you’re facing with Nutanix experts and community members

What NUG Members are Saying

Besides believing 110% in the product and the brand, for me, it’s about bringing like-minded users together who believe the same thing and want to learn and connect with each other. Nutanix is doing great things and always bringing in new features. Having our local NUG allows us to keep all of the customers in the loop and aware of everything that happens on a quarterly basis.

Scott Osborne

I have been a NUG member for about 2 and a half years. The community is great. I really enjoy getting to meet lots of other people that share my interests in technology, both from Nutanix and other companies.

Jarod Hallmark

This was the first Ohio NUG I attended and I enjoyed the content! The first presentation on memory reclamation was really useful for me as a system administrator. This is something we go through all the time with medical application vendors and sizing resources appropriately for their systems. I appreciate the very technical background with the real perspectives of managing it.

Nathan Cinefro

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For more information or questions contact [email protected].