Bug Reporting

Last update: August 10, 2023 17:13 UTC (fd8febdac)

Security Bugs

If you find a security vulnerability in the latest version of NTP, send an email report to [email protected]. The NTP Security Officer will respond to your report.

Please refrain from discussing potential security issues in public, including on the news group, bug tracking system, or any mailing lists. Refer to Security Notices for more information about NTP’s security notification policy, security patch policy, instructions for reporting security issues, and a list of recent security vulnerabilities.

Software Bugs

To report a non-security related bug in the latest version of NTP, use the NTP Bug Tracking System (Bugzilla). Before creating a bug report, search to see if a similar issue has already been reported. If so, there may be a known workaround for resolving the issue.

You do not need to register for an account in order to search for existing bugs. You will need an account with a valid email address in order to report a bug. As developers work on your bug report, Bugzilla will notify you as comments are added to your report.

Documentation Bugs

The source for the NTP implementation documentation, FAQ, reference library, and other pages of this website is in the ntpwww git repository. The README provides instructions for obtaining and building the source as well as how to create a pull request.