Personalized Imagery


Represent every aspect of your content with dynamic images

It’s hard to represent the many different angles of a piece of content with only one image. With Gracenote Personalized Imagery, entertainment providers no longer have to rely on a single image to represent all of the different aspects of their programs.

Gracenote Personalized Imagery, part of Gracenote’s Advanced Discovery suite of offerings, provides sets of differentiated images that convey different key aspects of a program. With Gracenote Personalized Imagery, entertainment providers can display images tailored to individual viewer preferences in order to better visually merchandise content and drive a lift in the number of titles and minutes watched per visitor.

Gracenote Personalized Imagery sets use powerful Gracenote Video Descriptor data to curate a series of images that evoke every aspect of the program or content based on underlying viewer preferences. With images depicting exciting storylines, celebrity cast members and other factors, entertainment providers can display enticing images in program guides that align with viewer preferences to boost engagement.


Showcase content from all the right angles

Diverse selections

Represent your content’s multiple facets with imagery sets conveying different key aspects of programming.

Curated images

All images tagged with key Gracenote Video Descriptors across mood, theme, scenario and more as well as Celebrities.

Dazzling variety

Pull from images available in multiple sizes and ratios, to suit a variety of use cases.

Use cases

Dazzle your viewers with imagery that appeals to them

TV and video platforms

Connect to a wide array of viewers with program imagery tailored to their individual preferences

• Visually merchandise content using imagery that highlights aspects of content that appeal most to viewers
• Drive a lift in the number of programs watched by viewers
• Increase time spent viewing

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