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Case Study: Taking Control Of Digital Campaign On-Target Reach

1 minute read | July 2020

As budget constraints caused by global disruption compel marketers to scrutinise their online spend allocations, it is more important than ever that advertisers have a clear view of their digital campaign’s effectiveness to reach the target audience and avoid wasted spend.

In wanting to explore the potential of digital channels to more effectively reach younger target demographics than their traditional TV campaigns, T-Mobile challenged their media agency, Searchresult, to prove the success of their online campaigns to target 18-44 year olds, and better maximise their digital investment.

Using Digital Ad Ratings’ next-day view of an in-flight campaign’s on-target reach, advertiser and agency took advantage of the solution’s optimisation capabilities to rethink and refine placement strategies, resulting in improved targeting of the intended audience and saved budget.

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