nbc bay area responds Jun 24

How to protect yourself if your insurance policy is dropped

NBC Bay Area Consumer Investigator Chris Chmura explains how to protect yourself and your home if your home insurance company drops you.

  • Apr 23

    How to waste less food, help decrease greenhouse gases

    The United Nations estimates nearly 20% of food around the globe is wasted and all that rotting grub creates greenhouse gases that threaten our planet. So, what can you do? Here are some tips.
  • Apr 22

    How to waste less food, help decrease greenhouse gasses

    The United Nations estimates nearly 20% of food around the globe is wasted. All that rotting grub creates greenhouse gasses that threaten our planet. So, what can you do? Consumer Investigator Chris C...
  • Jan 25

    How to get free credit reports

    NBC Bay Area Consumer Investigator Chris Chmura explains how to access free, weekly credit reports and how to dispute any errors you find. 

  • Jan 16

    How to see your bank bio

    Most of us know the big credit bureaus keep a file about us — our credit report. Well, did you know that banks do the same kind of thing? And, just like credit reports, you can see your file for...

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