Send a news tip

Do you have a story idea or tip for Nature’s news team? We’d like to hear from you.

For general news tips, please email: [email protected]

If you’d like to contact specific reporters or editors, you can find their details on our staff list.

If you have sensitive or confidential information that you’d like to pass on, we’ve listed some secure ways of doing so below.

Please do not send feedback, story pitches or press releases through any of these channels.

Nature cannot guarantee that tips will lead to a news story.

Secure communication


Signal is a free app for smartphones (iPhone and Android) and desktop computers that enables users to send and receive encrypted text messages, phone calls and video chats. The company that makes the software doesn’t store metadata on its users. Both parties must have Signal installed on their devices.

You can reach us using Signal at: +1-201-744-6795


WhatsApp is a free app owned by Facebook that enables users to send and receive encrypted text messages, phone calls and video chats. It can be used on smartphones (iPhone and Android) and via a desktop client. The program collects some metadata on its users, and allows some data-sharing with Facebook.

You can reach us using Whats App at: +1-201-744-6795

Please note that no strategy is 100% effective at keeping information or communications secure. Be sure you choose the one that best suits your needs.


You can also send us information through the post. If you are sending particularly sensitive information, you may wish to use a public mailbox away from your home and office.

London office:

Bureau Chief, Europe
4 Crinan Street
London N1 9XW